
Ace of the Abyss

"You're death is not my mercy" says Arturios while sitting on a pile of corpse. Life has never been easy for him, so he shows interest in death itself..., some say that cold hearts never melts, but he has a soft and cold heart at same time....,, Just watching for his final moments of his life, his only feelings were grief, agony and a hint of anger but in the end he could just do nothing. but the goddess of fate seemed to have a different destiny exclusive only to him. [Ding...] [The amount of offerings have been satisfied....] [The special privilege of the paragon 'armament of darkness' has been used] [Preparing a supreme grade summon...] [Summoning "ROYAL CHAOS DEVIL"] [The host has acquired a special class "HELL BRINGER"] [The host.......] [The host......}

PaladiNetwork · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter :The Dermis-Heimer Family (1)

A few hours earlier:

As we entered the walk-way of the mansion we were greeted by more than a dozen or two 'elite ranked' individuals on the path, when Mr. Frederik saw the expression on my face he started consoling me by saying, 'Hey kid, they are just our common attendants. So don't be bothered too much by it okey', which left the opposite reaction from me.

'So, the common attendants are of elite rank ha, then what would be the level of the actual guards then??', thought I and just freaked out by the thought.

Finally, we arrived at the front of the building doors of the mansion that opened as we came in, inside the house we came face to face with more 6 or 7 people of which three were at the saint rank and the others were roughly at early or late stages of expert rank, well it was just to be expected as even the attendants were at elite ranks.

Even on seeing the appearance of a boy like me who was wearing tattered clothes and slightly covered in filth, they didn't have any disgusted look in their eyes and that even I who watches every single movement in muscle could not find out.

"Welcome my great lord, it's a pleasure that you have finally decided to return home after wandering out in wilds for decades and it's a pleasure meeting you, young master, the disciple of your lord", welcomed or rather narrated one of the trio saints who was also an elf.

"Ha Ah, it's been a while ah Haldir, so, doing good now", casually replied Mr. Frederik like he usually does, "Also, introduce yourselves to this little kid out here got ya".

"Of-course we will my lord, young master, I am not Haldir!!, I'm Helath Von Reltia and I'm one of the Secretary and also am an apprentice of my lord Frederik", said the Dark elf.

'No wonder Mr. Frederik was confused in their names, I remember him calling that elf in the chariot as Helath' I wondered.

"I am Barbatos Le Herklinser and I'm also an apprentice and secretary of lord Frederik", introduced a wolf-earred kin.

"I am Lenin sedie lin markzcarl and I'm the last apprentice and secretary of lord Frederik", introduced surprisingly a human this time.

"I am Moldres and I'm the head butler", it was a human again this time and even the rest seemed to be human I thought.

"I am Franklin Detriach and I'm the head attendant as well as the magistrate of this district", said he, leaving me slightly taken back, 'so this guy is the mayor ha' I thought.

"I am Welter and I'm the head chef", said a not small but comparingly big dwarf.

And that was all for the introductions, I did thought of introducing myself to which Mr. Frederik stopped at that moment so I just shook my head my head in acknowledgement.

soon enough we settled, and then finally it was time for revealing my origin and the plea of protection.

"Arturios Vinstorm Von Dermis-heimer, is my full name and I was the heir of the Dermis-heimer family that now does not exist anymore", I gave my introduction with my voice filled with grief to the brim.

I did give my part of introduction as politely as I could ever give as it was a matter of grave importance to me, but the result was just as I had thought, it was just as I had expected, for this name would make people give only two expressions one who doesn't know it would give a normal expression.

But of people who know it would give, the look of fright, the look of deep shock, as deep as the core. And it's was the same expression on Mr. Frederik, utterly shocked !!.

I am Barbatos, a saint ranked wolf-kin, and I have been serving master Frederik for more than 150 years. And in this span of service, I've seen many expressions on his face.

he would often express his grief of losing all his friends, his humour on the present rulers that think too much of themself, his anger on the mis-giving of the history,

His profound hatred on the people who think of him and even pride on his apprentice achievements and all, without even holding back, despite being an existence who lived for more than 600 years and known to every as the 'greatest existence', but never in my years of service have I seen him so shocked just by a small introduction of this kid that he had brought.

I was just wondering as to what this kid had said to my master that it impacted this way, 'Dermis-heimer ??, never heard of before' was all I could think of. 'As it seemed to have effected master Frederik to this extent it must be some secret or even someone, master had hold dearly' I thought again.

But all of my doubts would be soon cleared, as master had finally seemed to have swallowed the news and was ready to talk.

"Hey kid, would you do kindly explain me as to how this god-blooded aristocratic family that had been destroyed eons ago, suddenly came into existence and then got extinct again", "And that too is a classified history that only few know about".

"Those were the existence that reigned our forefathers and ancestors altogether for millions of years", "you say you are from that dermis-heimer, and you want me to believe that bullsh*t" he debuted, apparently, he seemed even more shocked than I had when I heard his name.

Now from what he said, I am even sure I or we were not lied to this truth from our very childhood, and this question rather doubt that he asked was something that I had long back assumed that I would be asked when I agreed to follow him, so now I could only tell the whole true story of it.

"I know this is confusing, but please listen to my part of the story, my part of the history, I promise that I will feed you with everything that had happened ever since our name had been kept hidden" I replied hurriedly making myself sound as genuinely as possible.