
Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs

One soul seeking other yet will they find each other in time or will they become bitter enemies? I Don't Own RWBY! Or any work mentioned in this fanfic! The picture is from there: https://cz.pinterest.com/pin/591238257315362510/

Nisiris · Others
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345 Chs


"Who are you?! What is the meaning of this?"

"I thought I made myself quite clear, im there because you chose to play your little games, let me guess, did you want to strong hand little Taylor into your forces by giving her the option to either go to prison or join you? Which isn't an option at all for a girl who fears her own shadow."

Fragment of Aegis said as he looked at the battle-ready 'heroes' and the obese woman who now smirked as the door's opened and black-clad trooper's stormed the room with strange weapon's raised, from the look of it, they shot some kind of foam...

"I ask you once more to stop these games."

Fragment of Aegis said as he looked at Taylor, who became paler and paler, forgetting what he taught her in her dreams, the girl forgot she could fight, but that is normal for a person who grew up in the world where violence was frowned upon...

"You have no power to demand dammit thing! Spray them!"

The obese woman said and Fragment of Aegis sighed, he didn't have much power left, already his power was being absorbed by Taylor unconsciously, meaning he would evaporate and cease to exist, but until then, the fragment of Aegis knew he needed to secure her so that once his original meet her, she would still be alive...

And Free...

"You heard her, she chose this way of action."

Fragment of Aegis said as he looked into the camera in the room as the troopers started to fire the foam thing, but before it could even be thought either Taylor or him, the room exploded as glyphs from all sides formed and blasted the walls and roof into nothingness, with the troopers, killing them instantly...

"Such waste of life..."

Fragment of Aegis said as he looked at the two 'heroes' and the obese woman he didn't target as all of them were in shock, even Taylor started to hyperventilate...

"I told you... That Schnee will not be bound, not by you, not by your laws, not by that shadow organization that observes us or that golden vermin in the form of human..."

Fragment of Aegis said as he looked at them, with his reflex noting that 'heroes' were about to attack.

"No, if you attack me now, I will try to secure Taylor's safety, that means I will not kill just you, but all the personnel on this base, and your children proteges with them, how you call them? Ah, Wards..."

Fragment of Aegis said, and could see that worked as the 'heroes' Miss Militia wavered, Armmaster frowned but stopped his moving, and the obese woman seethed.

"This act of terror shall by not forgotten Villain."

"Villain? Who? Me?"


The woman screamed as there was silence until a laugh was heard, a very cheerful laugh, yet no matter how funny the laugh seemed to by, the people who heard it had their hairs standing, even the ones who observed the room from a distance, all of them felt danger...

"Villain?! Ahahahaha, I? I?"

"Yes, you what is there to laugh about?"

The obese woman said through gritted teeth as she ignored the sense of danger, her hatred overdriving all senses of survival.


Fragment of Aegis said as he walked to her, ignoring the halberd that seemed to get in his way, as he just touched the weapon, instantly making it evaporate in motes of light.

"Im something much, much worse..."

Fragment of Aegis said as glyph was created above the Brockton Bay, making all resident's clunch on the ground in pain, minus children, elderly, or any disabled or injured person, as if the power knew who to target, and the Villains or criminals who done a lot of harm felt the worst as they felt their bodies as if to shatter.

"Im King of Snowflakes, and just like Snowflakes, I can crush you under snow..."

And as if to cue on his word, the skies above the entire world started to darken and snow...


Golden man who hovered above Chinese town looked in one direction as it felt something very strange to occur, ignoring the snow that started to pile on his body, even though normally snow would melt in contact with his body, this time, the snow was strange as it didn't melt even when falling on the hot surface...




A woman in the fedora shouted at her friend/comrade who was ready to act against this new threat named Taylor Hebert and her projection.

"What? Why?!"

"It's! Gaaaaah!"

