

Adrianna lived a normal teenage life, or so she thought until that night. She had a wonderful best friend, awesome school life and a loving family. What could go wrong?. It all started that night. That night changed everything. With the new information she had, it was "goodbye human world " and "welcome supernatural world". Nobody could ever fight their existence, and she wasn't ordinary. Not in the very least, this is a story of a confused young adult who has to find herself, bond with her roots and become a stronger person. This is her story. And it's hers to tell.

tammybea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs



"Dude,calm down.I don't get why you keep pacing back and forth",Keith the beta's son says to me as I growl.

I don't understand either but since last night,my wolf has been restless.Sooo restless.I ruffle my black hair with my hands as I sigh and stop in my tracks.

"I think my mate is in town or she's one her way",I say as Keith chokes on his coke and Danny wriggles his brows.

Danny is the son of the Delta.

Keith clears his throat and grabs a lock of his golden hair from his face.

"That explains why your wolf has been so restless",Keith says as I nod.

"Well obviously",I say as Danny grabs a coke from the fridge.

"She's definitely someone new.I could talk to Lumi to scan the newbies",he says his brow furrowed and his lips in a smirk which breaks into a smile showing off his dimples.

This idiot is my sister Lumi's mate.They found each other on her sixteenth birthday a week ago. But we have all been childhood friends before that and I think Danny has always had a crush on my sister.

"She was my sister before she became you mate I can talk to her myself",I say in a soon to be Alpha tone as Danny and Keith burst out laughing.

Danny's long chocolate hair swaying in the process.I have told him severally to get a hair cut,he thinks having his hair long makes him look more like Jacob the werewolf from the movie TWILIGHT.

"Okay,okay,talk to her yourself okay.I will make sure I talk to her in my own way",he says with a wink as I throw my empty can of coke at him.

My lips in a thin line.

"Danny, shut up okay.We don't need the details",Keith says his green eyes filled with laughter.

"I gotta go talk to Lumi",I state as I exit my room leaving Keith and Daniel.

It's a pack house,everyone has their private houses but the packhouse is like a common ground for all the werewolves, we all belong here.

I follow my sister's scent only to find her at the pool side all relaxed on a beach chair with sunshades on and reading a magazine.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes as I stalk toward her.

"How can I help you?",she says taking off her sunshades as her ocean blue eyes stare into mine.

We have the same eye color,same hair color,same full lips and pointed nose.I'm just well built since I'm a male and the soon to be alpha.

"My mate's in town. I want you to scan through the newbies",I say as she groans.

"How do you expect me to do that?",she asks her face all scrunched up and her hair all messy.

"I don't care how you do it just fucking find me my mate!",I growl as I stalk away hearing a muttered"stupid alpha brother".

I choose to ignore her remark as I make my way to my quiet spot.I just hope Lumi finds her and then my wolf can finally relax,I think with a smile.



"Kids,we are here.Wake up",mom's cheerful voice goes waking Mace and I up.

I yawn and rub my eyes as I look out the window, my mouth is wide open,I mean my jaw is literally on the floor. I'm in total shock here.

"Whoa,is it just the four of us who are gonna be living here?",Mace asks in total shock as he takes in the huge white mansion in front of us.

"Dad,mom,are you sure we are at the right house?",I ask as dad chuckles and mom nods.

"I call dibs on the second biggest bedroom!",Mace screams racing out of the car.

"Stop there you idiot.I'm way older than you so I get to choose first!",I yell as I race after him.


"Wow,you are living in a mansion!",Kate squeals.

We are actually face timing now so I'm showing her around the house,giving her a grand tour.

"I know right?.it's so amazing",I say as I plop down on my bed.I like my room cos it has a wonderful view of the ocean and a balcony too.Mace chose the room in front of mine just cos it has a red colored light bulb.He is obsessed with the colour red.

"Oh God,I can't wait to come visiting",she says as I nod.

"You can come here for spring break",I say as she nods severally making me laugh.

"Urrrrghhh,babe i have to go help mom with something",she says with a groan as I laugh.

"Okay.Go on,get to work",I say as she rolls her eyes at me"ttyl",she goes as the screen goes blank.I grab my toiletries and make my way to the bathroom.

Stepping out of the bathroom wrapped in my towel,I cream and then put on my oversized frozen T shirt.it's night,I don't wanna wear bra and panties...besides I don't really have huge breasts,they are just normal sized breasts.I grab my iPod and I'm about to listen to BLACK BEETLES when there's a knock on the door.

"Coming!",I say as I get the door.I'm greeted by ocean blue eyes and deep straight jet black hair,pointed nose and full lips.

"Hi!,I'm lumi",she says cheerfully as I stare at her.She is so beautiful,she's wearing blue pant trousers and a black crop top showing off her flat stomach.To think I always thought I had a flat belly.

"Um,hi I'm Adrianna.Come on in",I say gesturing for her to come in.

"I'm sorry if this is weird but your parents told me to come in.Since I'm the alpha's daughter,it's a tradition for me to welcome any newbie",she says as I nod.

