
Affection system: A vampire’s adventure in ancient china

Robert , a regular guy that has been suffering from a disease that is affecting his blood, somehow gets transported into a fantasy eastern world and unlocks the "Affection system". There, he gradually adjusts to becoming a vampire and learns to exploit the system he somehow ended up with. He will be rewarded him with Affection points and Lust points based on his interactions with the women around him. If you like the following, then this novel is for you: +Video-game like systems +Lewds +Cultivation novels! +Weak to strong MC +Mix of serious and comedy scenes with a diverse cast of cute waifus and funny side kicks + Smug young masters getting their asses kicked + A bird's eye view on a somewhat realistic version of Ancient china where cultivation and magic exist.

Robert_Tene_5577 · Fantasy
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The red light district

Going out of the perverted madhouse named Forbidden Paradise, I glanced at the notification that said "Quest complete" with a smile on my face.

'This is a pretty interesting dream' I chuckled to myself while inspecting the new ability I received.

With this, I should be able to have some more fun this lucid dream of mine.

Not even a few minutes after completing my quest, I receive another notification.


[Quest received: First love ]

[ In order to succeed in this world, you will have to learn to harnass the power of love! ]

[ Collect 50 Affection points: 0/50 ]

[ Reward: Pendant of the faithful, 5 Charm points ]

'What? More quests already?' I stared at the quest in surprised.

It seemed like lust points and affection points are quite different. Perhaps if I befriend some random girl it will work?

I put that in the back of my mind as I focused on the more important issue on hand. My unspent Lust points!

Looking at my status, it seemed like I finally gathered some Lust points.

[ Lust points: 155 ]


[ You may use the lust and affection points to increase one of your stats at a 10:1 ratio, or purchase some goodies from their respective shops!]

[ Note: The Lust and Love shop will both be unlocked at level 10 ]

' Oh there's a shop too?! Good to know '

'Hmm let's see.. this should work just like in RPGs, right?'

I immediately opened my status and used up all my lust points to increase my Charm, agility and strength.



Level: 1

Race: Halfling

Trait: Nocturnal


Strength: 8 (+5)

Agility: 9 (+5)

Stamina: 4

Intelligence: 19

Charm: 8 (+5)

Affection points: 0

Lust points: 0

Energy : 10/10

I made my way out of the narrow alleyway and onto the main street.

Looking around in all directions, the city seemed to be bustling with life and bright colours, predominantly the colour red for some reason.

It all seemed so real. How all this be some kind of daydream?

In the back of my mind, the possibility of this being reality was starting to make it's presence known. But if that were true…

' No no.. I'm sure I'll eventually wake up… r-right?' I shook my head anxious as I tried to shake off the thought.

As I walked around, I couldn't help but notice various people staring at me weirdly.

"What kind of clothing is that?" a curious looking man said while staring at me.

" Humm ~ he's probably some rich young master from one of the big families " a courtesan said while eyeing me up, most likely thinking of ways to get to my supposedly plump wallet.

Looking at the sky, it seemed like the sun had finally set. The night had finally come.

[ Night has arrived! ]

[ All stats doubled and perception increased ]

A rush of dopamine suddenly hit me, energizing me. It was like the air itself was now cleaner. I could feel the change immediately.

My previous frail body, now strengthened. It all felt intoxicatingly good.

' This must be due to my halfling racial trait, huh? ' I smiled while looking at the now emerging moon.

A few minutes later, as I continued to explore the main road and looking around, it finally dawned on me. This was the red lights zone! No wonder there's so many perverts around..

'I should probably get out of here. But then again…' I grinned as I continued to walk

' Then again, this is just a dream after all! Hahaha' I laughed to myself, still in denial about everything that happened prior to arriving to this strange world.

"Nooo!!! Let me go! " I suddenly heard a scream from a dark alley on my right.

Peeking into the alleyway, I could spot an older looking fat man in red robes holding the girl's arms to restrain her.

"Please, I promise I'll pay it all back, I've already paid half of it , please… just give me a bit more time.." A crying girl's voice sounded from the alley's direction

The girl had luscious long black hair that touched her waist, and innocent looking eyes. You could see the fear in them. She seemed terrified of the man in front of her.

"More time? Pfft , and how are you planning on making the money, huh? Your precious older brother is now dead. How can a puny little girl like you with no parents make enough to pay your dead family's debt?"

" I… I'll find a way, we still have the shop I can- "


A loud slapping sound resounded, as the fat man roughed her up.

"Enough!" he yelled aggressively " Don't make me hurt you even more! If I end up leaving marks, they're going to pay even less for you " he grinned with an evil glint in his eyes as he looking at the crying girl.

I approached cautiously while staring hatefully at this pig in man's clothing, and as soon as I was close enough , I sent out the strongest punch I could muster.

"Hey what are you-"


My fist hit the fat man right on his face, with a force that surprised even me. Blood sprayed over the walls, as he staggered four steps back.

'Hm? Even with my 16 strength boost due to the night and a sneak attack, he's still not knocked out?! '

After regaining his balance and wiping his bloody nose, he glared at me with murderous intent

"You bastaard! I'll kill you!" He shouted hatefully at me as he took out what seemed to be a knife and lunged at me all of sudden, taking me by surprise and making a faint cut on my forearm.

'Fuck. This isn't looking good!'

I quickly side-stepped to the side, and threw a quick jab, hitting his face once again, but it seemed like this guy barely felt the jab.

It looked like his Stamina and strength were quite impressive, to withstand so much damage.

"You… Who the hell are you?! Was it Lao? Did that bastard put you up to this?!"

Sensing that he was somewhat distracted, I seized the opportunity as I forcefully stepped my feet on the floor and appeared right in front of him, hitting him with a right hook on his face once again.

"Agh…" He immediately fell unconscious.

"Huh.. looks like I might have overdid it " I said casually as I shook my fist, trying to ease the pain of hitting that fat pig straight in his skull three times in a row.

Looking at the walls, I could see what I mess my punches made.

There was blood all over them. And it made me feel very weird. Strangely hungry..

My pulse quickened and my mouth salivated for a bit, as I kept staring strangely at the blood marks on the wall.

' *Gulp* Why does this pig's blood make me feel this way? Ugh..' I forced myself to look away and tried to calm down my quickened breathing.

This is most likely some kind of effect from the adrenaline, I tried to hypothize.

The girl, looked dazedly at me, and then at the fat man on the floor, and once again at me.

"You.. Why did you do this?" She put her hands on her face and continued sobbing.

"I didn't like how he was treating you. What, just because you owe him some money he thinks he owns you now?! What a prick!" I said as I kicked the unconscious pig man.

"But I owed him money and I couldn't pay him back in time.. and that means…." She gritted her teeth as she thought of the next words in her mind.

But I didn't understand. What did that mean?

Suddenly, the girl became quiet and looked at me, inspecting me in more detail. A faint look of understanding appeared on her face.

"You.. do you really not know how this works?" she asked incredulously as she finally looked at me fully.

It seemed that the realization fully dawned on her.

' I see now… this man is most likely – '

"How what works?" I tilted my head curiously while looking at her with confusion in my eyes.