

Adrianna lived a normal teenage life, or so she thought until that night. She had a wonderful best friend, awesome school life and a loving family. What could go wrong?. It all started that night. That night changed everything. With the new information she had, it was "goodbye human world " and "welcome supernatural world". Nobody could ever fight their existence, and she wasn't ordinary. Not in the very least, this is a story of a confused young adult who has to find herself, bond with her roots and become a stronger person. This is her story. And it's hers to tell.

tammybea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs



We have an amazing breakfast and after that we move to the sitting room for a movie.

After the two men threw tantrums, a man and a boy..they wanted TERMINATOR.

I mean who watches that on a birthday.

Mom finally convinced them to let us watch TITANIC,I mean that movie is a classic.

We are currently at the part where the ship is about to sink and the violinists are playing that very sad song, mom sniffs as she dabs her face with a tissue then passes the box to me as I do the same.

Mace looks bored but my dad actually looks like he wants to cry too,I crack a smile at this.

"Jack is so adorable",I say as I gawk at the young Leonardo DiCaprio.I mean he was just too cute as a youth.Mace snorts at this as I snicker.

"When is this bullshit movie ending anyways?!,Mace says with a pout as mom glares at him"young man,language",she says as he scoffs.


"Thanks for making me watch a sappy boring romance movie all cos tz ur birthday",Mace says as he pokes my arm and races to his room shutting the door.

He acts so childish at times..most of the time really.I enter my room with a loud yawn as I crash on my bed.

It certainly was a kickass birthday esp d fact that Mace had to watch the sappy movie with us.My face has a wide grin as I slowly shut my eyes.

"Adri,wake up",I hear a female voice whispering.That's certainly my mom's voice.

"Mom,what's up?",I ask in a sleepy tone as she she gives ma a weary smile.

"Comeon,get up.We need to talk",she says as I reluctantly get up from the bed following to wherever she is taking me to.We stop at the basement door then mom slowly opens the door.She gestures for me to go in.

This is the first time ever I have been down here,as kids mom and dad never let mace and I come in here.I always thought there was probably a dead body locked up in here somwhere.KIDS!

"Brian,she's here",mom says as dad appears in front of us looking very tense.I don't really get what's going on and did I forget to mention that I'm extremely hot and I have a headache too.

"Mom,dad, what's going on.What's with all the mystery?",as dad gives me a forced smile and mom nods towards his direction.

"Adri,come over here",dad says as I make my way to where he is standing. He points to something on the wall and I take a look too.I gasp in horror and shock at what I see"w wh whoa...I never knew we had uhm..a museum down here",I say as I stiffle a giggle but no one laughs.

Right before me are huge paintings of wolves,I mean huge wolves and some of men with canines and claws with bare chests and ripped up pants.I move closer to the paintings as I try to take them all in.

"Dad,are you planning on studying werewolves?",I ask cos that's the only reason I can come up with for these paintings.

"Honey,I'm not gonna be studying werewolves anytime soon.I'm one myself.We all are",dad says as he tenses up again.What??..we all are what??..

"What??..we are what?.You have got to be kidding me.Mom,what is dad saying",I ask.

"Honey your dad is right.We kept it from you and Mace because we want you guys safe.Your dad and I agreed that we would tell you both when each of you turned sixteen because it's at that age that your werewolf senses start to develop".mom says.

"We know it's a lot to take in but we are in a human world and our kind is in danger. But now since you are of age,you would be able to defend yourself",dad says with a tight smile as I just stare at them.

Being shocked is certainly an understatement,I'm a frigging werewolf!a werewolf!!I'm a beast.

Just like Jacob in Twilight and Scott McCall in teenwolf.

I don't want this.I want to be a normal teenager.I fight back my tears and go"Thanks for telling me this but mom and dad,I don't want this.Being a werewolf is beasty.I'm a beast!..a goddamn beast!",I scream as I run out of the basement,my tears spilling uncontrollably.


"What's going on Adri?",Mace asks me on a chilly Monday morning.We are on our way to school.

I have a car so basically I drive Mace to school,I'm starting senior year today..Mace is starting Sophomore year.

"Uhmm,nothing why do you ask?",I answer.

"Because you av been way too distant after your birthday.I noticed mom and dad are acting strange too like everyone is tensed up and I don't know why",he says looking out the window.His perfect blonde hair disheveled.

"Nothing is wrong bruh,I'm just tired and thinking about first day of senior year too",I say with a smile as he stares at me and then smiles.

"Alright.if u say so.I have football practice after school so don't wait up for me",he says with a grin as I park my jeep.

"I thought as much",I say as he gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"Love you sis",he says with a wink as I giggle."You just know when to act all nice and sweet don't you?",I say as he races out of the car.

I grab my things from the car,not without looking at myself in the mirror,my blonde hair is wavy,shoulder length.I'm wearing a green top shop leather pant and a black short sleeved top and white vans.I look good.I get out of my car only to get slammed into a bear hug.

"Kate,I can't breathe",I murmur as she lets go of me chuckling.I stare at my blue eyed bestie.Her dark chocolate hair is in a messy bun,she's wearing a black highwaist skirt,blue crop top and black boots.

"Wow,you really are a senior year student",I say wriggling my eyebrows as she laughs giving me a slight twirl.

"You don't look too bad yourself",she says"we have almost all classes together",she continues handing me my class schedule.She does this every year

.getting my class schedule for me.The counselor always falls for her lies.

"Ohhh,I'm glad to hear that",I say.

"So how was your birthday really?.Hope you had fun?",she.asks making me remember the whole werewolf thingy.

"Of course I had fun.Jamie texted me anyways.He says he can't wait to see me today",I say making sure I'm not blushing.

"Probably to give you your birthday gift orrrrr____",she stops midsentence.

"Or what Kate?",I ask as she frowns.

She sighs and goes"Adri,I'm your best friend and I know you have feelings for Jamie and you really tried your best in hiding it but..he is with Meredith now",she says nodding slowly.OMG,my crush is with someone else.

Is that what he couldn't wait to see me and tell me about. Jeez,I feel like a fool.

"I'm so sorry Adri.I'm sure he had no idea about your feelings for him",she says her lips forming a slight pout.

"No worries Kate.It was only a crush,I will get over it",I say with a tight smile."And oh,happy birthday bestie",she says handing me a gift bag she dug out of her bag.I smile widely and grab the bag as she murmurs something like "excited much",I ignore her and open the bag.I literally jump on seeing my present.

"Ohmygod Kate.You got me the boots!",I screamed as she gave me a wide smile as I tackled her in a bear hug.

Few weeks ago,Kate and I went to the mall,I saw this amazing leather boots but I didn't have enough cash so I payed half and told the cashier I would come for it soon with the remaining half.

"Yes,babe.I payed the remaining half.So now you get to completely dress up as a badass",she says with a grin as the bell goes off.

"Oh no,we gotta run!",I scream.

"I also don't wanna get to class late on my first day of senior year",she says grabbing my hands as we race down the hall.I love Kate and I really hope she will love me still when she finds out about my secret.
