
Ace combat In Multiverse?!

After one of your only family was bedridden in hospital, you were suddenly in massive debt from the hospital Bill. With you back in the corner and no way out, you were about to sell everything you possess just to pay the bill. When you received Ace Combat System with the main goal of receiving money to pay the medical Bill And the Ace Combat System only asks you one thing Complete the Mission and cause chaos in the universe. Equip with 640 missiles, an Unlimited Machine gun on your plane, and some of the Legendary Characters from all over the universe as your companions. Hop on and let's cause some chaos in the Universe. ---- World - Muv Luv Alternative. - Earth World Coming Soon - Star Wars Rebels. - Halo - Animatrix

Souleye123 · Video Games
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29 Chs

Lovely Chat

My eyes were hollow of life, and I signed in defeat at losing the battle as I sat on the far edge of the left table while the protagonist put the tray of food in front of me.

Truly a protagonist, who can bend words in his own way. And can convince even the Shogun herself. I heard a rumor that every Main character has what is called talk no Jutsu but truly experiences firsthand...Truly a fearsome character.

With a frown form on my face, I glare silently at who is currently beside me and still not noticing my stare, in favor of welcoming his squadron. Fine... you won the battle but the war is not decided yet Mr. Protagonist.

"Oh yeah let me introduce myself first. My name is Lieutenant Shriogane Takeru" Shirogane said taking the eye of everybody on the table and began pointing at his friend "The one with brown hair and glasses is Lieutenant Sakaki Chizuru, the pink-haired one is Lieutenant Tamase Miki, the blue-haired one is Lieutenant Mitsurugi Meiya, the one with black shoulder-length hair is Lieutenant Kei Ayamine, and finally, the one with short cyan hair is Yoroi Mikoto."

Each of them had their unique way of greeting, and I observed them closely. "We're from the UN's Special Task Force A-01, AKA Valkries " Shirogane proudly announced.

Special Task Force A-01 is a United Nations special forces unit formed to carry out Alternative IV, one of the best eastern UN Forces that protects Japan's land from the BETA threat.

Their Special Task Force is not just for title only, they are the best of the best the UN can offer...And also famous for its high rate of casualties.

Just to show how dangerous, before there was a whole battalion. Now there is only 1/8 of their former strength. That shows how dangerous it is to be in it.

But I already knew their names and affiliated with the Visual Novel, so their introductions felt redundant. Nevertheless, I knew it was my turn to speak. I could feel their expectant eyes on me.

"Names Renald Yoma a mercenary, nationality United States and specializing in independent Combat deep in enemy teritorial" Immediately everyone had their eyes wide like they were surprised upon hearing this, even dropping their spoon.

"Mercenary?" "America?"

I was a little weirded out by their way of surprise "Uh..yes? In this dark time, there is a lot of work around so mercenaries like me are hired a lot, is there something wrong with it?"

"...Forgive me but, you don't look like a Mercenary" Lieutenant Sasaki responded bluntly, surprising me. She quickly covered her mouth in shock and continued, "A-ah, but that doesn't imply you're weak in any way." She raised her hand to signal that she meant no offense.

Am I really that weak that even a girl has to say it? I look upon myself in wonder,I have various burned marks here and there but it's already covered with a bandage.

While I don't think I am weak, I would at least have a chance if it was a 1 vs. 1 fight.

..I think. But I direct my focus back at the girl.

"You are right that I don't have the aura of Mercenary." While I scoop out the rice eat it "...Rather than Mercenary, It feels like someone forced me" I mumble on the last

"What?" Shirogane said beside me

"N-nothing," I said there was a bit of suspicion in their eye so I decided to change the topic "So a-anyways if you need me just send me to the densest enemy spot, and I will make sure that I will leave no survivor."

I was then given a silent treatment as they kept their gaze on me, blinking their eyes, Was that a bit too much for an introduction? Bah... Blame my social awkwardness.

I added "But as you can see I am currently injured, so I won't be any assist." I continue munching down more of the rice and feel a bit sick around the stomach.

Bleh... no taste.

The food... Was kind of bland, with no taste at all other than what these Japanese people call Soy Sauce to add flavor. The meat is also a bit too much. Honestly, I don't really like rice either, I prefer Fries over rice any days.

But can't waste food that was given to me for free, so I begin to pour some soy sauce upon the meat. And carefully scoop out the rice from falling.

Not bad, As I began to enjoy the food I was called out "Ano..."

I glance and the pink-haired girl named Tamase, looks at me in nervousness "Yeah?"

"C-Can I have your signature, please?" The girl with pink hair stammered as she handed me a piece of paper at the front of my table.

I glanced at the paper in disbelief, looked at the pink hair if what she was saying was correct, and then turned to look at the others at the table seeking an explanation. Shirogane was the one who answered, "Tamase has been a big fan of the Demon Lord. So Imagine her reaction the moment she saw you."

Huh... This is the first time I have my own fan. It feels weird. But wait if she is seeking the Demon Lord and my signature then that means...

