
Buying Ring II

It wasn't until she calmed down that Kiyo realized she was feeling those emotions because she liked him.

Irin turned out to have been designed by his rivals, and they reached the same room by accident.

Though the situation at the time was not ideal, she felt some force had brought them together.

Kiyo also decided to marry him then. The fact that they were still alumni had never occurred to her in a million years.

It was with the mentality of giving herself a chance in a relationship that Kiyo agreed to Irin's proposal, and she never imagined they would be together for the rest of her life.

He has now won her heart, and she wants to spend her lifetime with him. Now she wants Irin in her life.

She never imagined that she would one day be a customer of MC. The number of times Kiyo has visited the shop can be counted on one hand, despite owning it.

The MC shop was almost in sight as she considered all these things.

As Irin said, "I apologize for bothering you, Kiyo. I didn't have the time to customize the ring since we got married in a hurry. I've heard we can customize rings in MC. What I'd like to know is if you have any specific preferences about what sort of ring you want."

Kiyo blinked before replying to him in a soft voice that even she hadn't noticed herself.

I don't have many requirements as long as it's simple and elegant with a unique style.

Okay, if we can't find a ring that suits your taste, we can customize one.

Sure, but MC has always been known for its unique design, and I heard there is a new collection of engagement and wedding rings.

You like this brand asked Irin.

Yes, I have always used MC jewelry. Its design is unique with low-key luxury.

It's good as long as you like it.

During their conversation, they heard Sam calling them.

We are here, boss.

Both Irin and Kiyo stopped talking when they heard Sam.

Irin looked at Kiyo and said Let's go.

Okay, replied Kiyo as she followed Irin to the shop.

The staff welcomed them as soon as they entered the store.

Welcome to MC jewelry. Could you please tell me what you would like to see, sir?

If you can show us the wedding ring, we would appreciate it.

Sir, what type of metal do you prefer for your rings?

Please show me the latest ring design.

This way, please. Little ray, could you show them the new design that has just arrived.

You are welcome, sister ling, have a seat, sir; I'll bring the new collections that just arrived. Could you please let me know if you have any preferences when it comes to jewelry? So, I'll bring it with me if that's the case.

Then trouble you to bring a few jewelry sets along with the ring.

No trouble, sir. I will get it for you and have some juice while you are waiting. I will get the things for you in the meantime.

After saying that, Ray left the room, giving them space, and went to get a few sets of jewelry.

It was only Kiyo and Irin were left in the room. Once they were alone, Kiyo asked, "why buy a few jewelry set? I don't need it."

Just treat this as a gift from me for starting our new life said Irin.

Just as Kiyo was about to reply, Irin, Kiyo's phone rang and broke the conversation.

Looking at the person who called Kiyo was silent for a while before answering the call.

As soon as Kiyo answered the call, a voice full of grievance was heard, making her numb and regretful answering the call.

The voice was so loud that she had to move the phone from her. She sighed and waited until there was no sound from the other side of the phone.

Did you finish your melodrama? If not, call me after you are done said Kiyo in a cold tone.

Kiyo heard the person on the other side howl, "don't boss, there is something important to deal with."

What is it? I don't have much time to say what you want without antics.

Boss, you don't love me anymore. How can you say that I'm hurt?

If you don't say anything, I will cut the call.

Don't boss; I will talk. It's about the thing you asked us to do. We found that there is a hand and feet of your uncle in the car accident. Do we proceed to the next step of the plan?

Yes, go ahead according to the plan. If I remember correctly, today, you had an appointment with him. How did that go?

I wanted to call you because of that, and then I received intel from our team investigating the cause of the accident and reported the result of the investigation first, boss.

So how did your meeting with my uncle go?

He said want to meet you before making his decision. I don't know what medicine he is selling in his gourd.

Kiyo sneered, hearing him, and said, just as I thought, he wanted to test us and didn't wholly believe us.

I didn't see that the old fox was still clever, but again, if he saw you, he won't make our plan futile.

Please don't call him an old fox. Calling him fox is disrespecting the fox kind. as for meeting him in person, let me think about it. Did he say anything else to you?

No, boss, but are you going to meet him in person?

Kiyo sneered before saying, "meet him. Only when my brain is flooded with water will I meet him in person. Don't worry; I'm not confused enough to meet him before the plan is fully executed.

Then boss, what are you going to do?

Don't worry too much about it. There is always a solution to everything.