
Ace combat In Multiverse?!

After one of your only family was bedridden in hospital, you were suddenly in massive debt from the hospital Bill. With you back in the corner and no way out, you were about to sell everything you possess just to pay the bill. When you received Ace Combat System with the main goal of receiving money to pay the medical Bill And the Ace Combat System only asks you one thing Complete the Mission and cause chaos in the universe. Equip with 640 missiles, an Unlimited Machine gun on your plane, and some of the Legendary Characters from all over the universe as your companions. Hop on and let's cause some chaos in the Universe. ---- World - Muv Luv Alternative. - Earth World Coming Soon - Star Wars Rebels. - Halo - Animatrix

Souleye123 · Video Games
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29 Chs


After Dr. Kouzaki tossed me some gray clothing, one of her subordinates, Lieutenant Isumi, entered the room. She instructed her to escort me to a new room and give me a tour of the base so I wouldn't get lost. which is how I found myself being led down an unfamiliar white corridor by Lieutenant Isumi.

I became a member of the United Nations after I woke up. From civilian to a Mercenary? Now that's a massive step I would never thought going to happen.

As Lieutenant Isumi guided me, my mind raced with the strange situation I had been thrust into, all while processing the presence of another fictional character right before my eyes. This time it's Isumi Michiru with Auburn red hair, She is one of the important Side characters in the Muv Luv Series.

Not only she is the Leader of the Special Task Force, but one of the strongest members who led various battles. But after The Battle Of Sadogashima, she was supposed to die.

But the question remains. Why am I here?

After completing the mission, I was supposed to be transported back home so I could pay the medical bills.

Many theory comes to mind from either bug or accidentally entering a secret mission.

But while all of this happening I received a LOT more money from the mission than before as I glanced to my right to see the Blue screen showing how much money I earned.

3.900.000$... or 4 Million dollars.


It is not 300.000$ or any of it. But 4 MILLION Dollars.

I repeat it is 4 MILLION DOLLARS.

Like holy shit, such a huge amount of money. The reason for the high profit because I completed every mission at 100% so the reward was not double but triple.

With this, I can go back and pay the medical bill. And have extra to buy a house, college, and maybe got some damn cars for myself.

Maybe I can also retire earlier than expected. Don't need to work to my very last bone anymore and can spoil my Dear Sister Elena with all of the items, clothing, and cosmetics she wanted!

Hehehe...I begin to smile unconsciously around my lips upon imagining it.

Also, as I was scrolling down from the system. I noticed an exit button below the settings screen when I clicked on it. It said that [Are you sure you want to leave?]

So I think I can head back home any time I want. It just so happened that I had not pressed the exit button I was still stuck in this universe for whatever reason.

A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a call from Lieutenant Isumi.

"By the way," she called out.

"Hm?" I turned to look at Lieutenant Isumi, who had suddenly halted and cast a glance my way.

With a small smile, she began her introduction. "We've already crossed paths in Sadogashima, but allow me to reintroduce myself." She extended her hand towards me. "I'm Lieutenant Isumi Michuri, the leader of the Valkyries Squadron."

I hesitated for a moment, studying her hand, which felt surprisingly soft for a soldier. "You can call me Renald Yoma, or simply Renald or Yoma. I'm a mercenary," I replied as I shook her hand.

A look of surprise crossed her face as she let go of her arm. "...A mercenary?"

I tilted my head, curious. "Is there a problem?"

Still appearing surprised, she shook her head. "No, perhaps you're unaware, but mercenaries and private army aren't well-received in these parts."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why is that?"

She hummed, her expression thoughtful. "It is pretty obvious that soldiers tend to dislike those who profit from this war. Especially when extinction is in front of our very eyes."

"Hmm..." That's good to know, makes sense when humanity's extinction is right at the doorstep and I take advantage to make some money, nobody is going to like it.

"By the way," she locked eyes with me, spoke sincerely, and suddenly bowed her head down. "Thanks for saving us back there."

I was startled by her action, and on instinct, I touched her shoulder. "Lieutenant Isumi, W-what are you doing? Please raise your head."

I tried to move her, but she wouldn't budge. "Not only did you save all of my squadron, but you held the enemy line by yourself," she continued, still keeping her head down. "I even heard you took in some of the laser fire while half of your controller was fried just to buy more time."

Honestly, you should not thank a person like me "Look, you can thank me all you want. But I want to know my room as soon as possible so can you lift your head please?"

"...Alright" She spun her body around and continued the walk.

I seized this opportunity to ask a burning question. "So, this might sound strange, but, um..." As we continued walking down the hallway, I hesitated. "Why is everyone calling me a demon lord?"

"You don't know?"

"Yes, I was a bit confused about why everybody has been calling it."

She then began explaining the story of how I saved Kyoto and the lives of many. And Manage to stop the BETA slough dead track.

