
Absolute Stealing

Alexander Hartman was an avid Marvel fan. He knew all of the Marvel knowledge from the comic version to the MCU version. He always amazed by the classic hero portrayed by Captain America and a supervillain like Thanos. Even though he was an avid Marvel fan, he never thought or also want to transmigrate there! As an avid Marvel fan himself, Alexander knew how dangerous was the Marvel Universe. Various villains lurked in the dark plotting to destroy the world every day. Just an ordinary superhero fight would ruin at least a city district with much civilian death. Not just that, the fact that various Cosmic Entities existed already too much for him to handle. Alexander never felt so much despair. Luckily, it seems Goddess of Luck shined her light upon him. He transmigrated into 1943 where World War 2 was ongoing.

Hartman · Others
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35 Chs

Release Rate

Top 50 - 2 chapter / day. When I felt happy, I would occasionally release 3 chp.

Top 40 - 3 chp / day.

Top 20 - 4 chp / day.

Top 10 - 5 chp / day.

As you could already see my ability to update lately, all of the promises above could be easily achieved by keep pouring your stone for me :D :D :D