
Chapter 1 Death and Reincarnation

"Jeez this sucks."I just died and got hit by a building somehow.Well let's go back a bit.I was just having a regular day walking to school when suddenly i heard a creak.A building was collapsing.My protagonist senses started tingling when i saw a 10 year old kid on his phone with head phones oblivious to the world while the building was about to fall on him.So like any sane otaku i ran and pushed him out of the way and then got crushed by the building.

"Well life sucked anyway."I said to the void.Which i had been staring at for 30 seconds 'Damn can't this stupid God who is gonna reincarnate me just come now.He's gonna do it anyway so the sooner the better.I mean what does he think i am?A monk?'

Much to my surprise just after i thought that a man suddenly appeared.He had long flowing white hair that reached to his waist and a moustache that was so overgrown that it reached to the floor."You ungrateful shit i am about to reincarnate you and you are acting like you are doing me the favor. HMPH"

"Finally you arrived so..... can we start?" "AH!Fine just shut up and let me explain.When you died you didn't die in vain as you actually saved that child somehow and he later went on to become a great world leader that brought peace and prosperity to the world."

"YES BABY I KNEW HE WAS A WINNER SO CAN I PICK THE WORLD I REINCARNATE INTO!?" "Jeez calm down.Yes you can pick but the choices are limited or else your soul wont be able to handle it." "As in?" "As in you can't go to worlds like dragon ball right off the bat because the body would be to strong and your soul wont be able to handle it.Making you a retard." "Huh.But all of those reincarnation novels never had such restrictions." "Well you are correct but they're just novels after all" "True maybe we're in a novel right now?" "Don't be silly." "Okay but can we get back to the point." "Oh yes right.So you can choose between." Suddenly the old man came to an abrupt stop when a digital screen appeared in the void.

Naruto World: Difficulty High

One Piece World: Difficulty Medium

My Hero Academia World: Difficulty Low

"Why aren't Naruto World and One Piece World at the same difficulty?" "I thought you were an otaku why are you asking such stupid questions?Naruto world is obviously higher because at the end the 10 tails was doing continental level attacks as you earthlings call them.While the peak of the One Piece World is only about island level+ as you would call them."

"True but meh.I pick My Hero Academia World either way.Firstly because I died a hero 'Yes this is a really good excuse for my cowardice' and want to continue my life as one.Secondly because i should start easy first."

"Okay good.Well now you have 2 wishes and can pick when you are born plus a bonus package of getting to choose your appearance and family."

"Oh well thats easy i want to be born in the Todoroki family because of Endeavour's resources that would make things easier.I want to be born at the same year Midoriya was born and i also want to look like Shoto because why not.Also for my wishes i want instant mastery and a system."

"Well your birth year,appearance and family can be done but your wishes can't.I should have explained this before but wishes have grades starting from low,mid,high,super,ultra,mega,mythical and god.You my friend have gotten 2 low wishes which can be combined into one mid if you want.And to clarify All for One would be about a high grade low rank as wishes can further be divided into ranks of low,mid or high and One for All would be about mid grade high rank."

"Wait why could All Might beat All for One then." "Well firstly it is obviously because One for All came from All for One and secondly All for One is retarded he could have easily ruled the world of MHA if he just looked for body strengthening and regenerating quirks to steal instead of making Tomura Shigaraki his successor and making the Nomus.Then again at that point it was already to late due to his damage from fighting All Might.Oh and All Might beat All for One because as i said before All for one wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer by far although he seems like a mastermind in the show that is really because of his age and experience and he probably has an intelligence enhancing quirk."

"Hmmm. Then i choose to combine my wishes into a mid level wish and i want to create a flame quirk.It will basically have the freezing abilities of ice and the burning capabilities of fire.I want it to look like a pure white flame and if possible i would also like a purifying ability to evolve quirks into better versions of them selves.Oh and i want it to have unlimited potential to evolve is well please."

"Fine that can be done but i will add a restriction to your quirk which you will find out about when you reincarnate.Also i will give you a status window as a bonus and so you know all quirks have unlimited potential it's just people dont have enough time in MHA World to train their quirks to planet buster level and they don't know how so its not really a part of your quirk."

"Oh cool.By the way before I go will i keep my memories i am assuming yes and what is your name?" "Yes you will keep your memories and so you know i have made the MHA World an Ultra level world now since you will be there.The greatest threat wont be All for One anymore."

"WAIT WHAT!You bastard get ba....."And so i reincarnated but not be for he said his final words to me.

"My name is God of Rip Offs."

Well this is the first chapter i have ever made and it took me like half an hour to make its probably because my typing is slow pls leave constructive criticism in the comments.And thank you for reading till next chapter!

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