
Buying Ring

While Irin tried so hard to explain, Kiyo, on the other hand, was also surprised because she hadn't been this active since the death of her parents.

She had to grow up to protect her brother from her uncle. She even forgot when she was this happy. Whenever she is near him, he makes her feel all kinds of emotions that she closed off.

Taking a sigh, Kiyo said, forget it. I tend to get carried away whenever someone calls me a foodie.

But I am curious about you, though. Why did you decide to marry me without knowing anything about me? I mean, what made you choose to marry me? Didn't you think I could be a spy sent by your competitors?

Hearing Kiyo's question Irin was silent, thinking about how to answer her. After thinking for a while, he decided to tell her the truth.

She would know about it if she saw the graduation photo, so instead of learning about it alone, it would be best if she learned from me.

I know that you are not some commercial spy sent by my competitors. I have long known you, if you want me to be specific, from kindergarten till graduation.

So, in my opinion, we are not strangers, you know me as well, but it seems you have forgotten about me. We were on the same debate team during the vocal competition.

I have always admired you.

Listening to him, Kiyo was surprised to know that he was still her alumnus and even more surprised to learn that both had been on the same debate team.

She remembers that the English debate was the last competition she participated in.

Her parents always liked it whenever she won prizes, so she only participated in that contest because her parents liked it. Whenever she asked why they said she shines like a star on stage, just like a star in the sky.

She participated in those competitions only because her parents liked them.

It was because you knew me before that you did not hesitate and proposed the marriage to Kiyo.

You can say that too, but most importantly, I used to have a crush on you when we were kids, which later changed to admiration.

I don't understand then why you didn't introduce yourself to me before, Irin. Considering what you said, why didn't you become friends with me back then?

My nervousness made me unsure whether you would accept me, and after I mustered the courage to confess to you, I was called back home, and when I returned, I couldn't find you. I found out you had taken an extended leave.

While you're right, I was permitted by my principal to take the exams directly and complete them in advance.

Let the past be passed. We can't change it no matter how much we try, so let's get acquainted now instead.

Hi, I am Kiyo. You will know about my likes and dislikes as time goes on.

Hello, I am Irin, and I manage a company my family owns.

While talking, they finished having lunch and settled their bill; before leaving, they greeted aunt Rin and left the restaurant.

Irin said after leaving the restaurant that, although we married quickly, we should have a wedding ring.

In all honesty, Kiyo was stunned as she did not expect him to say that since their marriage was not arranged or based on love.

In spite of this, she was glad to see that he was taking their marriage seriously.

Okay, but didn't you mention that you had an important meeting? It would be best if we bought the ring when you were free.

In response, Irin smiled, saying that there was still time. I will leave once the ring has been purchased.

After seeing his insistence, Kiyo agreed.

A few moments after getting into the car, he asked Sam to take him to the MC.

When Kiyo heard the name MC, she was surprised. Even though she was surprised, there was little reaction afterward.

In fact, she was surprised when she heard the name MC since the shop has little to do with her since she was its behind-the-scenes boss, and most of the jewelry design also comes from her.

At first, she opened the shop as the first step in creating her business empire and having some power to protect her brother and uncover the actual cause of her parent's accident.

So she made use of every knowledge she had learned so far to gain a firm foothold.

Only when she has power can she be able to deal with those wolf-hearted people and protect her brother.

After some time, she could have the power and know the truth, but also, during that time, she was careless and drugged. It was also the time she met Irin. What she didn't tell Irin was she had long known about him and admired his name and the real reason she agreed to marry him was because of not any other reason, but it's the cause of him. It's he is Irin that she agreed.

She will never tell him these. Perhaps, later on, she might tell as life goes on, but she definitely won't tell him now.

She was moved by Irin when he proposed, but she didn't agree with him at the time. It was because she was worried about dragging him down.

At the same time, she doubted him for drugging her as well. She was confused by her emotions as she had never felt she was such a contradictory person before that.

She was confused and angry at herself for having such a reaction.

Although she refused him and left that place in anger, she didn't throw away his business card either.

Her emotions were so overwhelming that she couldn't concentrate on her work. So she decided to check the incident clearly and only after knowing that Irin was also designed by his most trusted person she was able to concentrate on the things at her hand.