
Chapter 7 The 6 Kings Of Class 1-A

Nothing special really happened in the Quirk Apprehension Test apart from Izuku not getting any recoil when he threw the ball using One For All in his finger.It also seemed to be much faster and there were blue streaks of lightning going around his finger which were barely visible.This was due to me evolving his quirk earlier but he doesn't seem to have much control over the new upgrade but for now all I think it is, is a stronger One For All with less recoil.

My assumptions were also correct about Tenya and Eijiro.For Tenya he could use Recipro Burst like his normal engine and Eijiro could do the same but with Red Riot Unbreakable instead but Katsuki surprised me.

He seems to be able to use timed explosions but he doesn't seem to have that good control over it.As although it made his throw go farther he also exploded various areas on the field.'He need to work on that or else he might hurt people.' I thought.

I got above average scores in everything but I had no special result due to my quirk not really being applicable at it's current stage in any event and I didn't really want to use it either.Aizawa was surprised by this but didn't really seem to care.

The Next Day

While walking to school Shoto asked me a question about yesterday "Shin why didn't you use your quirk yesterday during the test?" I replied "Well, it wasn't really applicable in such a test as, as you know its better suited for battle." "True." He said blankly.'To be honest it might just be my influence or Shoto doesn't really get much of a personality, well out going personality till U.A.Then again it's probably U.A as when we met Katsuki that one time he acted really out of character.' I thought while we walked to class.

When we entered class we sat down and then All Might came in shouting "YOUNG HEROES.Today is your first battle trial you will be given your hero costumes to change into so get ready!" We all went to change.My hero costume was a very heat resistant black top it's sleeves reached my elbow's with a white utility belt around my waist and white gloves that covered all my wrist but didn't cover my fingers.I also had black trousers and white shoes that reached just above my ankle.

Once we entered the waiting area All Might explained the rules that we would be split up in teams of two and half of the teams would be villains the other half heroes and that the heroes had to deactivate a bomb.

But before he split us up I asked a question quickly "All Might sir can there be 2 teams of 3 that will fight against each other please?" He was flabbergasted but quickly responded "Why?" I responded calmly "Well it's because Katsuki currently can't control his quirk that well and might hurt someone.Eijiro might cut someone badly and Izuku although he wont get any recoil if he controls his power a bit might hurt someone badly.Also Shoto and I might burn or freeze someone badly and Tenya can mostly control his quirk but his speed would be a bit unfair.So I propose that I,Izuku and Eijiro should be on the same team while Shoto,Katsuki and Tenya be on the other.Which team will be of the villains and which will be of the heroes is up to you."

He calmly thought and then said "Alright I'll make an exception Katsuki's team will be the villains and Izuku's will be the heroes." Some people were indignant that I said they would get hurt others didn't care and some were curious but in the end they all wanted to see a good show.All Might continued "And because of this you guys will be the first to fight."

We all went to the city and Katsuki's team got set up near the bomb.While we waited but before we started Izuku asked a question "How did you know I wouldn't get any recoil if I held back?" I responded dully "The ball throw duh." He was a bit dazed and had a questioning gaze still but gave up after a bit.

"3.... 2 .... 1 .... GO!" A machine said and I immediately shouted afterwards "Just come out 2 of you have area of effect quirks and anyway you can keep us occupied and it will be much more fun out here.Katsuki was mad and immediately charge out the window but I said "Izuku engage with Katsuki now!" Izuku immediately did what I said and Detroit smashed towards Katsuki which he responded by launching a massive explosion at us.Liquid came out of the explosion and I knew what it was I shouted "QUICK EVERYONE MOVE THIS PLACE IS ABOUT TO BLOW UP!" Izuku immediately jumped away and Eijiro hardened but for me it was to late all i could do was light my hands on fire and try to protect my head.

I was waiting to be knocked out from the impact but when I opened my eyes I saw Eijiro in what looked like his Red Riot Unbreakable form but it was now his regular hardening.He said "No man is left behind dude." I nodded towards him.

