
Meeting Uncle Aiden

Irin knew that Kiyo liked the pair of rings and the set of chains and bracelets but wanted to hear her say it, so he asked her directly.

Did you find anything you like in these jewels, Kiyo?

After hearing Irin's voice, Kiyo only realized her blunder, regaining her balance and posture before responding to her.

Hmm, yes, what do you think about this pair of rings? After all, I am not the only one who's wearing it. You will be as well, so I want to know your opinion, Irin.

If I tell you the truth, you won't believe me, but I'm feeling a sense of belonging to this set, or more precisely, it's like finding a lost object after a long period of time.

It surprised Kiyo, even more when he replied than when she saw the jewel sets with the rings because she designed them thinking of Irin, so to hear him say that was unexpected.

While Kiyo and Irin were speaking, they heard Ray saying, "Sir, madame, you've got a good eye for choosing, because this is the design of our boss. Our boss rarely designs anything, but when she does, it is breath-taking, so she only designs when she feels like it."

As Kiyo heard it, she raised the corner of her lips and watched Ray's expression, which sparked a rare feeling of curiosity within him.

Judging from your expression, you seem to admire your boss very much.

Ray rubbed her hands together to alleviate her embarrassment and said well, I admire the boss. She is fantastic and my idol. My dream is to meet my idol and learn from her, as I am from design major.

Then I wish you good luck and trouble you to pack these jewelry sets.

Kiyo turned to Irin, "do you mind wearing the rings now and here?"

I don't mind. In fact, I had the same Idea of directly wearing it as well. You just took the words out of my mouth.

Great, let's wrap things up here so you can attend your meeting on time.

Okay, where do you want to go? I can leave after dropping you off.

Just drop me at the central city apartment. Do you mind moving in with me, Irin?

Although I don't mind moving in with you, I also live in the same apartment. May I know your floor and apartment number?

You also live there, but I have never seen you before. Did you move in recently, or have you not lived there often?

I have always lived there, but I hardly see other residents because I leave early and return late, so even if we live in the same place, we haven't met Kiyo.

Don't tell me you are the person on the top floor, Irin?

Well, what's wrong?

Hehe, it just happens that I am the one residing on the 15th floor, right below the top floor.

So you are the other person who has the whole floor, Kiyo?

I heard from the property management that there is only one person who has the whole floor other than me, and if I guess right, it would be you since you are the one on the top floor.

I take it that the other person who has the whole floor is you, Kiyo. But I am curious, though, what made you buy that floor?

I initially wanted to buy the top floor, but someone was quicker than me and bought it.

It seems like you hold a grudge against it, but you don't need to feel angry because from now on, that is your home as well, Kiyo.

Hearing Irin says, there were two rose buds rose on the cheeks, making her look such a cute contrast to her usual self.

Looking at Kiyo's shy face, Irin couldn't take his eyes off her, making Kiyo blush even more and her ears red.

Sir, here you are. Thank you for visiting our MC sounded Ray's voice breaking the silence between the two.

After buying the jewels, both Irin and Kiyo left the MC together. Both maintained the silence till they reached the central city apartment. Before leaving, she heard Irin say I will call you once the meeting is over and will try to return home sooner.

Irin left for the meeting after saying what he wanted to say to Kiyo to consider the upcoming meeting with her uncle.

As soon as Kiyo left, Irin's soft look changed to his usual cold look on his face.

Sam, who was silent the whole time, was shocked by his boss's face changing within seconds and secretly decided to pay attention to the lady boss as well.

Drive, the cold tone used by Irin startled Sam, who was engrossed in his thoughts and returned to his senses.

Irin's usually cold eyes looked even colder when he narrowed them while thinking about what he had just learned about kiyo. He knew her parents had died in an accident, and she was in her uncle's care, but he didn't realize that her situation was embarrassing. If he had known earlier, he would have taken her away at all costs.

There's no point in thinking about what's already happened. All I can do is protect Kiyo well in the future. But from what he had seen today, he could be sure that his little wild cat had secrets and had already planned to deal with her uncle.

Since I promised to help her and will do it till the end, no matter what she wants, he will give her the best.

Sir, we are here. Sam called out to Irin after reaching the company.

Ask everyone to meet me at the conference room after fifteen minutes and push other things that are not too important to the day after tomorrow.

Yes, Mr.President, I will take my leave if that's all.