
Chapter 21 The Aftermath

When I looked to my left what I saw was a big ball of flames.Then suddenly it collapsed on itself and out came a flaming man and a Nomu.'Oh it's father and High-End I wonder how the fight is going?' I thought while looking at them.

How naive I was as the next second my dad said

Endeavor: "SHIN,SHOTO this is my last battle.I'am sorry for not being there as much as I should have and not being a great father but before I leave I must tell you something.Look under my bed for our clan's secret technique.Well goodbye now and ENJOY YOUR LIVES!" he said when suddenly there was an explosion of flames so massive that it looked like a missile was shot here.

'What?H-E-EE-E'S DEAD?!FUCK DAMN IT!WHY DID THINGS GO THIS WAY!?' I thought while looking at the explosion of flames.I stayed cursing at the ground and stamping my feet.

A few minutes later I cleared by head and thought 'Though he wasn't that great of a father he was much better than the original version and he tried to be a better one and in his final moments he was acting out my plan and died for it.'

I took Overhaul and found San.Then I saw a giant structure of ice being formed.'Damn it!What happened to Shoto?' I thought while carrying San and Overhaul.I went to the structure of ice and found Shoto there with one arm missing and a blue flame on his eye.

'Shoto too?Why must my father die and Shoto lose an arm?' I thought while picking him up on putting him on my back.One tear dropped from my eye that day.I carried all three of them and found the other students and Pro Heroes.They had just finished beating all the fodder villains and the heroes the Nomu.There was also Aizawa with Stain.

There were also the other 4 and when I arrived everyone looked at me shocked when they saw Shoto with only one arm.

"How did that happen?" Everyone asked.

Shin: "I don't know.Tie up these 2." I said while looking at them.Some of them tied the 2 of them up "Oh and don't let that mans hands touch anything." I added on.They were tied up and the other 4 took some of them to tie up there opponents Aizawa was just standing there confused and panicked as Shoto lost an arm.When the other 4 came back I started waiting for All Might and All For One to show up.In the mean time I just stood there staring and thinking about what just happened.

Really everyone was thinking about what happened but they were trying not to show it and act normally.Suddenly Aizawa asked

Aizawa: "Oh ya and what was that ball of flames?"

Shin: "It was my father in his last ditch effort to stop that Nomu he used a suicide attack killing himself and the Nomu." I said vacantly.

Now everyone was looking at me with pity.'After this I am putting my foot down on villains as no one from the heroes can beat me if I pick properly from All For One's various quirks.' I thought while looking into the distance.

There was All Might carrying an unconscious All For One on his back.When everyone saw him they were shocked but I quickly said "That's his true form without the power of One For All." When I said that it was like a bell they all suddenly remembered what I had said and started asking Izuku questions.

All Might arrived and said: "You wanted him unconscious right?Well here he is." He immediately fell asleep after saying that and dropped All For One to the ground with him.

When that happened I thought 'STATUS!Can I evolve Steal?'

(Loading.... Loading.... *DING* Yes you can actually evolve Steal and for defeating All For One with the help of All Might you get a free evolution charge on your quirk.)

'Oh thanks.At least I got that but if I want the 2 times faster time I need to kill him which I was planning to do anyway because of his crimes.' I thought and immediately evolved Steal.I then asked STATUS what changed and it said.

(Loading.... Loading.... *DING* You can now Steal 3 quirks instead of 1.)

'Okay.' I thought and then moved to All For One and put my hand on his head and tried to steal All For One from him but it didn't work.Status replied quickly without even waiting for me to say anything.

(Loading.... Loading.... *DING* You can't steal All For One for the simple reason that it is a higher level than your quirk as well it counts as at least 10 quirks and not 3.As your quirk is actually a high grade high rank quirk that already existed in this universe and you had happened to pick it so ''that'' person suppressed it hence the self damaging and high stamina drain.So currently it is a mid grade high rank quirk.Now you may be asking how your quirk not suppressed is better than All For One.Well it's simple really All For One has a natural limit and it's natural limit doesn't allow it to acquire quirks on the level of high rank high grade.)

'Oh well that's interesting.Thank you for the explanation.' I thought while reading what STATUS said.Then I looked through All For One's quirks and there were a few that he didn't use in the original which were actually really good and in the end I decided to pick 2 of them.

Which were:

Air Field


Reaper's Death Rings.

Now you might be confused about what they do so I'll explain.Air Field allows me to control all air in a 10 centimeter radius of my self allowing me to suffocate enemies send wind blades or move at extremely high speeds.Now Reaper's Rings allows me to form circular black rings of different sizes but for now I can only utilize a ring which is my height in diameter.(imagine the glossy sonic rings but with out the shine and more moldable.I'll leave it up to your imagination really.)These rings increase the speed of all projectiles I throw through them,myself included but it won't work for other people's projectiles unless I specifically form a ring which can but the effect would be reduced.