"How do you know I am the demon Lord?"

I pretty much doubt Dr. Kouzaki is going to let my identity out that easily, I mean this Dr. Kouzaki we are talking about. The Mad scientist, and a girl who manipulates people in the whole UN base.

All eyes around the table exchanged glances before focusing on me, and one of them responded, "Rather than knowing, we were the ones who saved you when you crash-landed on Sadogashima."

I was taken aback. "Oh... I didn't know that." I stood up and bowed to them. "Thank you very much for saving me."

There was a bit of pause until the table went chaotic mood. As they begin

I heard a rumor that Japanese people are polite and kind. But I guess it's true.

"You don't need to thank us; it's natural for fellow soldiers to help each other," Lieutenant Sasaki said, adjusting her glasses.

"Yeah, but you were cool too! Like woosh! And enter the HIVE. And destroy it!" Lt. Tamake said with a star on her face.

"Too bad you missed the party. Honestly, it was a huge gathering," Mikoto commented, pointing to a tray of food. "Do you know Aunty over there? She gave you all this food as a thank you for keeping us safe. But maybe she went a bit overboard."

The food? I look back at the food in a different way than before, Is this her way of thanking me even though she knows that I did this sake of money?

"Honestly that was such a reckless move." Meiya who has been quiet since the start of the conversation "To think you hold the defense line all by yourself while avoiding all of those Lasers."

I smile wryly. "Haha... tell me about it. Almost half of my controls got fried while I was up in the skies. I had to control it while it was on fire, and it was scorching hot. Can you believe it?"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes looked pained, and they stared at me from head to toe.

"...Is it still hurt?" Lieutenant Tamase said, looking at my hand in worry seeing the bandage around it.

"Hurt? well, I still feel a bit of pain, but I can still walk and use one of my arms."  I swing one of my arms

"But honestly, why would you do that? I doubt even the highest payout for the mission would compel you to undertake such a daring act," Meiya inquired.

At her word, a small smile formed on my face...Reckless huh, is that what they think of me? A guy with no care for his own life in the pursuit of money? Well... they are not wrong either.

Still, I wasn't entirely comfortable addressing the question directly, so I attempted a polite response. "I apologize, but..."

I struggled to find the right words to decline their inquiries. but Meiya appeared to sense my hesitation. "Oh, forgive me if you don't wish to answer the question," she said, easing the tension.

I silently thanked Meiya for her understanding and redirected the conversation toward Tamase, who still held a piece of paper. "Oh yeah, Lieutenant Tamase, do you want me to sign it or not?"

Lieutenant Tamase snapped out of her daze, remembered the paper, and offered it to me with a slight bow.

I extended my hand, took the paper, and proceeded to sign it. After completing my signature, I handed it back to her. Her face lit up with a broad smile as she raised it in excitement. "Yeah!"

"Oh yeah, just for a reminder, while the aircraft is the same I am not the Demon Lord," I reiterated firmly, trying to make it clear to everyone at the table.

"Eh?" Tamase, the girl with pink hair, looked confused. Everyone else had the same expression as I did.

And then Ayamine if I remember her name correctly snapped at her hand "I knew it. Demon lord can't be that young."

"But.. wait.. really?"

"If you want to meet the REAL Demon Lords, his code name is Cipher." I continued, trying to provide some context.

The table fell into silence as they absorbed the information I'd just shared. Finally, a blue-haired girl named Meiya broke the silence, asking, "So... could you tell us more about this Cipher?"

I turned my attention to Meiya for a moment, then nodded. "Certainly, but first," I glanced over at Lieutenant Tamase, "could I borrow some paper and a pen?"

She handed over a piece of paper, a bit nervous, and I took the pen and paper, sketching a circle in the center. I began creating logos on each side of the circle. "Before you want to know about Cipher, you should understand the concept of the Round Table."

Meiya tilted her head as she observed the paper. in curiosity and inquired, "Round table...? Is that some kind of furniture?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her response and raised an eyebrow. "A table, really?" Meiya blushed deeply, but I shook my head and continued, "It's not quite what you're thinking. It's more like an unofficial gathering of the world's best pilots, a concept I came up with."

"Each with its own title and strength that carve the history, and one of the finest pilots ever seen."


1. Mobius One (The Grim Reaper)

2. Blaze (The Ghost Of Razgriz)

3. Phoenix (The Firebird or Fire-o)

4. Trigger (Three Strikes, Three lines of Sin)

5. Cipher (Demon Lord of the Round Table)

6. Gryphus 1 (Southern Cross, Nemesis)

7. Talisman (The Angel of Emmeria)


I finished sketching the last logo on the paper and placed it in the center of the table for everyone to see. They gazed at the logo with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue.

"Mobius the Soldier, Blaze the Knight, Cipher the Mercenary," I began, pointing to each logo in turn, and then I pointed to myself, concluding, "And I go by Butcher."

