
Ace of the Abyss

"You're death is not my mercy" says Arturios while sitting on a pile of corpse. Life has never been easy for him, so he shows interest in death itself..., some say that cold hearts never melts, but he has a soft and cold heart at same time....,, Just watching for his final moments of his life, his only feelings were grief, agony and a hint of anger but in the end he could just do nothing. but the goddess of fate seemed to have a different destiny exclusive only to him. [Ding...] [The amount of offerings have been satisfied....] [The special privilege of the paragon 'armament of darkness' has been used] [Preparing a supreme grade summon...] [Summoning "ROYAL CHAOS DEVIL"] [The host has acquired a special class "HELL BRINGER"] [The host.......] [The host......}

PaladiNetwork · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter :Shocked!!

As we started hovering in the air the old man who was referred to as 'master' by the elf finally decided to give his introduction, "So kid, I'm Frederik, Frederik Ashley", "And I think my name might be famous even now after so many years", this old man said as if it was something so normal.


Now this time I was shocked out of my wits!!

'Ok now I'm really going to get the hell out of here' I firmed my decision and was ready to jump out of the carriage in the midair!! But just as I was about to get near the door, the elf caught my hands and pulled me back to my original seat.

"Oh-h young master what are you trying to do??" the elf questioned timidly.

"Yaya like hell I would believe that this old-I mean this mister here is 'The Frederik Ashley', why of all the places would the great hero Frederik Ashley be staying in this shabby looking god forsaken place?? I revolted.

But upon hearing this the self-proclaimed Hero Frederik just grunted loudly and the elf only shacked his head and repeid,"But young master, he is really THE Frederik Ashley", "and he has been staying in this place for more than 120 years" the elf replied promptly.

From the look of his, I could more or less confirm that he was indeed saying the truth. But that was much more shocking, 'how could the hero Frederik be here and there I was earlier tried to actually intimidate him for money, but if it is indeed him then all my problems could be solved' I thought still suspicious of the fact.

"S-sir, a-are re-really the HERO Frederik Ashley" I stammered but asked as delicately as possible because my whole life would depend on it.

Ha-ha-ha, yes of course I'm Frederik who do you think would be as cool as me" the latter replied with the most appealing smile while showcasing all his 32 teeth.

Now that the old man- I mean mister Frederik had finished his astonishing introduction it was finally turn to give my side of introduction,

"As for my introduction, I'm Arturios Vin-" but before I could finish or rather start my introduction I was once again interrupted as the carriage we were sitting on seemed to have finally landed on the ground after a little more than half a day.

Soon we arrived at this so-called estate of Master Frederik that stretched at the length of at least 1/8th of the whole district that it is present in and then came the mansion,

It was mansion which as very, very appropriate to be called as a castle was of bold emerald green and aphroditic blue color. It stood there as if from time immemorial, it was just perfect. Every pattern, every design, every statue and everything that was present was like something only a divine architect could do.

Every peak and edges of this castle all emitted one and only one thing, it was the roar of power and the aura of royalty.

As we arrived at the allure of the castle, we were greeted by more than fifteen or so people dressed in full black wearing light chest plate and sword and shield in their hands, standing as the guards of honor.

As they stood there, I noticed something really terrific, they were all from different race, different natures but they all had one thing for common, it was that every single one of them were of the 'Elite rank'!!!!

In the inner bailey of a certain castle, all the maids and attendants along with some butlers altogether were standing in front of what seemed to be the grand staircase staring at a certain room as if waiting for something.

As their gaze was still on the door, the same door soon opened up and a young boy from the looks of which seemed to be a grand noble or a royalty appeared out of there, he was so elegant, so bright that there was just one word specially made to describe him, he was just 'gracious'.

He would have really convinced the people that he was a royal Heir or member if-,

Crash!! Bang!!!

Clatter!! Whack!!

Just as the young boy could reach the stairs and walk down, he suddenly stepped on the long violet and indigo combined mantle that he wore and lost his control and fell all the way to the next platform of the stairs but the speed at which he fall, he stood again just a fast and rushed down to where the people were standing, all the people that stood there were watching the scene in jealousy and contemplation, while the men were filled with jealousy some as he was the disciple of hero Frederik and some because all the women were watching him with contemplation.

This none other than the young boy that the hero Frederik had brought home and it the castle that he called as his small adobe.

"Young master, Sir Frederik have summoned you to the arch lawn at the back of mansion and he said to take your time to reach there, some if you please follow me", said a middle-aged who appeared to be a butler, while also stopping the other's lecherous gaze while some's menacing gazes.

As we walked through the corridor of the hall it was truly a sight to behold, there was this unparalleled embroidery of the walls and stone carvings on ceiling and the antiques that are framed and hanging on the walls were simply beautiful.

We had finally arrived at what seemed to be a grandiose tea room which was, actually not in the lawn but was joint to the mansion itself it's just that one go or look at the lawn from here, waiting for us here were a total of four persons and from aura they emitting one was at the heavenly 'Demigod' rank which was obviously master Frederik himself who was leisurely drinking tea and behind were standing three terrifying beings of 'saint' rank each.

"So boy, I just don't understand one thing, why do you want or why are you acting as some country bumpkins in front of those servants and attendants. Nothing bad would happen even if they know thing or two that you're at least someone of noble linage, I can't bear to watch some of your caliber to act so lowly", firmly replied Frederik voicing his opinion.