Now why I wanted them was simple.Air Field for maneuverability and for help with my third quirk I'am stealing and Reaper's Death Rings are an all purpose support quirk basically.Now although Air Field has really bad range I can always evolve it since I can evolve other quirks I should be able to evolve it.

After that I walked over to Overhaul and slapped him till he woke up.Once he did I dragged him to a place where we wouldn't be seen.

Overhaul: "Huh what happened?"

Shin: "Oh I just defeated you and now you are restrained and can't escape."

Overhaul: "WHAT!LET ME GO!"

Shin: "Calm the fuck down before I kill you first."

Overhaul: "Fine now what do you want I am already restrained?"

Shin: "Hm I want you to help me."

Overhaul: "You're so arrogant!Just because you defeated me doesn't mean I will do whatever you say."

Shin: "Well did you hear what I said before?Because if you did you would know that the whole of humanity is in danger including the Yakuza."

Overhaul: "Wait what?"

Shin: "3 beings with the power to destroy the moon are coming to earth and will exterminate all humans.But the higher beings the gods as most people call them have given us a chance and that chance is if we kill All For One the person who brought you here, time will be twice as fast on earth compared to the regular time."

Overhaul: "How can I believe you?"

Shin: "Oh it's very simple actually either you can wait till after we kill All For One but I don't guarantee your safety or you could tell me where Eri is and I'll steal your quirk right now to show you that I'am the Equalizer."

Overhaul: "WAIT WHAT!?"

I tapped him on the forehead and stole Overhaul.'Hm if I evolve this it might be able to act through air but if it doesn't work I still have Air Field.'I thought and immediately after I touched the ground and it split apart then I reformed it.

Overhaul: "HOW!"

Shin: "I said I am the Equalizer you could call me a prophet of sorts.Basically I am able to see the will of the gods and by completing their wills I gain rewards."I said to him which was basically bullshit but it wasn't completely false since STATUS issued missions to me from "him".

Overhaul: "DAMN IT.Well how do you want me to help you now that I'am quirkless?"

Shin: "Well it's very simple actually basically show me where Eri is and she will give you back your quirk.Anyway I could only steal 3 quirks now which were yours and these 2." I said while showing them to him.

Overhaul was dumbfounded.

Shin: "Well what do I call you because calling you Overhaul is getting annoying?"

Overhaul: "Chisaki.Chisaki Kai."

Shin: "Well I know that your dream is to get the Yakuza back to it's former glory and I can do that kind of.What I need you for is the fight vs the 3 moon destroying beings and for you to clean up the villains around the planet.My plan entails you getting your men to execute the murderers around the world and with the quirk destroying bullets make the thieves and other petty criminals quirkless for a while and then hand them over to the law and then giving them back their quirks after a period of time one you have made quirk restoring bullets.The murderers must be handled properly and no one can know that your gang has been murdering them.You will be the shadow of the world cleaning everything up in other sense and for your service I will give you anything you want as long as it's not to outrageous."

Chisaki thought for a minute and then said: "I agree on one condition and that is that you don't interfere with what goes as we won't do anything like we used to apart from the experimentation on Eri once that is done we will hand her over to you.Is that alright?"

Shin: "It's fine with me but don't do anything to cruel to her oh and by the way you should let your boss out of that comatose state and my name is Shin Todoroki."

Chisaki: "Okay about the boss I am indebted to him so if I don't need Eri anymore I will definitely wake him up."

Shin: "Okay then our chat is over now I will knock you out so they don't get suspicious."

Before he could respond I knocked him out and brought him back and then we all waited for the landscape to revert as I told them it would take about 5 minutes.

Finally it reverted back to the arena and then I grabbed All For One and told some people to put me on the air and to contact the new outlets around the world to put what I was about to say on the air.After everything was completed I started

Shin: "Today is the day society shall be reborn out of the ashes like a phoenix.This scum with me has killed thousands of lives by himself and with his schemes.No more shall we let all the villains just sit in a jail cell I say we kill those who kill us or else the cycle will only continue.The No.2 Hero Endeavor also known as Enji Todoroki or to me my father died while destroying one of this man's creatures yet society says he should run free.WELL I THINK NOT!" I said and then stabbed my finger through All For One's heart while saying "Good riddance!"

The news outlets started scurrying to get me off the air but it was already to late millions of people saw it if not billions and some of them recorded it and put it on Itube for the whole world to see.People who were feeling wronged as the villains who killed their loved ones were fired up and people who hated villains in general were also fired up.

All this happened in a few minutes.'Times are changing and society has to change with it.' I thought while looking up at the sky.

Well I hope you all liked this extra long chapter.I did this really to lay the ground work for the rest of the series and I hoped you all liked it.Well thanks for reading.

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