
Absorbing the Movie verse

A man reincarnates into a world full of TV shows and movies brought to life! He has to survive these fictions, and overcome the dangerous future. Movie list : Marvel, DC, Dragonball, Jeepers creepers, snakes on a plane, Tremors, supernatural. There will be many fictional universe mashed into one This was originally a MTL of a bad Chinese LN, but I've turned it into my own novel. Original novel is called " I’m a Detective In the Marvel World"

TomTucker777 · Movies
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27 Chs

ch. 11 The Supernatural!

Nick thought about it and although he and these two Agent were not in the same department, they were all N.I.A. agents, so they can be considered as colleagues. That and the fact that he felt his danger attraction was at play here so he decided to investigate.

"It's good to meet you two. I'm Special Agent Nick." Nick then showed the two his ID.

Looking at the documents in the hands of Nick and then Nick himself, the two men glanced at each other before taking out their own IDs

"I'm Johnny Joy."

"Bobby Walker."

Nick glanced at the IDs in their hands, before raising his eyebrows, the more he looked at them, the more familiar they became. After they introduced themselves, Nick stared directly at the both of their faces, searching for something to remind him of who they are.

Having Nick starting at them in silence caused the two agents to become uncomfortable. One of them, the man with short hair, smiled and said, "Inspector Nick, what you are doing here. Are you on a case?"

Nick didn't hear the question, as he felt like he was on the cusp of remember when, "Haaah".

Letting out an audible noise, Nick smiled as he remember who they were before whispering aloud "It's Supernatural"



The moment the two agents on the opposite side of the table heard Nick speaking to himself, they became on guard.

Nick laughed, he finally remembered where he had seen these two handsome men from. 'They are the two protagonists in the tv drama "Supernatural" I watched in my past world!'

The TV series had been broadcast continuously for more than ten years, but Nick was crossed over before it was finished, so he didn't know how it would end.

Although Nick couldnt remember all of the plot point because of how long the TV series was, but he still remembers the appearance of the two male protagonists.

"Your Dean Winchester." Nick smiled at the short-haired man, then looked at the tall long-haired man next to him, "and your Sam Winchester." The bother suddenly became extremely vigilant as they silently moved their hands to their concealed pistols.

"Don't worry, I'm a hunter." Nick said quicky, remembering how Dean was a wanted criminal for a laundry list of crimes.

With a sigh of relief, the removed their hands from their weapons as Dean leaned forward and said in a low voice, " Your a hunter aswell? I didn't hear anything about a newcomer?"

"I just started a few months ago after an..... incident."

Seeing Nick 'admit the truth', Dean and Sam let out a long sigh. Despite hunter's trying their best, monsters can only be noticed after they killing one or more humans. The brothers though that Nick must've had a tragic incident that forced him into this line of work.

They thought that Nick was not only traumatized but also forced into this dirty profession where they don't get paid and are treated like criminals for digging up graves and stealing identities just to get by.

However these two brothers were not grave diggers, or identity thieves but Monster hunters! They are the ones that fight against the evil monsters that plague this world, It's just a pity that this profession doesn't pay. In order to get by, they had to use fake identies and stolen credit card for food and hotels.

After recognizing the two brothers, Nick understood that this 'woman in white' case was definitely not simple, and perhaps it has to do with monsters.

While Nick could catch a monsters or creature, he has absolutely no experience in dealing with evil spirits or demons. 'Perhaps I can learn a trick or two from them'

"Only a few months, huh?" Dean, who had been hunting monsters since he was a child, talked to Nick in a slight smug authoritative tone "Even skilled hunters are killed all the time. You need to be careful"

"Care to pass along any useful tips to help a newbie like me survive?"

As a 'newcomer' Nick expressed his kindness and deep gratitude for any teachings from a veteran like dean, so Nick decided to treat them to this meal.

Even though he and Sam had just finished eating, under Nick's "repeated persistence", Dean ended up ordering more meals such as country fried steaks and apple pie.

The younger brother Sam was obviously embarrassed as his elder brother was devouring mountains of food after realizing he wouldn't need to pay.

After eating and drinking, Dean wiped his mouth with a napkin, and then he let out a long burp in Sam's disgusted face.

"Oh, I'm full." Dean touched his belly and smiled with satisfaction, "Alright then... waiter, can you please bring me the biggest pepperoni pizza to go!"

Sam, who had just stood up, nearly tripped when he heard Dean's shameless words. Grabbing Dean's ear, he fiercely pulled him up and smiled at the waiter "He was joking, just the check"

"Dinner...It's for our dinner sammy..."

Dean was still muttering, but Sam dragged him out of the restaurant.

'Thankfully I got that bonus or I'd be broke by now'

After Nick paid the check, he followed after Dean who was getting stuffed into a car by Sam. Sam stepped forward and laughed in a low voice: "Sorry and thank you for paying, how much was it, I'll reimburse you..."

"You are too polite, how about you get the bills next time, but I'd prefer if we moved onto the investigation part next?" Nick smiled at Dean who was picking his teeth with a toothpick

Dean was taken aback: "what do you mean investigate?"

"The disappearance on the iron bridge? Isn't that a case involving the supernatural?"

"It looks like an ordinary disappearance..." Seeing Nick's stunned expression, Dean chuckled, "I'm just kidding, there was obviously something wrong about it."

Sam walked over and frowned, "What's the problem?"

Dean took out an instrument that looked like a small radio from his arms, and shook it in front of the two "Do you know what this is? This is science!"

"This instrument can sense the abnormal changes in the surrounding magnetic field. If a spirit was nearby then this baby would alert you about it, and when I was on the bridge, I secretly scanned the car and guess what?"

Nick and Sam did know so they both looking straight at Dean without guessing. Dean touched his nose at the lack of response "It sensed changes in the magnetic field and according to numerical data, that means that it should have been in contact with a ghost recently."

Nick rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully: "No wonder I smelled a faint stench in the car, thinking back now, it could've been decay"

"Then you must have a very good nose," Dean laughed, but seeing Sam glared at him, he stopped his smiling and spoke in a serious manner, "Then it's very simple task. Let's find the location of this ghosts corpse, and then we burn it."

Nick nodded and said: "The police officer at the scene found out that the private life of the man who owned the seemed to be quite chaotic, so I plan to go to the police station and check the files of those people."

"NONONO..." Dean shook his head like a rattle.

"Don't forget who we are, man. Those fake IDs are occasionally shown once in the middle of the crime scene, but if you really enter the police station, you'll be finding it much harder to get out." Dean said worried for the idiocy if the new Hunter

"Y-yeah how could I forget, silly me."