
Buying Ring III

During the whole time, Kiyo didn't shy away from Irin and talked with Nick without reservations, which made Irin happy.

Kiyo was immersed in her call to notice that her little action of not avoiding Irin brought him immense joy.

As Irin returned to his senses, he heard Nick saying to Kiyo that her uncle wanted to meet her first before he could sign the document.

Just from their speech tone, he understood that Kiyo couldn't reveal her identity to her uncle.

So he signed with Kiyo. Do you need any help?

Kiyo's eyes brightened as an idea popped into her mind after hearing Irin ask her. She looked at him with bright eyes and asked, "Are you free tomorrow? If you are, can you lend me your time to attend the meeting in my place? I can't let that person know about me yet and I will explain to you the reason for my doing so after you finish your meeting."

Yes, I have time to spare, and I am willing to go there instead of you. Although I don't know why you do so, I am willing to do it. After all, we are married and share weal and woe. So you don't have to tell me why in such a hurry, take your time, for now, tell me what I should do.

Kiyo was touched by what Irin said, so when replying, her tone towards him was several degrees softer than usual "I want you to make my uncle to sign the document just when you meet him disguise yourself a little bit older."

Hearing Kiyo's gentle voice towards Irin stupefied Nick on the other side of the phone. He only reacted when he remembered hearing that his boss was married. When he wanted to ask Kiyo further about it, he heard her asking Irin to use disguise to meet with her beast of an uncle.

Hmm, boss, sorry to interrupt; after hearing you, I have an idea why don't we use this opportunity to our advantage.

Oh, let's hear what you want to say then.

After hearing it, promise that you should not scold me for it, boss.

If you know, I will scold you. Why bother saying it, then?

Nick took a deep breath, hearing Kiyo. Although, there is the risk of getting beaten up or transferred to a place where even crows don't shit.

Nick suppressed his fear and said, "Hmm, the boss isn't that jerk trying to marry you to an old man. Didn't you ask the gentleman to disguise himself as a little older? I thought, why don't we use this opportunity and ask your hand in marriage to the gentleman?"

After saying it, he just closed his eyes and waited for the scolding from the other end of the phone.

You know it might be feasible to try; knowing him, he would agree to the proposal.

Hearing her response, he slowly opened his eyes in self-doubt of who am I? where am I? He even pinched himself to see whether he was dreaming or how he could hear such a positive reply from the tyrant boss.

Hey boss, are you alright you are starting to scare me now.

I think your skin is itching to have some exercise. Why don't I call someone for you to practice with?

Nick's face turned pale just at the thought of someone. No, boss, I am sorry. Please don't call her. I am willing to be a cow and horse for you. Just don't call that daredevil.

Still afraid of her, I see. Now about what you were saying, I thought it was a feasible cause; first, we are a legal couple, and second, even though my uncle can't force me to marry that older man, I don't want to take chances when we can avoid it. Another thing is I don't have to disguise myself anymore when I go out. Above all, I have reason to bring Akira with me. So why not take the chance the other party offered?

On the other hand, Irin remained silent when he heard what Nick said about marrying an older man. If anyone familiar with him is there, they would know that he is furious, and it's the calmness before the storm.

He never knew her situation was worse, that she was forced to marry an older man by her uncle. If I had known about her situation earlier, I would help her deal with her uncle. There's no point in thinking and regretting. Isn't there an saying, "Better late than never"? She didn't have anyone before, but now that I am with Kiyo, I will ensure she is never wronged again.

He had been paying attention to Kiyo while thinking about what he had heard earlier.

Before they could continue any further, Ray, who had gone to fetch the jewelry, came back, so Kiyo ended her call with Nick and decided to continue the topic later on.

Sorry for the delay, ma'am, sir. These are all the latest designs we have here, and these sets here have just arrived from the manufacturing base. If it's not up to your requirements, we also customize jewels according to your preference.

Kiyo was stunned after seeing the jewels that had just arrived as she designed those while thinking about Irin's proposal to her when they met. Kiyo never imagined seeing it now, making it hard for her to move her eyes from it, just as hard as when she decided to give up the design for sales.

Following Kiyo's line of sight, Irin saw a pair of rings. For some reason, it made him feel warm, and some emotion that was hard to describe, like it was custom made for them. What's more, those chains and the bracelet match the ring pair.

Although Irin didn't know the truth, he could feel a connection with it because Kiyo designed those while thinking about him. So in a sense, it was really made just made for them.