
Absorbing the Movie verse

A man reincarnates into a world full of TV shows and movies brought to life! He has to survive these fictions, and overcome the dangerous future. Movie list : Marvel, DC, Dragonball, Jeepers creepers, snakes on a plane, Tremors, supernatural. There will be many fictional universe mashed into one This was originally a MTL of a bad Chinese LN, but I've turned it into my own novel. Original novel is called " I’m a Detective In the Marvel World"

TomTucker777 · Movies
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26 Chs

ch. 17 Hiring

Waking up, Nick realize that it was already half past noon, the three days of little to no sleep driving around had caught up to him as he felt his stomach grumble I'm hunger.

Nick rubbed his temples and got up weakly, after a brief wash he opened the door and walked out of the motel room.

In this small town, there wasn't any hotels, just run down motels that housed the occasional junkie and outlaws, like the Winchesters. 

Seeing Nick going out, Dean, who was cleaning his Impala smiled "Hey sleepy, you are finally awake. To be honest, if you didn't wake up within the hour, I was going to break in and make sure your actually alive."

"Can't a man get some rest after fighting a ghost?" Nick lazily said, "Where is Sam? And where is my car?"

"Sam went to return the rented car" Dean said as he continued to wipe his Impala clean.

"As for your car, we tried it last night and it can still be driven. The front bumper is dented to all hell, but it can be fixed at a repair shop"

"Thanks, I'll treat you guys to lunch." Nick said as he went over to the vending machine to get a red bull to wake himself up.

By the time Sam came back, the sun had already set. Nick had ordered 3 pizza for takeout, and Dean had bought beer as they sat watching TV in the motel room.

'I expected danger doing these cases and have no problem battling monsters, but I expected to be rewarded by absorbing the damn thing. I need to be more careful.' Letting out a sigh, Nick opened a bottle of beer, cheered with Dean and Sam, then chugged the entire bottle.

Nick reach out to open up another bottle, wanting to drink away his newfound worries from this world.

Seeing Nick drank another half a bottle, Dean suddenly felt that the two packs of beer he had bought might not be enough for the three of them.

"To be honest, I still don't believe that you are really an N.I.A. agent." Sam took a sip of his drink and chuckled. "You don't really have the air of authority that most government officials have."

Dean, who was eating pizza, nodded, chewing and vaguely said, "Yeah, every officer, detective or N.I.A. agent that I've dealt with, had certain attitude."

Hearing this, Nick had a cold sweat.

'Its because I don't actually want this job, I just need this job to help me absorb theses creatures! I was a law student that was a part time YouTube editor in my past life, I'd prefer not risking my life everyday but that's impossible!'

Unlike others who could live their life in peace, Nick was cursed by a godlike being to attract danger. If he didn't actively go after dangerouse situations, danger would still somehow find him except then he'd be unprepared.

Nick first fell into despair when he realized his situation, but remember what world he had landed in! There are dozens of godly being in this world that could manipulate reality and grant immortality, if he could absorb five of them, he would never fear danger ever again!

Nick chugged the second bottle and infront of Dean's distressed eyes, and opened a third "it's because I know about the supernatural side of the world, what's the point of having authority when a demon can possess you or chipacabra kills you. Besides I happen to know some secrets of your Winchester family, so I know I could trust you and don't need to pull the Authoritative card with you.."

Dean was relieved when he heard that, but Sam, "Secrets? What secrets?"

Nick glanced at Sam, sighed silently "I can't tell you the specifics but you two are fated to do great things....and horrible things."

Nick knew that the true God of marvel is "The One Above All", but marvel also had dozens of other gods that were no where near the level of the one above all. He didn't know if Chuck had become the one above all or was just a minor diety that wouldn't really affect this world but he didn't want to stick around and find out!

These two brothers are destined to duke it out with Lucifer and archangel Michael in just a few years, Nick didn't plan on finding out the differences in the plot or atleast not until he could actually absorb them.

Hearing Nick words, Sam's face changed drastically. Just about to ask more, but Nick skillfully changed the subject "Isnt your father John missing?"

 Dean's eyes lit up and he nodded and said, "Yes, do you know the whereabouts of my dad?"

Nick shook his head and said, "If I am not mistaken, John should be following the demon who killed your mother. But it should be fine, when the time is right he will contact you."

"Dad is too reckless with such an important task, why didnt he bring me?" Dean bitterly drank all the beer in his hand.

Sam said solemnly, "Do you know anything specifics of that demon ?"

"All I know about that demon, is that it has yellow eyes."

Nick watching the solemn expressions of Sam and Dean, "If you really want to know more, it's not impossible, but..."

Dean and Sam said at the same time: "Just what?"

Nick spread his hands: "Join NIA and become a special agent just like me."

"Fuck off!"

"No way!"

Dean and Sam both answered at the same time

Nick shook the can and said with a smile: "I'm just kidding. I don't know as much detail about your family as you think, but I can help you find John. If there is the latest news, I'll let you know, OK?"

What else Dean and Sam can say, they can only nod their heads. After drinking and eating, Nick just wanted to return to his room and get some sleep.

When he walked to the door if the motel, he seemed to think of something and turned back to Dean.

