
Chapter 22 Preparations Begin

After I killed All For One and said my speech I carried Shoto on my back and took Chisaki while saying "Oh and U.A I'll be back it's just that before he died my father said that there was something for me and Shoto and I'll deal with this villain."

They all let me walk away because technically I did nothing wrong that man had killed thousands of people and had caused tens of thousands more pain and suffering due to his acts.So they had no reason to protect such scum.

Before I left I did something though I tapped my hand on the wall creating a hole underneath San that immediately closed her inside after she fell in.'See you in hell All For One and I hope you like the gift I gave you.' I thought while I walked away.

After today I was never the same person I once was.

The first thing I did was hide Chisaki and wake Shoto up as he had been asleep for a while and weirdly enough he still had a flame on his eye.When he woke up his left eye had now turned into a cyan blue colour and the left side of his hair started turning cyan at a fast rate.

By the time he had completely woken up the whole left side of his hair was teal blue.So I immediately asked him

Shin: "What happened?"

Shoto: "My arm?"

Shin: "No I can suspect what happened to your arm I mean your hair and your eye."

Shoto: "What do you me-ARGHHH!"

He started to clutch his left eye and rolling around and then a voice came out from his eye

"I AM THE FLAME DEMON HEAR MY CRY!YOU SHALL BE MY SUCCESSOR!YOUNG ONE!" Then flames of all colours of the spectrum started to emit from Shoto's eye and then they receded back into his eye.Then he told me

Shoto: "Oh, apparently this is a special eye given by the flame demon and it increases my proficiency damage and learning speed of fire based moves and also gives me cool abilities but for now there's only one which is enhanced regeneration but it won't heal my arm sadly."

'THE FUCK!There's also dojutsu in MHA world?Well I want one now.Shoto profited from disaster basically as he can always create an ice hand to use and or get a new one which now would be pretty easy for me to give him but I won't because or else he will slack off because of his eye.' I thought while looking at Shoto dumbfoundedly.

Shin: "Anyway.I don't know how to tell you this or if you know but... Father died while fighting that Nomu." I said warily.

Shoto: "....I...already know in fact while he was doing his last attack I lost my arm."

Shin: "Well...that's beside the point before he died he wished us well and also he said that he had left a clan secret under his bed."

Shoto: "Oh really?Okay."

We walked to my what was once my father's room and looked under the bed.There,there was a loose wooden board.I looked underneath and found a manual.It read

'Todoroki Family Manual

This technique has 3 stages and shall be passed down to the head of each generation.This manual is only usable by people with flame based quirks.

First stage: Advanced Flame Control

Shape your flames into any object by emitting them through one of your hands' fingers and kneading them with the other hand.Later you will be able to make it instantaneously if you have a high degree of mastery.

Second stage: Blue Flames

Concentrate your regular flames enough to create the highly concentrated very hot blue flames.At first you might only be able to form a small jet but at high degrees of mastery all your flames will become blue flames.To create said blue flames is simple you must create a wave of flames and then concentrate it.By practicing this you will eventually be able to emit blue flames at will

Final stage: Purple Flames

This stage is almost impossible.The flames are so hot if not controlled properly you might melt the area around you.The process is similar to the process of creating blue flames except this time you must emit blue flame jets from your fingers and concentrate them highly and then weave them around each other while making them more and more concentrated.The end result will be purple flames.'

I looked through it and then handed it to Shoto saying

Shin: "This should be yours as my white flames are already hotter then purple flames."

Shoto: "Oh,okay thanks."

Shin: "Well Shoto I have to go.Though before I leave I should say you should inform our siblings about what happened."

Shoto: "Oh, right well can you come with me?" He said while tearing up a bit.

Shin: "I'am sorry I can't I have something important to do and listen father wouldn't want you to get sad over his death his last words were ENJOY YOUR LIVES so don't waste it crying." I said while patting him on the back and then proceeding to leave.

Shoto just stood there thinking about what I had said.

I went down and got Chisaki as we headed to his base where he kept Eri.

Well hope you liked the chapter.Things are continuing and it should be at least be 3 to 10 more chapters till the next big fight.(might be more might be less but I am pretty sure 3 is already pretty fast)If I am going to fast paced please tell me.Well thanks for reading.

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