Contessa shouted in pain as flashes of faces flashed around her, but worst of all, Contessa knew these faces, for they were ones she either killed or ordered to be killed in her drive to stop Entity, even though these ones were the people who wanted to help the world and stabilize it, they were generals who wanted to missile strike the Slaughterhouse nine, the Nilbog, or Machine army, they were faces of senator's who wanted to take down Laws that made it worse for parahumans, laws that made parahumans into villains, they were faces of people with heart in the right place who were killed by her or Cauldron, so the terror and evil prevail so that more human's trigger into parahumans so that they have parahuman army that could fight the Entity...


Contessa screamed as the faces looked at her with multiple expressions, a pity, sadness, a sneer, anger, a hatred, a pain, they looked at her as they pitied the woman who had eyes yet chose to be blind, and they looked at the people with her with the same eyes...

"Contessa?! What is happening, which who you are speaking?!"

"You don't see them??! Of course, you don't! I SAID, LET ME BY!"

Alexandria looked at her friend/comrade as she clutched her head in pain and seemed to shy away from some invisible enemies, Taylor Hebert had long gone from her mind as she looked at Contessa who was a most potent tool to stop Entities with her power of Path To Victory...

Unfortunately for them, they had no idea that with Taylor gaining Aura and Gaia, who is finally awakened even if severely weakened, the magic started to come back, especially with Fragment of Aegis, who used his last powers to demonstrate his strength, the souls that tormented Contessa was able to thanks to Gaia's previous action, that unknowingly opened Contessa eyes to magic, but as her eyes could now see marvels of magic, they now could see the horror too, and as such her ability to see the dead souls she was responsible for, souls that will never leave her until she redeemed herself in their's dead cold eyes...


"If you don't want me to freeze this world, you will listen to me."

Fragment of Aegis said, hiding the fact that he runs now on a timer, his action making his already diminishing power slowly vanish.

"What do you want."

The obese woman seethed as she looked at the skies that seemed to not stop snowing, and after a look from Armmaster, who was in contact with Dragon, they knew this was a worldwide threat...

Same or on a higher level than Endbringers, for Endbringers could destroy cities, but the snow that didn't melt could destroy the entire human world...

"That is simple, Taylor Herbert Schnee shall from this very instant immune to any law of your little nation, she would be not seen as criminal, or threat to be dealt with, she would be free to do as she wishes, and she would BE PROTECTED BY YOU."

Fragment of Aegis said as they looked at him, even Taylor did.

"What? Do you think Im the one Taylor there summoned? No, as Taylor said previously, im just a voice in her head, a voice that ceases to exist as I no longer have the strength to sustain myself..."

Fragment of Aegis said, and could see the panic and confusion in Taylor's eyes, but when he looked at obese woman, he could see darkness and knew what she had in mind...

"To make myself clear, im just echo of original self, the one who killed that failed imitation of the dragon, Lung you call him, and Taylor, Taylor there has the strength to summon my original, an original who wield full strength of Aegis Schnee, and not just a little like me..."

Fragment of Aegis said as he now seemed to start to shimmer in the light as he became transparent...

"Mind you... If Taylor is harmed, if she dies, if you try something, YOU will pay, even without Taylor summoning Aegis Schnee, Solitas is in possession of Dimensional travel technology, sooner or later my original will arrive at this world without Taylor's summoning, and if he finds something he doesn't like..."

Just blue eyes could be seen as the rest of the body vanished.

"He would do what that golden worm wished to do... And Destroy this world in revenge for fallen Schnee... Ask your thinkers, do you wish to try my wrath? Does this world survive my wrath? Ask them, ask them, and be wise when you choose..."

And with the eyes fading, the snow too started to stop falling, but the snow that had already fallen didn't melt until two days...

Through all of that, the corrupted angel who was named Simurgh looked at the form of female that seemed to hold power that ever she, was unaware of as a sense of curiosity struck Simurgh who now saw the world in a new light from that time she was struck invisible force...



"Jack, tell me, how did it go?"

