
Absolute Stealing

Alexander Hartman was an avid Marvel fan. He knew all of the Marvel knowledge from the comic version to the MCU version. He always amazed by the classic hero portrayed by Captain America and a supervillain like Thanos. Even though he was an avid Marvel fan, he never thought or also want to transmigrate there! As an avid Marvel fan himself, Alexander knew how dangerous was the Marvel Universe. Various villains lurked in the dark plotting to destroy the world every day. Just an ordinary superhero fight would ruin at least a city district with much civilian death. Not just that, the fact that various Cosmic Entities existed already too much for him to handle. Alexander never felt so much despair. Luckily, it seems Goddess of Luck shined her light upon him. He transmigrated into 1943 where World War 2 was ongoing.

Hartman · Others
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35 Chs

Underground Room

Alexander and Helen cuddled for another 15 minutes before Alexander forcibly ended it. He felt weird as Helen seems too attached to him. Well, maybe it was because he would go to the war tomorrow plus he was her only relative.

"Helen, would you mind to give me a tour of our house? I would like to remember everything here, so when I am on the war, I could think a place to go home." Alexander amazed by his excuse. He never knew his brain could be so fluid.

"Yes, of course, yes." Helen excitedly replied and jumped out from the sofa. She wore her glasses back and smiled at Alexander.

"Then what are we waiting for? Lead the way, my little Helen." Then they quickly exited the library. Alexander immediately knew how big was the mansion. It was practically the size of the White House, just a little smaller.

Helen excitedly gave Alexander a detailed explanation about the mansion, just like a real tour. He also noticed something, there were only a few middle-aged maids he saw along the way. All of them respectfully greet him, and looked at him with a strange glimpse.

There was no one else in the entire mansion, and there were none of those maids that were a man! Alexander already checked all of the maid's cards and found all of them was an ordinary people. The problem is, who has protected this mansion if there were only weak women here.

Even though this mansion located quite isolated from the rest of the neighborhood, but some security guard or man should be there, right?

"Helen, who was the security guard again? I seem forgotten him." Alexander asked casually.

"What are you talking about, brother? There were none of the security guards here in our mansion." Helen looked strangely at Alexander. She felt her brother was weird today, especially when he looked around curiously like he was never here before.

"Nevermind then." Then both of them resumed the tour. After 1 hour, they finally finished touring the whole mansion.

"Actually, there was a place we didn't visit yet." Helen suddenly said.

"Oh, show me then." Then Helen guided him into a stairwell that leads into the underground. At the end of the stair, there was a thick metal gate with a screen and a palm print beside it. Alexander looked at interestingly as just this technology is already advanced enough for this era.

"The maid told me that this place was built just one year before our parent death. I never got in because I didn't know the password, the maid guessed that only you could open this door." Helen said as she looked at Alexander's face.

'Fuck!' Alexander swear as he didn't know the password, who told him he was just the 'imposter.'

"Could you please open this brother? I was always curious what was inside, maybe it hides something that they left behind." Helen said as she hugged Alexander's hand.

"Ehhhh...Ummmm..." Alexander didn't know how to answered Helen. He couldn't say he didn't know the password, right? Then after a quick decision, he decided to try it out.

Alexander placed his palm slowly over the palm print. A blue light immediately appeared when the palm placed on it. The light scanned his palm for 10 seconds before it disappeared.

[Alexander Hartman - Access Confirmed] A electronic voice suddenly sounded.

[Please Input the Password]

The screen suddenly lit up and show a number pad. Alexander sweat oozes out as he didn't know the password. His brain quickly turned on the highest speed to think the possible password.

Alexander tried his birthdate, Helen birthdate, and many other combinations. At this point, his clothes already soaked with his sweat.

"Brother, it's ok if you didn't know the password. Actually, I didn't feel curious anymore, so let's go back to the upstairs." Helen said as she tried to drag Alexander.

"Hufftttt, it's quite hot here. Let me tried one more time." Alexander said as he wiped his sweat. Then he proceeded to input the date of when both of his parents died.

[Access Confirmed]

Then the metal gate slowly opened and revealed the darkness inside it. Alexander and Helen stared into the darkness and then looked into each other.

"Emmm, should we go in?" Helen asked as the darkness looked scary to her.

"Of course we should go in, didn't you curious what was inside? Don't worry, I would protect you if there was any danger." Alexander said as he patted Helen's head.

Helen hesitated a moment before she finally nodded. Alexander then took a flashlight from the card space and pretended to took it out from his pocket. Then both of them slowly made their way inside.

What was inside it ? If any of you can guess it correctly, the next chp would be published within the next 5 hour :) :) :)

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