
Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs

One soul seeking other yet will they find each other in time or will they become bitter enemies? I Don't Own RWBY! Or any work mentioned in this fanfic! The picture is from there: https://cz.pinterest.com/pin/591238257315362510/

Nisiris · Others
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345 Chs


Aegis looked at the mismatched girl that pretended to sleep and thought about what he knows of her, and Aegis could read people. Almost nothing could be hidden from him, not after seeing an untold amount of lives in the shadow realm.

That was one reason why Aegis played ignorant to his family acts as he saw that as nothing more than childish and cute entertainment. Deep down, Aegis knew that Weiss was twisted, as was he, but he ignored it as he knew that she would never hurt him.

So it was no surprise that Aegis understood what kind of person Neopolitan is. She was on the border between the sanity of a little girl that was hurt, and on another side, she was falling into the insanity that would make her into a complete psychopath.

That was why Aegis acted as her support immediately to make her believe she was not alone and have someone she could trust.

And it paid off as he could see in her eyes that even if she still have reservations and have a good amount of suspicion, she grabbed the hope as a drowning man would grab the last straw.

Aegis knew that it would be just a matter of time before the girl became a psychopath, but he could direct it and make it that she would be just a partial one, as was he himself.

After all, Aegis didn't have any regrets, doubts, or remorse even if he killed entire towns of people, old, young, innocent, no to Aegis, all of them are nothing more than insects.

The sole difference he wouldn't do it so was because of his last aspect of humanity.

And that was his family. Because it would hurt his family, he wouldn't do it, so if Aegis couldn't stop her from falling into insanity, he would make it so that Neo was like him.

He would make her love and desire family, his family with all her heart.

Atlas, Vale, Minstral, Vacuo, all of them and more could be thankful that his family is more human than he is. The sole reason for not raising them or already not taking over Atlas with force was that Aegis knew that the more sane members of his family would disagree or be sad with his actions.

Still, Aegis wasn't a fearless person, he had his fears, and one of them is now giving him chill as he looks at the now Neo, who, after pretending to be asleep, was finally truly asleep.

Aegis feared the result of Weiss and Neo meeting, which gave Aegis the premotion of multiple future headaches.

Still, Aegis was satisfied with his little trip to Vale, even if he made a hasty retreat both because he didn't have time or mood to meet the headmaster of Beacon academy Ozpin, who, after finding out about his visit, immediately tried to meet him.

And Aegis wouldn't lie as to say he didn't enjoy the displeased Ozpin look when the private SDC bullhead risen to skies just minutes before he came, just in time for Aegis to watch him with a false apologetic smile.

Aegis really didn't like that immortal, and the sole reason he didn't remove him was that he would lose sight of him if he again reincarnated.

So as to not attaching more problems for himself, Aegis was just satisfied with observing him.

At least for now.

Still, Aegis saw something interesting, a crow changed into a man and not just some man, but Qrow Branwen, a Top huntsman of Vale.

A lapdog of Ozpin if what Hazel said was true.

Still, the little birdy should be careful where he transforms as it was one of Aegis's secret cameras that found him flying around his property.

Now that Aegis thinks about it, he remembers one particular crow spying on him when he was younger...

Looking back to the memories, Aegis could be eighty percent sure it was Qrow Branwen.

And that pissed Aegis little, that man was spying on his family.

Aegis made a mental note to add more automatic AA turrets to his properties and make sure it shoots every bird that is even a little suspicious.

Still, Aegis thought back to Ozpin. Aegis didn't hate or even really dislike the Immortal. No, if there was one thing Aegis felt for that man, it was a pity.

Aegis had time to research everything there is know about Ozpin and his previous reincarnations, and after asking multiple doctors, psychiatrists, and sociologists about Immortality and with his own memories from the shadow realm, Aegis started to pity the Immortal.

From what Aegis saw, the gods made Ozpin into Immortal, but they didn't ascend or even enchanted his mind that stayed in mortal level.

And from what Aegis knew, a mortal mind was not suitable for dying numerous times just to be reborn again.

No such act would put the mind into an enormous strain that would little by little destroy the original persona of the soul.

In short, Aegis pitied Ozpins fate that was given to him by childish gods against his own wishes, and at the same time, Aegis could respect Ozpin for not falling into complete insanity as numerous would.

So Aegis wouldn't act against him, at least for now, as there was still Atlas to take care of, and Ozpin, no matter how experienced, was just a man with so many memories that he probably had in the literal head mash.

In short, Aegis knew that gods didn't wish for Ozpin to defeat Salem and complete his task but to torture him for something he didn't do.

Same for Salem, from what Hazel said, too didn't deserve such fate. Alas, it seemed that the gods of this world were unforgiving ones.

*brrrr* *brrrr*

Aegis looked at his scroll and arched an eyebrow in annoyance as he saw another update from Minstral from his agents.

Another huntsmen team went missing, and it seemed that even if he culled Salem's minions, Lionheart still didn't stop sending people that believed in him to death.

It seemed that he should visit Haven early than he planned.

Aegis didn't care for these huntsmen, but as someone who was doing everything for family, Aegis found it distasteful to use people that work for him as mere tools.

After all, if someone followed him, Aegis would make sure they were taken care of, even he wasn't as monstrous as to betray his loyal ones.

Such irony that someone like him says this, right?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts