
Chapter 8 Attack on USJ

Life has been pretty normal after the battle.It's just been regular classes and training.Except the whole incident that happened with the press but that was as should be.Like Tenya becoming class president was.

It has been pretty boring actually.Except that my quirk control and stats have gone up by a surprising amount.'No wonder Katsuki started doing so well after entering U.A.' Don't get me wrong Katsuki was strong before U.A but comparing his strength at the Sports Festival to his first fight with Izuku.It's a pretty big difference.'Maybe what stimulates growth in quirks and the body of humans in MHA world after reaching a point is battle.Like saiyans in Dragon Ball but obviously not as crazy of a boost.'I thought while trying to explain my weird stat increase on that note.'STATUS.'

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Name: Shin Todoroki


Age: 15

Strength: 28 (average adult male: 10)

Speed: 24 (average adult male: 10)

Endurance: 31 (average adult male: 10)

Vitality: 21 (average adult male: 3)

Quirk level: 1 High (74%)

'Overall it's okay but today is the day we are going to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint.Hopefully there won't be more Nomu or even a stronger Nomu because that would be a pain.' I thought while going to school.

Aizawa told us to change into our hero costumes as soon as all of us were in class and after we changed he took us to the bus.I slept on the bus to conserve my energy and when we arrived I had a serious look on my face which made everyone else really confused because I normally had a carefree expression on.

We went into the USJ and Thirteen started explaining everything when.A giant portal opened up.Before they could even come out I told Tenya quickly "Tenya!Get All Might and the other heroes here quickly tell them USJ is under attack by villains!" he was confused so I pushed him quickly and he started running seeing how grave my face was.

"HAHAHAHAHA All Might today you will die because the the League of Villains is here to kill you!" Tomura said loudly "Tomura All Might doesn't seem to be here." Kurogiri said calmly but Tomura was furious "WHAT!THEN WE'LL JUST KILL ALL THESE KIDS AND THEN SEE IF HE WON'T COME!" he shouted very very loudly.

"Shut the fuck up man child and come at me." I said while walking down the stairs. "What did you call me!?" he said questioningly "I told you to shut-the-fuck-up-you-man-child!" I retorted calmly "Or are you deaf too?" I continued.

He charged at me immediately and I had just happened to finished walking down the steps.But what he didn't know was I was charging a blast at my fingertip which I was hiding behind my hand.Everyone in the class could see it and they were wondering what I was going to do with it but they had an idea.

But they were all wrong.When Tomura was about to touch me with his hand I side stepped and tripped him simultaneously and then shot the beam at Kurogiri.But sadly the worst came to fruition.I couldn't stop him in time and all the villains came out.There were even the Nomus and they were 3 now and they all looked much stronger then the original one that came to USJ.

Good thing I disabled Kurogiri for now at least by shooting a Freezing Star beam at him.After it landed and I processed everything I shouted "Everyone charge or we'll all die!They are a group of villains called the League Of Villains that's main purpose is to kill All Might but they wouldn't mind killing us as well so come now or we all die!"

After saying that Izuku,Shoto,Katsuki and Eijiro charged followed by the others but soon I realized I forgot to mention something so I added on "Oh and don't touch those monsters they can each fight a Pro Hero and possibly kill them."

Everyone was dumbfounded that I had nearly forgotten this vital piece of information but continued fighting with those minor villains that were there.While they were doing that I charged at Tomura and Aizawa engaged with a Nomu when Tomura said "SKINNY FIGHT THAT BANDAGE DUDE!" and the skinny Nomu ran at Aizawa at speeds I had never seen before.

Aizawa erased his quirk but he was still very fast and Aizawa engaged in a brawl with him.Though I couldn't be distracted for too long because I had to fight Tomura.He lunged at me and tried to get his grubby hands on me but I dodged because I knew his quirk was deadly at close range while I charged an orb of FSF.

After I dodge I kicked towards Tomura but he was going to block my kick with his hand so I immediately reached my hand into my utility belt and brought out a sticky grenade that covered an

object with foam.I had this prepared specifically for this situation.I threw it at Tomura and unsurprisingly he didn't care about it and let it hit his hand.

It would only work for a bit so I had to act quickly.He was flustered due to the foam but immediately started disintegrating it and attacked me with his other hand so I punched him with my left hand that had a grenade placed inside it my right hand was busy forming my move.

Due to my attack Tomura thought I was an idiot but just as we were going to touch I opened my hand and let the grenade hit him.I kicked him away quickly while he shouted "YOU DIRTY BASTARD THIS ISN'T FAIR!" immediately everyone looked this way.Except the Nomu and Aizawa.The other two Nomu were currently doing nothing since Tomura would have to tell them what to do due to their low intellect and he didn't seem to have told them anything before hand.

While I had everyone's attention I brought the ball of 10 centimeters in diameter in front of me shouting "Inspired Move Series: Move No.1 Burning Heaven Rasengan!" While I spun the ball in all directions with my hands quickly.Everyone saw the ball shining brightly and spinning.This was not good it shining meant I couldn't control it for long so when I was done spinning it I grabbed it and ran at Tomura with all my might.He exclaimed before I plunged it in his gut "WHAT IS THAT!MY EYES!" 'Seriously at this point all he cares about is his eye?' I thought questioningly

I plunged it in and he flew away screaming.He hurtled into Kurogiri destroying the ice covering him.Simultaneously All Might flew in and the other Heroes not far behind came through the door.So Kurogiri took Tomura and the other 2 Nomu and fled.

While All Might incapacitated the other Nomu fighting Aizawa.When the heroes looked at what happened they were dumbfounded.Our class basically incapacitated 100 villains with the help of only Thirteen who was a rescue hero.

I was exhausted from my last attack but the class were stunned that with my attacked I launched Tomura over 100 meters and with enough strength to shatter the ice surrounding Kurogiri.The heroes didn't understand why the class were stunned at first they thought it was because of All Might but they realized they were looking at my direction so they asked Ojiro "Why are you all stunned what happened?"

Ojiro said "Well it's hard to explain with out showing you but see that guy in the black over there?His name is Shin Todoroki and his quirk is pretty powerful and it can freeze things quite well.His brother there Shoto would have to take 10 minutes using his flames to melt the ice." he said pointing to Shoto.He took the hint and show cased his flames shooting a fireball at the ground melting it.Ojiro continued "See they are pretty powerful but he not only did that he fought toe to toe with who seemed to be the leader of the villains or a very high ranking one.Then using what looked like and ultimate move he attacked him shooting him over 100 meters away with enough force to break the previously stated ice."

Now the Heroes were shocked.Everyone was shocked and funnily enough today was the day I was dubbed the current strongest out of the 6 kings.I would keep that title for a while till it became something even more spectacular later.

Sorry for not uploading 2 chapters today and only uploading one.I dont know if you can tell but I made this one longer then the usual since I couldn't do 2.On weekdays (besides Friday probably) I will probably do 1 longer chapter instead of doing 2 or more.Fridays I will try to do as much as I can the same with Saturdays and Sundays.Those 2 days should be guaranteed 2 chapters at least unless something comes up.Well I've been talking for too long bye.

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