
Chapter 2 My Life so far and Freezing Star Flames

'Damn that bastard!I bet he had to give me at least 2 mid level wishes if not a mid and high level wish and he also put up the difficulty by so much damn it.Anyway where am i?' As i tried to see where i was i opened my eyes weakly and the next thing i knew "WAHHH" 'WHO THE FUCK HIT ME!Jeez my poor butt.'I thought and tried to say but all that came out was incessant wailing.

"Oh, you have two healthy boys congrats." 'Wait slow down a minute what did she just say?Two?Well now that i think about it I am not the only one wailing.He must have made me Shoto's twin.Actually this helps.It's not like I got an op system or anything to make me so strong i can beat all the villains by my self.So I will need help to beat them especially All For One,that bastard probably made it so he wasn't so heavily injured and he even implied there was someone beyond him.Wait no.What would be worse if he found a regeneration quirk that could heal his heavy injuries I mean this is an Ultra level world after all it can't be as simple as not so heavily injured.'As my thoughts ran a muck Endeavor(I spelled it wrongly last time) entered the room and shouted "YES!I can finally beat All Might at least with my children.I mean look at their hair its basically saying quirk combination. HAHAHAHA."

'Man someone needs to take a chill pill.' I thought 'Well i choose to be in this family anyway and when i died i was only 15 and i was an orphan too so i never really had a family.You may ask how did i afford to be an otaku. Well that is pretty simple i watched on pirate websites.Also i worked like four two hour jobs after school and then spent the rest of my day watching anime and reading manga. Sadly i never felt like reading the MHA manga but at least i watched all the anime.Either way it wouldn't matter much now considering the difficulty.'After saying this in my head I fell asleep.But Endeavor seamed to like to talk a lot and when he finally finished he named us."You shall be Shoto Todoroki and you shall be Shin Todoroki."

1 Year Later.

In this 1 Year i barely did anything accept eat,shit and sleep.Well at least i know for sure that the World difficulty is higher because from the conversations of my mother and father and from watching television apparently in certain situations Pro Heroes are aloud to kill but only in very rare circumstances like if your life or a civilian/s life is in danger.Which now that i think about it isn't really rare.Anyway I also remembered about my status.'STATUS'

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Name: Shin Todoroki


Strength: 1 (average adult male: 10)

Speed: 1 (average adult male: 10)

Endurance: 1 (average adult male: 10)

Vitality: 1 (average adult male: 3)

Quirk level: 0(not awakened yet)

All Might's Statistics (In the show may or may not be weaker currently):

Strength: 500

Speed: 480

Endurance: 490

Vitality: 50

Quirk level: 2 Peak (96%)

'Status please explain the stats and quirk level.'

(Loading... Loading *DING* Status of basic information gathering has gotten your answers please read below.

Strength the amount of force someone or something is able to out put like braking a rock.

Speed how fast you can travel from point to point.

Endurance how much stamina you have and also the amount of strength needed to damage you.

Vitality disease immunity and regeneration this will naturally go up with the other 3 stats unless you have a regeneration quirk.

Quirk level is mastery over your quirk and how much potential you can out put of it for example due to All For One's experience with his quirk he is about Quirk Level 3 Low(5%) but this stat really depends on the diversity of said quirk. )

'Thank you system for the info dump.'

(Loading.... Loading.... *DING* You are welcome)

3 Years Later

Today we were finally going to the doctor for the quirk test.Over the years i have bonded with Shoto quite a bit while playing tag and other games.We haven't started our harsh training yet though due to being too young.I personally awakened my quirk about a month ago and immediately realized the restriction that the god was talking about.My quirk burns my self and i guess freezes at the same time it feels more like a cold burn though it also helps me by giving me resistance and tempering my body so i guess it's kind of a plus.Also it drains my stamina crazily and the evolution function i asked for can't be used yet due to my low stamina.Also Shoto awakened his quirk too but it seems due to me he has better control and manipulation of it probably because in the womb i had evolved his quirk ever so slightly.

Anyway, Shoto and I rushed to the car obviously we already know what are quirks are but apparently the doctor deems what the quirks are and names them.Secondly nobody really knows i awakened mine but meh.

When we arrived at the doctor he first checked Shoto. "Hm, a very good quirk indeed he can emit fire from his left and ice from his right and also seems to have slight control over it.I shall name it Half Hot Half Cold." My dad was super smug and my mother was very happy.Now it was my turn.I emitted my flame for a few moments burning my finger tip and he made his judgement."Well this boy's quirk seems to be fire based.It is a pure white flame that freezes and burns but it is so volatile that it seems to burn him self allowing him only to use it for short periods of time currently.If he trains it enough his body should be able to handle the cold burns but the quirk has another short coming it seems to be high in stamina consumption.Although currently not as powerful as Half Hot Half Cold with time this quirk could be much stronger.I shall name this quirk Freezing Star Flames!"

Well hope you liked the chapter.Now to clarify idc if you say the protagonist shouldn't go helping everyone with his evolution ability he won't help everyone but he will help quite a few people from U.A due to the increase of power of villains.Or else that ability would have been useless really.Anyway till next time!

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