"Ehh.." Mikoto responded, "But we got our own best pilot too!" She gestured toward the person seated next to me. In return, I gaze my eyes upon him.

Takeru scratched his neck in embarrassment but I was laughing hard at what they were saying. Him? HIM?

Lt Mikoto saw what did not like that I was laughing at him seemingly mad "Why are you laughing?!"

"S-sorry but I can't help but laugh at what you just said. Because these people are fucking vicious, and Merciless." I said, before pointing at him "And you want me to compare him?"

She still has a noticeable upset expression alongside the rest of the squadron, so I begin to provide some context.

"Let me tell you a little story to convince you people then," I began, punctuating my words by stabbing at the bland food with my fork. I looked at each person around the table to ensure they were all paying attention.  "Once upon a time, a pilot named Phoenix was contracted with a specific mission—to put an end to a civil war."

"WHAT!" The entire table erupted in shock upon hearing this revelation. Before Mikoto asked me again, but this time she had a noticeable trembling and tried to hide the fear "Y-you are lying!"

"That's right, it was just a single aircraft. End a whole Civil War. And these people eat Ace Pilot like it was breakfast. And you want me to compare him to these people Who do you think you are?!"

"Hiii!!" Mikoto jumped in fright, visibly trembling as she clung to her friend beside her, who was equally scared. Unbeknownst to me, the entire cafeteria had fallen into an eerie silence, captivated by the fabricated tale I had just spun.

Oh boy if these people are already scared of Phoenix, just wait until they meet either Mobius 1 or Monarch.

"That's why if you ever, EVER. Meet these people you better pray you survive."

Every girl at the table was still visibly scared, except the guy Shirogane who seemed used to it. Meiya takes the chance upon the silence to continue the question "...And you are telling me you are part of this... round table?"

"Entering the Round Table itself? Hahahaha You must be joking right?" I continue "Anybody who enters the Round Table must have the power that change the world. And I am not." And I make sure of the very last word of it.

As they keep listening to the story, I glance at the little protagonist who has been listening to me from the start "So how is it Takeru?"

"Huh?" he then points at himself "Me?"

"Yes, you" I stand up and look upon him with a smile "While I can see you are not as strong as them, I can see that in the future you will become part of the Round Table if you have a lot of combat experiments."

I scanned his physique from top to bottom before nodding to myself. He is pretty buffed, not too shabby in terms of pilot skills either. Give him time and he could be as strong as us Ace Combat gamer.

Just missing the mute part like the other pilot.

"..Really?" He looked at me

"I'll even give you a letter of recommendation to have a chance to fight one of them if there is a chance", nudging him with my elbow and looking at him in expectation. "Trust me this will be worth it."

"You might die, thought" I added, to which he vehemently shook his head. Beads of sweat formed on his face, clearly indicating his reluctance to confront them

I'm not going to blame him, even though I would prefer to enter the mental hospital than fight those guys.

Without me knowing, every person on the table begins to imagine. 7 Similar Demon Lord rock on the battlefield. But that thought was quickly cut off when I felt something on my back. Before I noticed a arms around me turned into warm hugs.

I looked at the culprit who was hugging me only to see a girl, with shoulder-length blue hair. And a Huge grin on her face as she looks at me.

"Lieutement Kashiwagi." Shirogane said.

Huh so she is Lieutement Kashiwagi? Kind of weird seeing her in person.

"Hey little guy, nice to see you again." Before looking back at the rest of the people on the table "Don't hog him for yourself I want to meet to talk with him too!"

Before I knew it, the time I spent there was only about them introducing myself to these people. And get things known to each and every member of the Valkyries team and the rest of Surface Pilot who are curious. Before I manage to escape Lieutement Kashiwagi wrap

And damn Women are strong as fuck in here.



Hello again people, it's been a while, people.

If you do not know. I made a pool of which Awacs you people want me to add on the Patreon... and the were three choices I gave them.

Long Caster

The only man who can munch while his squadron is fighting for their life. Honestly, he really speaks for himself on this one. Good sense of humor, and a bit of balm for the soul after the verbal lashings you receive from Bandog. Nice guy, who really understands the necessity of war crimes.


Strick, ruthless, and will shove you into Solitary if you make any mistake in any mission. Like a person he is, he is an absolute scumbag and hates you and everyone. But also will show respect if you manage to complete most of his suicide mission.


The laziest Awacs in the history of Ace Combat/ Project wingman. This mf went from a radio DJ to mercenary AWACS without military training. But while many question him if he could give his all, he still has the sense to somehow get his job done as long as people keep paying his check.

Those Three are the ones I asked which one they want me to add on Ace Combat.

Honestly, most of the Patreon users already decided that Galaxy would be the guy we added to the poll. And I kind of agree with them, Galaxy is a pretty cool guy.

Anyway, Thanks for reading the chapter, don't forget to leave a review and comment. And If you want to support me go to my patreon.


With that said see you all next week, after I finish my exam.