
Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs

One soul seeking other yet will they find each other in time or will they become bitter enemies? I Don't Own RWBY! Or any work mentioned in this fanfic! The picture is from there: https://cz.pinterest.com/pin/591238257315362510/

Nisiris · Others
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345 Chs



Iris asked the commander of Everwinter fortress, a man that looked like a typical soldier with blonde hair with a military cut, green eyes, and a white military coat with black trims and blue snowflake symbols.

That is Andrew Luna, retired Altesian commander of special forces who, after disgraceful dismissal from military service because of political games, was scouted by Iris herself, who helped him and his family in their dire situation.

"Fortunately, there was zero loss of life, but the entire complex was lost with all equipment and droids."

Andrew said with a straight face to Iris as he still read through the entire report.

"What about the worm? Do you already have any idea of why there were never any sightings of such an enormous creature?"

Iris asked as the idea of a new underground threat brought her a lot of headaches as there was little way for them to defend against something so big coming from the ground.

"That is a mystery, but if I think there are just two possibilities, for A, we never saw it because it lived underground, and for B, Salem made it as the fallout of Boss bombing."

Andrew said as he read through entire dossiers that they had on Salem, every high-ranking personnel that gained at least some of Aegis's trust know about Salem and the whole shadow spat she has with Ozma.

"Hm, Aegis will not be happy."

Iris mumbled to herself as she looked at the possibility of Salem making new threats.

"Alas, that is the price of war, both sides advance in the war that can't be changed."

Andrew said with sight.

"But I already assigned my people to find ways to counter the Worm Grimm. The good news is that we didn't lose any research as the facility V.I transported all the data before self-destruction."

Iris nodded at Andrew's words as she was relieved that at least they got something from it.

"And the evidence?"

Iris asked.

"Be the time someone found it would be too late. They will find a crater that will be already covered by snow."

Andrew said, and there was knocking on his doors.

"Sorry, Is there something else? It seems my duty calls."

Iris shook her head and bade him farewell as she ended the call.

Iris took a deep breath as she looked through all the data and grimaced when she saw that even if there was no life loss in evacuation, one security guard was executed when he didn't want to sign the contract of silence.

Iris didn't pity that man; even idiot should know when to follow the flow, they were playing a dangerous game, and Iris knew that these steps were necessary for securing their safety.

If Atlas found out about their growing forces and their secret military base, and the numerous experimental facilities, Iris doesn't have any doubt they would call for their heads.

They would either covet their fortune, research, or just to make sure there is no danger to their rule.

So Iris just steeled her heart to these lost lives and tries to think about other things, better things.

As Aegis Schnee's closest person when it comes to work, Iris was privy to Aegis's numerous secrets, such as his military or research or the plans for the future.

Iris is the second most knowledgeable person when it comes to SDC or SPCS matters.

"Hm, now that we have viable Grimm lure Aegis would probably want to transfer all his human/faunus subjects to aura and semblance research into a soul."

Iris looked at the hundreds of subjects, and yes, they were subjects to her as all of them were either the most despicable beings out of here or were a threat to Aegis's plans.

"Hah, another paperwork... well, at least now Aegis have Alexandra for help."

Iris said to herself as she smiled and sent to her boss new data.

"Hm? look at the time! I should go, or I will come late for afternoon tea with Willow and Alexandra!."

Iris said and rushed to doors with a happy skip in her wake as the time she spends with her dear friends was one of her most precious enjoyments.

What can she say? after a day of work, the tranquillity of tea time with friends was best!


"James, what's the problem?"

Ozpin asked his stressed friend.

"Hm, nothing!"

Ironwood barked but stopped as he calmed himself.

"Sorry, Ozpin im just a little stressed from all the happenings."

Ozpin just nodded at his friend as he, too, understands his worry. After all, it was not long ago that one of their brotherhood members died by Salem's hands, and she even left the chess piece as a provocation.

"It is about Leonardo or Schnee?"

Ozpin asked as he knew that the new head of SDC is very different from the previous one. If the one before was dangerous for their future stability, this one was enigmatic.

And most of the time, the enigmatic ones are more terrifying.

"Leonardo, Schnee! It is just like all of this is happening at the same time! First, the head of SDC changes for someone who doesn't play by the rules, and then a Hazel motherfucking Rainart just walks to the headmaster's office of Huntsmen academy that should be the most secured places on Remnant like a walk in the park and kill one of ours!"

Ironwood bang into a desk.

"And he walked away like nothing just for the staff to find dead headmaster after hours! HOURS! And Im not speaking about the dire situation of Mistral huntsmen that seemed to vanish on missions!"

Ironwood said with one breath and then continue as Ozpin waits for him to blow it out from his system.

"And now! Now the Mistral lack huntsmen to protect their city and holding! And to who they come? Not to Atlas their allies, not to Vale or Vacuo but to fucking Schnee who gave them discount for his cursed mecha army!"

Ironwood sighs and massages his temples.

"And now I get reports of an enormous explosion on the northern part of Solitas that left nothing but a crater after behind with a fucking tunnel from with Grimm's pop up like from fucking portal, tell me Ozpin what should I do?"

Ozpin just sips his coffee and says.

"I think we should finally have a chat with mister Schnee. After all, all of these occurring's started after he did get to the power."

Ozpin said, and there was a flash of something dangerous in the ancient wizard eyes.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts