
Ace of the Abyss

"You're death is not my mercy" says Arturios while sitting on a pile of corpse. Life has never been easy for him, so he shows interest in death itself..., some say that cold hearts never melts, but he has a soft and cold heart at same time....,, Just watching for his final moments of his life, his only feelings were grief, agony and a hint of anger but in the end he could just do nothing. but the goddess of fate seemed to have a different destiny exclusive only to him. [Ding...] [The amount of offerings have been satisfied....] [The special privilege of the paragon 'armament of darkness' has been used] [Preparing a supreme grade summon...] [Summoning "ROYAL CHAOS DEVIL"] [The host has acquired a special class "HELL BRINGER"] [The host.......] [The host......}

PaladiNetwork · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter : The Official Disciple

We had finally arrived at the other end of the bridge which was of a whooping length of more than a kilometer. When I looked upfront to see how good the noble residency is when compared to the commoner's, the sight in front of me shook me to my skin!!

I once again turned to look at the commoner's to recheck but when I saw the difference that was between them I was shocked one again, as it was something that's should be shocked for.

Because the difference between them was of heaven and earth if not, even of heaven and underworld!!

The scenery here was that of any capital city or at least that of a rich city, while behind the houses were of brown bricks and mud walls but the houses rather the mansions here were of marbles or even less the white marbles.

While I was stuck here watching at the unappetizing difference of the two sides of world (well it's two sides of the district), the old man suddenly called for me, "Hey kid, do you want to come or not, we don't have all day to spend here".

As we ventured in even deeper I saw all kind of things and sceneries that could not be seen in the commoner's land, there were absolutely zero or one or two stores present in this land. Seemingly all the nobles usually get all their requirements delivered to their houses.

And finally after walking for another hour did we managed to reach the place which was just next to another bridge but a small one, this was where our supposed ride would be waiting for, since we had just ate at an exquisite restaurant so I just guessed that we would be traveling in a exquisite ride as well. Not that I really wished it to be true, but my wish was really granted this time.

We had finally arrived at what appeared to be a giant caravan, I then looked at this couch that was far off of even my imagination of what it would be!!

I watched at it bluffed as we stood in front of the majestic caravan of exquisite color of aquamarine blue and pure white that resembled like something or anything that a king would use to travel on. But as I shifted my gaze to look at the beast that was pulling it, I was shocked.



I was totally taken aback!

It wasn't the caravan that left the impact!

It was a the beast that shocked me!!

Because the beast that was pulling this caravan was dam*n real wyvern, that was happily laying down on the ground without the care of world.

I unknowingly took a step back and sucked in cold air as I continued watching it.

"Watch where you're stepping kid!! do you want to dive in the water or something??", the old man shouted hurriedly but with a gentle tone.

"I-I a-" only then did I realized that I didn't only take a single step back but went back all the way back to the corner of the bridge.

"I-I'm so-sorry for that, I-I was just too amazed by the wyvern, a-are we have to get in that caravan??, J-just who are you mister ???" I stammered.

"Ha haa, why don't we hop in first then talk about all this secondary matters, but before that, how about you telling me about yourself first and your name also" the latter carefully dodged my question and asked me back with another question.

Only then did I realize that I have ate all good and even followed him till here but I totally forgot give my introduction, "Ah my bad I'm sorry, where were my manners, I'm is Arturios Vin-", but before I could complete my introduction suddenly a voice interrupted me "Master, so you finally decided to return home".

I turned up to look at the person who had interrupted me, I looked at him at in daze, he seemed to be a dark elf and he was also looking at me with a look of appraisal

but as soon as my gaze met his, a chill ran down to my bones. 'An elite ranked individual', I thought to myself before turning my gaze again downward.

"Ah, such a poor young lad, so who is this kid master and where did you get him from??", he pursued the old man who he was referring to as his master.

"A it's a long story Haleth, and to make it short, he is going to be disciple" the latter said so casually that the elf seemed to have didn't get it straight to his head as he was watch in daze.

"What!!" the he shouted as he had finally seemed to have understood what in meant!!

"What do you mean by your disciple, your official disciple", "Master you can't pick some random somebody and make him your disciple for god's sake and master I'm not Haleth, I'm Haldir" said he, his voice filled with precariousness, disbelief and slight rage.

And as I didn't know anything, I just kept my mouth shut and started thinking 'I never knew having some as some's disciple is matter of this seriousness as displayed by this old dark elf'.

"Relax, relax Haldir or whoever you are, I can see a bright future ahead of this kid and you'll also see that when we return back so start for the journey, as I have already thought about it thoroughly", the old man out right retaliated.