
Affection system: A vampire’s adventure in ancient china

Robert , a regular guy that has been suffering from a disease that is affecting his blood, somehow gets transported into a fantasy eastern world and unlocks the "Affection system". There, he gradually adjusts to becoming a vampire and learns to exploit the system he somehow ended up with. He will be rewarded him with Affection points and Lust points based on his interactions with the women around him. If you like the following, then this novel is for you: +Video-game like systems +Lewds +Cultivation novels! +Weak to strong MC +Mix of serious and comedy scenes with a diverse cast of cute waifus and funny side kicks + Smug young masters getting their asses kicked + A bird's eye view on a somewhat realistic version of Ancient china where cultivation and magic exist.

Robert_Tene_5577 · Fantasy
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Friday, 4:54 PM


The sun was slowly coming down on the horizon of the busy city streets, blessing the earth with its warm and comfortable rays.

Inside a tall 8 story corporate building, two people in casual attire were typing away on their computer screens.

"Agh.. this script keeps failing for some reason!" I sighed in frustration as I kept staring at my screen.

"Wow no way, you're still working on that thing Rob?" An amused older man chuckled as he turned to look at me, his younger coworker.

"I guess… It's not like I have anything better to do. I've finished my work hours ago. What about y-"

I turned to look at Alex, my coworker friend, but frowned upon seeing what he was looking at on his screen.

"Hehe, what do you think brother? Looks pretty tasty, am I right?" he laughed.

On his screen there was a beautiful, curvy babe in her swimsuit. It was just a photo on instagraham but the pose of the girl was clearly intentional, so as to showcase her beautiful curves and juicy butt.

I smiled wryly. Some people never change.

"Sure.. Let me guess, you have a date with her?" I jokingly teased.

Of course, I knew that, chances were this guy most likely was involved in one way or another with this chick.

He was what some people would call a natural with women.

He barely put any effort in, and yet girls just flocked to him constantly.

'Like flies to shit…' I muttered in my mind.

Ever since joining Wincersoft , one of the most prestigious IT companies in the world, me and Alex have been hanging out together. Kind-of weird how that turned out.

If you were to see us together, you wouldn't think in your wildest dreams that we'd get along.

Alex was a buff guy around his 20s. He had a well defined jawline and a manly beard. Along with that, he was a generally friendly guy and a massive extrovert.

Me, on the other hand….

'*Sigh* Why does he keep insisting to sit next to me? We barely have anything in common…'

" Bingo! Landed this chick from last night's get-together. Thought I'd try my luck to ask her out today and guess what, it worked!" He started laughing in a creepy way.

" Nice to hear mate." I replied in a bland voice.

At this point, I wasn't even surprised., nor was I mad.

I had long gotten used to this guy and his ways.

I had long accepted that we were both living in different worlds.

"Aww cmon, don't make that face bro! You know that you can easily land a chick or two as well! There are some chicks that dig your type, you know? " he winked at me mischeviously as he nudged me with his shoulder, in an attempt to cheer me up.

"My type? And what type is that supposed to be?" I raised my eyebrows while looking at him mockingly.

Let's just say that my looks aren't what women would find attractive.

I am not ugly by any means, but.. I am a bit unique.

Due to a health condition that affects my blood (called Thalassemia) , I did not develop as fast as the other kids.

I always seemed to look way younger than I was ever since puberty, and physical activity was especially tiring for me.

Now, at the age of 25, people would barely pass my looks off as a 17 or 18 year old.

I had hazel eyes and brown hair, and I was 178 cm height but…

I also had a pale, slightly yellow skin tone, and my facial hair never seemed to grow in the right places.

Not to mention, I was very skinny and was living quite an unhealthy lifestyle, throwing all my hard-earned money on tons of fast food and smoking all day in my room.

Yeah, not exactly boyfriend material.

"Gahaha! Robert my friend! You need to get yourself more cultured!" he smirked with a knowing glint in his eyes.

"Have you ever heard of shotas? Man, these hot older sisters seem so obsessed with them!"

Oh, and did I forget to mention? This guy here, despite his manly looks, is a huge weeb.

He's very obsessed with anything anime. Especially hentai.

' That's probably among the only things we have in common ' I chuckled while thinking to myself.

This guy was delusional to think that real women acted like those in anime and manga.

It's a mystery how his weeb ways are not cockblocking him.

Looking at the corner of my monitor, I saw that the time finally hit 5:00 PM.

'It is time to get ouf of this glorified shit hole.' I thought to myself as I start to close my computer.

' *Sigh* I wish I could be as lucky as this guy.

Well, no use thinking about this anymore… '

Right as I thought this and closed my laptop, a sweet melodious voice of a woman sounded in my head….


[Congratulatioons! You have been selected by the Affection system~ ]


Hey all! This is my genuine attempt at a novel that combines a Isekai elements, with a system that focuses on quirky interaction with the opposite sex.

The MC will be earning power ups by getting girls to fall for him or getting them horny.

As a happy coincidence, the MC also becomes a vampire in the new world he is transported into, due to his rare blood genetic disorder.

So if you like Vampires + Systems + LitRpg + Isekai + Cute Waifus , check it out!

I poured my heart and soul into this novel, so I genuinely hope that at least one of you enjoys it.

If you did, then please remember to leave a review, even if it;s just a little short! It would absolutely motivate me to keep going with this


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