
Affection system: A vampire’s adventure in ancient china

Robert , a regular guy that has been suffering from a disease that is affecting his blood, somehow gets transported into a fantasy eastern world and unlocks the "Affection system". There, he gradually adjusts to becoming a vampire and learns to exploit the system he somehow ended up with. He will be rewarded him with Affection points and Lust points based on his interactions with the women around him. If you like the following, then this novel is for you: +Video-game like systems +Lewds +Cultivation novels! +Weak to strong MC +Mix of serious and comedy scenes with a diverse cast of cute waifus and funny side kicks + Smug young masters getting their asses kicked + A bird's eye view on a somewhat realistic version of Ancient china where cultivation and magic exist.

Robert_Tene_5577 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Forbidden Paradise

"This is a sex shop isn't it?" I unconsciously blurted out.

The woman was dressed in traditional silk robes.

They seemed to be quite loose on her, purposefully revealing her juicy looking assets.

A sales tactic as old as time, but it seems that it still holds true even in this world.

She continued to look amused at as she replied

"A sex shop? No no.. we do not sell sex here my dear~ "

"But we do sell a myriad of delights that could be very usefull in such endeavours" She grinned misheviously.

My eyes darted to the shelves of the shop.

On the right there were numerous wooden sticks with all sorts of forms, which I presume are dildoes.

While on the left there were various vials with different coloured potions.

As I inspected the shop, my eyes seemed drawn back to the woman's shapely boobs.

' *Gulp* How the hell are they so big? ' I couldn't help but think.

She raised her eyebrows and spoke in a voice overflowing with curiosity.

"Oh? You must be from one of the big families! I've never seen clothing as eccentric as yours, kid!"


She left the counter and proceeded to approach me.

She then started leaning over, highlighting her boobs even more, seemingly inspecting my black jeans and funny looking T-shirt that showed the Wincrosoft logo.

I nodded in a daze while stealing a look or two at her lovely pair.

'She must think I'm some sort-of big shot due to these basic looking clothes… This might be the perfect opportunity ' I thought to myself.

"Well, it's 100% cotton. Nothing special.

Your clothes are quite interesting too, you should know" I muttered while continuing to stare at her boobs.

'Since when have I become so daring? Well… this is a dream either way, so who cares?'

"What, this traditional Hanfu here?" She grinned as she touched the cloth around her chest, highlighting her assets once more.

I gulped. This was my chance!

She was definitely asking for it!

I then (un)intentionally cupped a feel of her right breast while pretending to appreciate her clothing.

[ Grope a girl's breasts: 1/1]

[Lust points +5]


[ Quest complete! ]

[ You have now acquired the skill: Mesmerizing Touch]

[ You have received +100 Lust points ]

[ Achievement: First touch of Paradise

[+50 Lust points]

" This is quite the quality cloth you have as well, madam" I said with cold sweat running on my face.

Her smile seemed to have freezed as I cupped her breast.

I quickly stopped, and then coughed awkwardly.

She stopped inspecting my clothes and went back behind the counter with a sly smiling expression on her face. Her eyes turned into crescent moons as the smile never left her face.

"So young master, what are you looking for? I assume this is your first time here so I can teach you the ropes " said nonchalantly.

' This little punk… He barely looks of age and yet he has the guts to touch me?! ' She thought as she kept smiling and continued explaining.

"On the left side we have various elixirs. From aphrodisiacs that will drive even the most pure fairy into a wild beast in bed, to tonics that will make you last all day and night so that you may fullfill all your fantasies in one go ~ "

"Then on the right, we have different tools that you can use to play around with a girl, if you're into that sort of thing."

'Damn, so this place sells drugs and viagra?! What the hell is this weird dream?' I looked at the items with curiosity. Some of the potions even had a bright pink colour, most likely aphrodisiacs of some kind.

"But the best seller here is our prized love potion " She grinned as she narrowed her eyes meaningfully while looking at me.

She then took out a finger-sized bottle containing a small, colour-less solution.

"Just a single drop of this and the lucky maiden will have no choice but to make love to you, driving her into an insatiable lust and limiting her movement.

A lust that, if not fulfilled in 12 hours, will result in her death" She said with a vicious glint in her eyes.

'This woman is crazy! That is a goddamn roofie! No.. it's even worse than a roofie! ' My eyes widened at the small bottle.

"Unfortunately, we only have two more vials as it is quite tough to produce due to the rarity of the ingredients." She then continued

"But for you, young master, I can give you a meaningfull discount. How does 150 gold sound?"

I gulped. That woman was looking at me like a wolf ready to eat a big juicy pile of meat.

' I probably look like a big fat ATM to her right now '

I pretended to nod while looking at her proudly, trying to imitate how an arrogant noble would most likely act in these parts.

"Hmph, not bad… But 150 gold is quite the ammount. I'll have to come back with more funds then, but don't worry I shall return. I HAVE to get my hands on that miraculous love potion at all costs!" I pretended to be excited, and lured her in with a false promise so I can quickly escape from this mad house.

"Of course, I shall eagerly await for your return then young master… But do hurry up, because as I said, these are limited stock only " she smiled diplomatically as she said her goodbyes.