" If I remember correctly, John left you sheepskin book with the information on all of the creatures that he encountered. Can you lend it to me for a night?"

Dean pursed his lips: "Why the hell would I lend you the most important thing my father owned?"

Nick's face became serious "In exchange, I'll tell you world shattering knowledge. This won't be about your father or yellow eyed demons, but catastrophe that will shock and possibly end the world."

   Dean stood in silence as he studied Nick's face for any lie, he stood their for a long time before he took out a red sheepskin book from his backpack and handed it to Nick, accepting the trading.

Studying the book for a second, Nick looked up and told a story he'd been planning for a while

"A couple decades ago in a little town located in Idaho, the government found a boy who could predict the future with a high degree of certainty. This boy... After years of predicting, he went insane from what he saw, rambling about invasion of aliens and Norse gods like Thor coming to this realm...After a decade of making predictions, he declared that this world was doomed before biting his own tongue off and dying..."

"....Come on man, I lent the journal to you for this horseshit!" Dean's face shifted to anger and annoyance at hearing an alien invasion..

"Dean.... I haven't verified if it's true but the government has, and they are preparing for it as we speak... It's been predicted that within the next few years, this worlds is going to go to shit." Without looking back at the stunned brothers, Nick left with the journal in hand.

"Remember, you only have one night. And... don't tear it! It's our only clue to find out dad!" Dean yelled out just before Nick closed the door.

Nick immediately left the motel for a local Best Buy and bought a $700 camera and a notebook, before going back to his motel

Going page by page, Nick took pictures of everything in the book and wrote down valuable notes.

This journal had told hundreds of stories about John Winchester finding and killing the supernatural, Nick cut out the unnecessary details and wrote down how to kill the monsters and how to find them.

To Nick's surprise, he found the contact information for over a dozen hunters who John had met over his adventures, seeing this, Nick had an idea!

Taking out his work flip phone, Nick called up his Aunt as he hoped this idea would work.

"This is Deputy Director Holly Attwood." A cold female voice said over the phone.

"Deputy Director Holly, I've encountered an anomalies and would like to report" the was a silence on the other end of the phone as Nick could sworn he heard faint cursing the back.

"Give me your oral report now before writing an official one!" Holly had an edge in her voice, Nick didn't know if it was anger or concern.

"It started when i noticed a string of disappearances...."spending the next ten minutes recapping a slightly edited story, Holly sat on the other line completely stunned.

"So your saying you let one known criminal get away and had personally seen both impersonating Government agents? Not only that, but you followed these criminals and nearly got killed by a Ghost?...." Anyone with a brain could hear the barely contained anger in Holly's voice.

It had only been a month as a special agent and Nick was already reporting Ghost encounters. Despite Nick only being her nephew, he was undoubtedly the closest family member to her.

Her eldest daughter had just went away to college while her twins had just entered sophomore year of highschool, her Husband was a famous artist that spent the most time taking care of the kids.

Meanwhile Holly had to be on call at all hours of the day, leaving her little time to be home. Nick on the other hand was now in the same branch as her, under her direct supervision and talk nearly every day because of the job.

"I actually have a proposition for you, these people who willingly chase after the supernatural creatures call themselves 'Hunters'. Now most of them are criminals as they usually have to brake the law in order to kill these creatures, but I believe that I can recruit a few of them into our Special Agents division." There was a moment of silence as Holly thought about it.

Being her nephew, Nick knew her answer was to refuse but Nick couldn't let that happen.

Despite him being a selfish person who puts the lives of him and his family above all other, he wanted to help others if it didn't endanger him or those most important to him.

"Before you answer Deputy Direct Holly, these 'Hunters' know from personal experience how to kill dozens of different monsters that could easily wipe out a squad of well trained Agents that arent experienced enough to deal with the supernatural. We can partner these hunters with Agents and prevent them from breaking the law and increase our agents chance of survival!" Nick knew he had broke through her armour but decides to give one final reasoning.

"Aunt Holly, I know of a reclus hunter who could provide knowledge that will take us decades to come close to and probably never learn fully. Imagine all of the good it will do if we can bring these scattered hunters into our folds?"

"...." There was a long moment of silence as Holly's mind was on overtime trying to think out the pro's and con's of hiring civilians into their organization.

"...Spread the word to these 'Hunters', give them our numbers and tell them that if they pass our tests they can join our Division. Give me the address of this recluse Hunter, I'll send a squa-" "I suggest that I alone personally attending this matter, Deputy Director" cutting Holly off, Nick knew that her idea wouldn't work.

"This old man is apparently extremely stubborn and respects his privacy above all else, if we want his cooperation for both his knowledge and as an example for other hunters we should respect his wishes."

Reading John Winchesters book, Nick saw the address to man named Bobby Singer and it jogged his memory. Bobby Singer was the most knowledgeable human in the show and accumulating an entire house of artifacts, rituals, spells and incantation.

"Fine you recruit this recluse, Ive already send a team of researchers to the house where your report took place to understand this phenomenon better. Make sure you send your written report and.....be safe."

"I understand, Goodbye Holly"


Hanging up the phone, Nick looked through all of the pictures he had taken to make sure none of them were blury before going to bed, wondering how he'll recruit Bobby Singer.