At this time Shoto and Tenya came out of the building.They were surprised when they saw the destruction but immediately got serious.In the distance I could see Izuku and Katsuki fighting, Izuku seemed to be losing but the battle was still very close.

I said "Eijiro cover me I need to do something and it requires about 10 seconds." he nodded and engaged Tenya.Tenya charged at Eijiro blue flames spewing out of his legs at he ran at him.They both jumped and their right arms clashed mid air.After they separated Eijiro charged at Tenya and punched him in the gut towards the sky and when he fell back down he punched towards Tenya's face but Tenya was no push over and kicked Eijiro's hardened arm while using his engine quirk.

After they separated Tenya dodged to the side as a huge blue fire ball came rushing towards Eijiro.All he could do was stand there because it was too late to dodge.Although he was unscathed you could see his hardening was wearing thin due to the barrage of attacks from Tenya and the fire blast from Shoto.

Good for him though I had just finished charging my blast.A white ball of flames 10 centimeters in diameter could be seen floating slightly above my index finger.I ran in front of Eijiro shouting "FREEZING HELL SPHERE!" after I ran in front of him I thrust my index finger at an angle of 45 degrees from the ground.

After the sphere was plunged into the ground ice started forming in front of the insertion point.At first the ice started forming at a snail's pace but after a two seconds the ice had already covered up to Shoto's and Tenya's shoulders.I told Eijiro to go defuse the bomb and he ran up the stairs of the building.While Shoto was flaring his left side with all his might.Although the ice started melting it would take him a good 10 minutes to get out of it and Tenya couldn't counter it at all.Further away Izuku and Katsuki looked in awe at the ice that had just formed as it was still growing towards them.

After this attack I was exhausted and although I only did one attack the rest of the class in the monitoring hall were in awe.Not only because I froze Tenya and Shoto but because Shoto's left side had melted the ground a little on impact with Eijiro but the ice still looked completely fine on the outside though the inside was melting slightly.

15 seconds later the horn sounded signalling that the heroes won.I first melted the ice covering Shoto with both of us working together it came off in a minute and then we melted it off of Tenya.After that I was even more tired so Eijiro and Izuku carried me back to the monitoring hall.On the way back Katsuki was Indignant,Shoto had a fire of competitiveness burning within his eyes and you couldn't really tell Tenya's emotions due to his helmet but Izuku,Eijiro and I were happy about our victory.

When we reached the hall everyone there looked at us in awe.Shoto because of his flames that melted the road slightly with out even touching it,Eijiro because of his hardening that withstood said flames,Tenya because he contended with that monster quite well might I add,Katsuki because of his first attack and his battle with Izuku was no joke,Izuku because he fought against Katsuki and I because although I basically exhausted my self with that last attack everyone understood that they couldn't beat it.Especially if I directly used the sphere on an opponent.They were also all confused about how my quirk is a fire based quirk but it could freeze but Shoto cleared that up quickly "His quirk is called Freezing Star Flames.These flames can both burn and freeze and with training you can change the temperature of the flames slightly to make them either freeze or burn.Also they are extremely volatile and with out proper training he can burn himself with his quirk.In fact that's how he got his scar,also they take up a ton of stamina and for now he can only use his quirk up to his wrists any further and he will start burning him self."

Now everyone was in awe for a different reason.Firstly because my quirk can both burn and freeze at the same time and secondly because I had such a painful quirk and had trained it to such an extent.But when they thought about what I just did they thought it was worth it.I also added another bit of information because it didn't really matter "Oh and also if a part of my body gets used to the flames it also becomes considerably stronger.So it's like refining my body with my quirk."

After that the other matches were completed.Tomorrow when I went to school I found out people started calling us "The 6 Kings Of Class 1-A" which I found pretty funny.

Sorry I didn't do to many chapters today.I went out a lot today and now it's the evening and I have school tomorrow.In fact I'am writing this before bed and since I didn't have time to do 2 chapters I just made an extra long bonus chapter.Well enough of me rambling.I hope you liked the chapter and please leave a comment.Thank you for reading!

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