Now I got the gits of the story, the people of Japan look at my aircraft as something that should not exist yet it exists. And since it moves that are considered inhuman, people call it Demon Lord Or satan for worst.

So, I affected this world history just by doing a single mission? Just... what did I get myself involved in?

As she continued her stroll, I quietly trailed behind. After a moment of reflection, she gazed up at the roof and said, "You know when I first saw you, I thought Demon Lord was truly decent from the skies"


"You know the reason right? Your aircraft broke the realm that should not be considered possible."


I saw it from the ground and looked up at the skies as if I were shooting hundreds of missiles from the skies on the BETA.

You were like the force of nature itself, in every path you chose you left nothing but a trail of destruction itself.

One side was fear, thinking this was the end of the world. Because it was in the realm of something out of a fairy tale.

The other was in awe at the power while thinking that their prayer was finally answered and god sent their angel to punish humanity's enemy.

But we all agree on one thing since the victory that day. After BETA was completely stopped something that was almost lost in everyone's heart was restored.

It... was hope


Hope? Really? This is not some kind of story where I have the influence of the protagonist. And I am not a ray of sunshine either.

"That's why I am grateful for your action" She then looked me in the eyes "My squadron is also grateful for your action, and I am sure the people of Japan are the same with your act of bravery and courage."

Bravery and courage? Really? I can't help but chuckle upon hearing it.

"Heh...Is that what you thought of me? I am flatter"

"Forgive me, but I just want to let you know about it," She said while coughing a little

I looked at her face more closely and saw the red color around her cheeks from embarrassment, heh. Cute.

After a few more walks she stopped at one of the white doors which showed 201 "We are here"

I directed my attention to the door that was supposed to be my room.

Lieutenant Isumi opened it with a card in her hand and headed Inside I followed suit from behind and managed to get a look inside the room.

"This room will be your place for temporary." She steps aside to show the rooms and I manage to get a good look at the bedroom.

It has one bed on the left side of the room and on the right side is a table and a chair with some extra desk lamp—a perfect place for the temporary room.

This will be my room until I recover my health.

With clothes draped over my shoulder, I decided to take the chance to change my clothing here. But before doing so, I politely asked Lieutenant Isumi to step out of the room for a moment.

As she left the room, I began the somewhat challenging task of removing my clothes. However, as I shed the gown, my expression turned grim at the sight of what lay beneath my clothing.

Scars, burns, and various cuts which seem like recent. When I turned to examine my back, I found more burned marks and leftover stitches. While the wounds had been tended to, it was clear that they would take some time to heal completely.

Good thing I have taken her deal, who knows what happened if my Sister Elena noticed the wound? She will tear my hair off in madness.

After completing my change of clothes, I exited the room and was met by Lieutenant Isumi, who appeared to have been waiting for me. "You're looking good," she commented.

"Um... thank you," I replied, blushing as I turned my gaze away.

"Let's go ahead and get the tour started," she suggested, taking the lead. I trailed behind her as we began the tour.

Lieutenant Isumi began the tour by showcasing different areas within the facility, including the Hangar, Gymnasium, training grounds, Classroom, Library, Firing range, fitness gym, and more.

I must admit, the place was truly remarkable for a military base, equipped with all the essential facilities any military would need.

As we continued our tour, my stomach chose the most inconvenient time to growl loudly, signaling my hunger. The noise was impossible to ignore, and Lieutenant Isumi couldn't help but chuckle when she heard it. She kindly offered to lead me to the PX, which offers all kind of food. We started heading in that direction.

As we approached the PX, I couldn't help but notice that some of the people passing by were staring at me. Initially, I dismissed it, thinking they were simply noticing my injuries. But the intensity of their gaze grew as we made our way to the cafeteria, making me increasingly uncomfortable. It does not matter, Soldiers, Mantaince, and a bunch more people. Even the conversations around me seemed to quiet down in favor of curious stares.

Upon arriving at the bustling cafeteria, I observed that everyone was dressed in gray clothing and blue pants. That makes it stand out of how they are a UN force.

But as I observed everyone, I spotted someone who stood out.

The main Protagonist is currently in the corner talking to their friend while munching on his food. It was a bit hard to accept that the main character itself, is here. A guy like him has so much plot armor that he can bend space and time just to be with the main girl. Many people should learn from him

Also, his harem is there too. Talking among themself. I should distance myself as far away from anybody cause I am not here to make friends.

"Now let's-" Lieutenant Isumi began but was abruptly interrupted when she touched her earpiece.

I turned my attention to her, and she nodded at something as she listened to something through her earpiece. After releasing a deep sigh and glancing in my direction, she let go of the armrests.

