

Adrianna lived a normal teenage life, or so she thought until that night. She had a wonderful best friend, awesome school life and a loving family. What could go wrong?. It all started that night. That night changed everything. With the new information she had, it was "goodbye human world " and "welcome supernatural world". Nobody could ever fight their existence, and she wasn't ordinary. Not in the very least, this is a story of a confused young adult who has to find herself, bond with her roots and become a stronger person. This is her story. And it's hers to tell.

tammybea · Fantasy
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18 Chs



Kate and I make it to class a second before Mrs Dupree the history teacher comes in.She gives all the students a condescending look and then slips on her ugly glasses.

"I mean if she hates this job sooo much.Why doesn't she quit?",I whisper to Kate who silently giggles as we open our textbook.I scan the class as I see a grinning Jamie talking to Meredith.They both look so love struck and happy.I wish I was Meredith.

"Hey,I'm really sorry",Kate whispers to me seeing where my gaze is pinned on.I shrug and smile as she gives me a reassuring hold on my palm.I think Jamie is better off with his girlfriend because I'm a werewolf and I'm likely to find my mate soon.And once I find my mate,a stupid crush wouldn't even b compared to the mate bond.Yes,I did my research and mom has been secretly telling me things too without dad's knowledge.I zone out all the weird vibes and focus on the history class.


"I can't wait to have Mrs Gonzalez' famous guacamole.I missed them soo much",Kate squeals with excitement as we pack our stuff to go eat lunch.

"Adri!",the male shouts from behind me.it's Jamie,I smile and turn backwards giving him a quick hug.

"I missed you girlie",he says with a smirk,his black curly hair disheveled. I notice Meredith who looks at Kate and I shyly.

"Hi,I'm Adrianna but close friends and family call me Adri",I say offering my hand as she shyly takes it."I'm Meredith.I've heard a lot about you from Jamie here",she says her brown hair bouncing over her shoulders.She is really pretty,brown eyes,small nose,tiny lips,medium sized cheeks.

"Good things I hope",I say looking at Jamie as he nods.

"Its good to see you Adri,we gotta go tho",he says as he gives Kate a nod and she nods back.Meredith gives me a wave and I wave back ad she leaves.

"I do not like that Meredith girl",Kate says in a matter of fact tone.

"Yeah,the feeling is mutual",I say as we walk out of class.

"Yeah figures",she says sticking her tongue out at me as I roll my eyes.

"I'm not saying that cos of the stupid crush!",I groan.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night",she says with a grin as I groan.at her once more.

"Mason,Adrianna come on down guys.Family meeting",dad calls from downstairs as I groan loudly.I just got back from school.I need sleep.I walk out of my room to see Mace walking out of his too rubbing his eyes.

"I thought you had football practice",I say as a remindal.

"Coach told us to rest for today.Real work starts tomorrow",he.says yawning rubbing his bare chest.My brother never wears a shirt when he's home just pants or pink boxers..ahah.

"I wonder what the family meeting is about",he says as I give a shrug and we make our way downstairs.Mace and I sit on the sofa as dad and mom sit on the couch.

"Kids,we have huge news and we don't know how you are gonna take it",mom says as I say a silent prayer inside of me,please not another werewolf thingy..please God!.

"We are moving",dad finally says."and we are leaving tomorrow",he finishes.As if on cue Mace and I stare at each other and yell"WHAT?!!" simultaneously.

"Dad,I have a life here.I mean school and and Kate",I say in fury.

"Dad,what about football?.the school year just started",Mace says with pleading eyes as mom.and dad give a tight smile.

"We can't do anything about it kids.It was a rapid decision. We are living tomorrow, its best you start packing",dad says as he sighs and walks out on all of us.

"Mom,are you for real??",I ask as she nods.I hate this,I just hate all the changes.Mace storms upstairs with rage and I do the same too leaving mom all alone.

"I just dont get this.We have lived here forever and now they just want us to pack up our stuff and leave tomorrow?!",Mace yells as I shrug.Everyone needs to be left alone,he slams his door and I make my way to my own room..I sigh deeply,I need to call Kate and get packing too.

Five hours later

"I can't believe you are leaving me just like this.I had our senior year all planned out you know",Kate says sniffing as she helps me pack my stuff.Kate immediately came over after and I called her and she has been crying nonstop making me cry too.

" I don't understand anything going on.Maybe its all for the best",I say as I pack my shoes.

"Its not for the best.My life will suck without you,school will suck without you",she.says sobbing as I hug her.

"I'm really gonna miss you",I say with a smile as she chuckles.

"I will miss u so goddamn much",she says as she wipes her tears with the sleeve of her top.

"Its almost 10 in the night Kate,you should get going",I say as I sniff.She looks at her wristwatch and nods.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm gonna miss your dickhead of a brother",she says as we both laugh at this."Where are you moving to anyways?",she asks."I dunno,dad and mom are not telling",I say with a sigh.

"Promise we will Skype all the time,text,chat,video chat.promise me you won't get a new best friend and forget all about me",she says as I smile.

"Oh Kate,believe me no one could ever replace you in my life.You are one in a million",I say as she scoffs.

"Yeah,of course.I know that",she says as I laugh.Some things just don't ever change.


I take a good look at my room one last time Tuesday morning.I'm really gonna miss the place,this is where the best parts of my friendship with Kate took place,the sleepovers,the makeovers,the fights. I sniff as I grab my last suitcase and shut the door.Goodbye life,on getting downstairs I see Mace who is furiously typing on his phone.

"What are you doing?",I ask as he looks up at me and then his phone."Just saying goodbye to the football team.I couldn't do it physically.so I'm sending a mass message",he says as I give him a hug.

"I hope wherever we are moving to is actually worth it",he says as he grabs my suitcase and i smile..looking at our home one last time.

"Goodbye home",I say sadly as Mace and I walk outside.The moving vans left earlier this morning.So now its just us,moving to our new home.Wherever that is.