"Alpha's daughter.I'm still getting used to the whole werewolf thing",I say as she smiles.

"Welcome to OAK CREEK",she says cheerfully giving me a quick hug which is surprising.

"So since that's settled,how about you give me more scoop about this werewolf thing",I say with a wink as she laughs."Alright,what do you wanna know?",she says with a grin as I open my mouth.


Oh God!,I'm having a complete breakdown right now!!,what do I wear?.

I'm really starting to wish I hadn't turned down mom's offer to go shopping.

Really,my closet is a disaster!.

"Can you hurry it up?,some of us hate being late",Mace says barging into my room.

I gasp cos I still have a towel wrapped around my body.I glare at him and before I can even speak he gives me an apologetic look and leaves my room.

I sigh and grab my boots, the same one Kate got me.

I put on my grey bra and purple lace panty,I grab a yellow crop top and a jean high waist trouser,matching it with my leather boots of course.

I let my dirty blonde hair down after straightening it then applied a bit of mascara,powder,red matte lipstick.I grab my phone and bag and then I rece downstairs.

"Well,it took you long enough okay",Mace says glaring daggers at me as I ignore him.

"Morning mom and dad",I say in between teeth.

Things are still not perfect between us but we are trying."Honey,grab a toast",mom says her hair all messy and a red apron tied around her waist.

Dad has a coffee in his left hand as he.drinks it all in one gulp.

"Okay family,wish me luck as it's my first day as a professor in a college",dad says as mom pecks him on the lips and I give him a hug.

"You will do great dad,you always do",I say as dad smiles.

"That means a lot to me kiddo",he says as he let's go of me.He whispers something to Mace which makes him grin and then dad leaves.

"Okay Adri before you leave there is something you must know",mom says as I nod.

"What's up mom?",I ask as she smiles.

"I don't really know how you are gonna take the news but you won't be starting school here as a senior",mom says as my eyes literally get three times bigger.

Mace tenses up beside me.

"B but why?",I ask as she gives a weary smile.

"You are sixteen and the rule here says you have to be seventeen to be a senior",mom says.

Unbelievable!,so now I have to go through Junior year twice?!.Are you fucking with me right now?!.

"I hope this doesn't affect me too right I certainly can't be a fresh man again mom,I just can't",Mace says in a pleading tone.

"Actually your case is kinda complicated since you are turning fifteen in two days.You won't be taken back.You start school here as a sophomore student",mom said as Mace started jubilating and shouting.

"Yes!,I so didn't want to be a freshman again",he says with a smile as I force a smile too.

"Honey,don't feel so bad.I always thought your education was wayyy too fast for a normal highschooler",mom says obviously trying t make me feel better.

"I guess there's nothing I can do right?.I just have to suck all the bullshit in",I say through gritted teeth.

"I'm heading out.You coming?",I ask Mace as he nods.

"I hope you have fun kids",mom says as I give her a tiny smile and exit the house.

On getting out,Mace grabs my hand and smiles at me"I know that right now things are really not the way we want them to be and you are trying your hardest to make things work out.I know been asked to take a year again isn't easy but consider this as a fresh start.I mean no one knows you here and no one knows you were a senior year student before we moved here.I don't know but I feel like mom and dad are trying their best to protect us and keep us happy.Adri,please let's just bear the crap and act strong",he finishes as I engulf him in a bear hug.

"I don't know how you can switch from stupid to annoying to caring to sweet and then to stupid again",I say as he chuckles.

"Come on let's go fighter",he says as we make our way towards my jeep.

"Do we even know where this school is?",he.asks as I shrug."My car has GPS,I hope we don't get lost",I say grinning as Mace shakes his head.

"Please know what you are doing",he says getting into the car as I start laughing full on.


"Adrianna!",I hear the voice of my new friend call once I step out of my jeep.Immediately we got to school,my idiot of a brother just fled.I mean he is surely gonna meet me at home.

"Lumi hey",I reply with a smile.

"You look stunning.You should have asked for a ride you know",she says with a smile.

"Thanks for the compliment and it was no hassle really",I say with a smile.

"So what year are you starting as?",she asks."junior year",I state as she squeals.

"I'm also a junior year student",she says with a grin as I nod.She has no idea I'm taking this year again.

"Come on,we gotta get you your schedule",she says grabbing my elbow and pulling me with her.

Lumi helped me get my schedule and all I had maths first period while she had history.I looked at my schedule trying to locate wherever the stupid class was.

Who am I kidding?!,I'm lost!.

I groan loudly.

"You look lost",a male voice pipes taking me out of my train of thoughts.

I swear this guy looks just like Jacob the were wolf from TWILIGHT.It's probably just the long chocolate hair.

"That obvious huh?!,I say forcing a smile.

"Hi,I'm Danny",he says handing out his hand for me to shake which I do and let go of almost immediately.He chuckles at this.

"I'm Adrianna",I say as he smiles almost like he knows me already,you know that kinda creepy smile.

"What class do you have now?",he asks.