"Forgive me, but this is as far as I can take you. I've received a call regarding some issues with the TSF," Lieutenant Isumi explained, her expression apologetic as she gestured towards a nearby area with food trays. "You can pick up a tray of food over in the corner. Just said the word and the cook will provide you"

As she provided instructions, she looked around cautiously, as if worried about something. Then, she leaned in closer to whisper in my ear, "Oh, and by the way... don't get on the cook's bad side unless you want to be stuck with nothing but rice," she added with a sly grin.

"No problem. Good luck, Lieutenant Isumi," I responded, offering a wave as I began to walk in the direction of the food.

"Renald," she called out, causing me to halt and turn back to her.


She broke into a warm smile and then saluted me. "...Thank you."

I was taken aback by her unexpected gesture, but before I could react, she swiftly turned and hurried away, leaving me standing there in surprise.

That..was unexpected of her, but I shook my head and made  my way to grab the food, I felt the gaze of other people. And I peek to see them gossiping to themself. It's making me uncomfortable.

"It's him right..?" "Could be, could be not"

I can hear them whispering, but I can't tel what they are talking about. And it's really making me uncomfortable with their way of gaze. So I made haste to grab the food as soon as possible, which caused their eyes to follow me and I tried my best to ignore it. Once I arrived there was a line of people waiting like me and when I managed to grab the tray I was called out

"Oyah oyah"

Glancing towards the source of the sound, I turned my gaze toward it, revealing a woman, likely older than me, wearing an apron and holding cooking utensils.

As I studied her, recognition quickly dawned on me. She was none other than Kyouzuka Shizue, the cafeteria lady responsible for preparing meals for everyone on the base. It was surprising to discover that she held the rank of Sergeant Major, a position even higher than that of most soldiers, including the cooks.

Man, this world is dangerous as fuck.

Kyouzuka Shizue looked me up and down with curiosity. "Never seen you around these parts. Are you new here?"

I scratched my head, feeling a bit self-conscious. "Is it that obvious?" I asked before extending my hand toward her. "I'm Renald Yoma, a mercenary at your service."

She took my hand rather firmly, causing a hint of discomfort. "Hoho... That's quite a bold statement to make here," she replied with a smile. "I'm Sergeant Major Kyouzuka Shizue. The one that provides the food here"

It was pretty awkward when everyone began to gossip the moment I said Mercenary, and looked at me curiously instead of the hate I thought I was supposed to receive. And why are these people hearing my conversation anyway?

"Yes-" I was about to reply when I was slammed from the back dropping me to the floor.

With my face to the floor, I slowly looked back at her as I felt pain around my nose "Guh...why?"

"Good grief! You got no meat on your bone! And you are so petite that even girls make you jealous!"

...Was that supposed to roast me or help me? "You do know that I am currently injured?"

"And you expect me to believe you're a mercenary? Spare me the excuses!" she retorted, dismissing my argument. Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around my waist and hoisted me back up, taking me by surprise. I let out a startled yelp. "Look at how light you are!  I suggest you eat more! Come come! I'll scoop out a huge amount just for you!"

"There is no need-" I did not even manage to stop her action when she suddenly dropped food on the tray silent my speech.

The moment it was done there was mountain rice that stacks to the skies and a huge amount of meat on it... It's so anime-like with the way it was prepared that it makes me wonder if I can finish all of it.

I look around to seek an empty table far away from any of the people and I try to grab the tray with one of my hands. But was a bit struggle because of the huge amount of food.

It's a bit difficult Maybe I should have requested Lieutement Isumi's help after all-

"You need a hand?" I was a bit startled by the sudden voice.

I looked at the source of the voice and my eyes were wide when I saw him.

It's the protagonist, Shirogane Takeru.

I continued to stare at him with wide eyes until He felt uncomfortable not receiving an answer so he repeated it again "Need a hand carrying the tray?"

I got out of the daze and looked at him in nervousness "N-No need I can do this to myself" I began my haste to grab the tray of food.

"It's fine I insist," he said with a gentle smile as he reached for my tray of food. My heart raced with panic at his bold move. "Besides, there's an empty seat at our table. Why don't you join us?" He briefly glanced at his teammates, one of whom was waving enthusiastically from their table.

I look over to their table to see all of his harems gather around the table while waving at us. Bringing dread to me.

No... I am being led by the protagonist, I must not falter! I need to refuse him! If not my entire life will be at stake and under his control

As I tried to argue with him, I learned one thing after talking with him. As I sigh In defeat being dragged by the protagonist to the table.

You can't beat the Protagonist in talk



I WANT TO CRYY T.T. I lost my entire progress on my savings for the rest of the chapter ahead. Now I have to write again from SCRACH


It really hurts knowing 6 hours of my life have just gone from the face of the earth just because of bugs from the new update in Webnovel. Hiks. Good thing Patreon save some of the chapter but the rest? Gone reduce to atom.

.. Anyway don't forget to comment and review, and if you want to support me go to my Patreon.

patreon.com/ Souleye123

With that said see you all next week.. bye. Hiks