General Hammond asked Jack, even from reading the report's he wanted to hear Jack's opinion that he didn't write in the report.

"Its... These guys give me bad vibes, I mean, we spoke with them two times, and in both, the ones who had the highest authority were kids, for god's sake! You should see how deferred these men and women in there were to that Ilia girl! It was like they lacked any sense, why? Just why it is that they seem to be so alright to be led by a child? And I speak as someone who saw combat George, I know that the guys at there were veterans of some kind, and yet."

Jack stopped as he calmed his breath, the entire Solitas experience gave him a bad feeling, it was like when he spoke with Goauld's, no a Tolan's and the Nox and these Solitas guys looked at him, at them as at some delusional children, and that infuriated Jack.

"Maybe they just know something we don't, or they are too disciplined to question someone who is younger than them."

George Hammond said as Jack seemed to mull his words in his head, nodding slowly.

"Still, from what I read the trade gone without problem?"

"Yea, yea... Look, if you told me yesterday that there were guys who were willing to trade weapon-level Naquadah for all series of Simpsons, I would think you went crazy, but after meeting them? Fuck..."

Jack sighed as Hammond nodded his head, the entire idea that Solitas wanted in exchange for Dust, Naquadah, and other things just an Earth entertainment, from books to movies, to games, to music, it made Hammond question their sanity, yet at the same time, it made him feel dread, for it was a clear show of power, that they had so many things that they didn't care for the scraps that they would give to them...

And that made Hammond both irritated and glad, irritated that there was another highly advanced civilization that looked down at them, and glad that they weren't aggressive or dangerous, no matter what reports about their Aura's and seemingly magical feats and technology showed...

No, Hammond and probably the president wouldn't look gifted horse at teeth, as this was precisely thing they wanted, a seemingly friendly civilization that could help them, no matter how much they looked down at them...



"Yes, big brother?"

"Find the location of Taylor Herbert who until now had my signature on her and sent for Annie Rebert, I have words with her."

"Understood, I will the guys at Dimensional Rift Facility to seek your signature, and Annie was already contacted and would be on the way."

Album said as Aegis nodded his head and frowned.

"Is, is something wrong?"

Asked Melanie, who currently massaged Aegis back with her sister Miltia.

"Yes... And no, just time will tell, I just pray that nobody is stupid enough to try something."

Aegis said as he felt his Fragment in Taylor evaporate, making him speed up his search for estranged Schnee.

"To take your mind from bad thoughts, you should know that Weiss and girls have a good time at Beacon."

"Oh? Truly?"

"Yes... But..."


"Er, well, Mordred and Jeanne became a quite focal point of rumors..."

Aegis quirked his eyebrow as he looked at Album.

"And that is a problem how?"

"Well... After they seemed to always follow Weiss and Pyrrha respectively, there are, well... Shipper's..."


Aegis questioningly asked as Album refused to look at him and the twins who massaged his back seemed to suck a deep breath as they held a laugh.


Aegis said as something seemed to click in his head.

"You mean..."


"Oh, dear..."

Aegis muttered for he knew that Pyrrha and Jeanne would probably ignore such words...

But Weiss and Mordred?

"Why do I have a feeling that there would be a lot of injuries in coming days as Beacon?"

"Because that isn't feeling but precognition..."

Album said, and Aegis just pinched his nose...

"Of course it is..."



Aegis ignored the laughing twins behind his back as the idea of Weiss and Mordred together made them laugh...

Aegis just sighed and prepared for the coming migraine, for he knew his little lovable and adorable sister Weiss didn't joke about her love for him...

Aegis just prayed that it stay at injuries and zero deads...

"Album sent an express top quality batch of coffee for Ozpin and the best tea for Glynda... And the rest of Beacon faculty too..."

"Will do, big bro."

Album said with a grin...


*Author note*

Pics in comments.

Stones for me? And do you want me to spoil you next world? Or not?

If yes, then in next chapter would by lead, if not, then not :P

Still support me with your stones!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts