
Absolute Stealing

Alexander Hartman was an avid Marvel fan. He knew all of the Marvel knowledge from the comic version to the MCU version. He always amazed by the classic hero portrayed by Captain America and a supervillain like Thanos. Even though he was an avid Marvel fan, he never thought or also want to transmigrate there! As an avid Marvel fan himself, Alexander knew how dangerous was the Marvel Universe. Various villains lurked in the dark plotting to destroy the world every day. Just an ordinary superhero fight would ruin at least a city district with much civilian death. Not just that, the fact that various Cosmic Entities existed already too much for him to handle. Alexander never felt so much despair. Luckily, it seems Goddess of Luck shined her light upon him. He transmigrated into 1943 where World War 2 was ongoing.

Hartman · Others
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35 Chs

Intelligence Upgrade

As their training going, both Alexander and Helen could already cast teleportation portal big enough to put in their hand. Helen already tried the portal to teleported a pencil 10 m away. The experiment was successful, and the pencil safely teleported to the designated spot.

After the experiment successful, Helen was excitedly trying different thing to teleport to a different location. According to her brother, the distance and size limit of the teleportation portal was her Magic perception, knowledge, and she must already visit the place before or at least know the detailed information about it.

The Magic didn't consume a bit of energy from the caster body as it withdraws the power from a different dimension. The only limit of it was the caster perception and talent of Magic. The higher the understanding and talent of the caster, the more energy he or she could pull from a different dimension.

While Helen continued to experiment with the portal, the [Intelligent - Grandmaster] finally successfully extracted. Alexander hesitated for a moment before he decided to assimilate the card into himself.

An excruciating pain immediately struck Alexander head. This pain different from the body transformation before as he felt his entire head seems to want to explode. Even if he tried to hold it, the pain went worse every second.

Alexander immediately collapsed into the wooden floor and caused a loud thud noise. Helen quickly stopped her experiment as she looked toward the source and found it was her brother!

"BROTHER! OMG! Are you ok ?!" Helen sprinted to her brother and found he was like someone having a seizure. His entire body went seizure while his eyes rolled back and only revealed the white. Foam started to come out from his mouth, and his seizure went worse every second.

Helen panicked as she didn't know what to do. Tears started to come out from her eyes while she held her brother's head and placed it on her thigh. Her head went blank at this moment as she could felt her brother condition went worse every second. As long as she can remember, her brother never like this before or had an illness that could cause this.

"Liar brother!!! You said you would accompany me and not let me alone. Why were you like this? Was it because of the Magic ?"

A drop of tear slowly dropped into Alexander's face as Helen sobbed. A steady stream of tears fell into Alexander's face slowly.

"Please don't leave me, brother. If you were gone, who would accompany me then? It's better for me to follow you if you...." Before Helen could finish her sentence, she felt a hand slowly wiped her tear. She quickly looked at her brother and found he was smiling at her.

"Foolish little sister, you talk as though as I've died already. Our parent already entrusted you to me, how could I leave this easily." Alexander said weakly as his head still undergo an excruciating pain. But its already better than before as he could barely hold it.

Helen dumbly looked at her brother's face. After a while, laugh started to come out from her mouth as she was crying.

"Yes, how could you leave that easily? You still had to accompany me for the rest of your life." Helen said as she hugged Alexander's head and placed it on her chest. Alexander didn't reply as he still undergoes the pain.

After 10 minutes, the pain finally subsided. Alexander immediately felt a wonderful feeling inside his head. He felt as he understands the countless knowledge that was abstract before like [Super Soldier Knowledge] [Genetic Engineering] and other knowledge.

While it didn't allow him to master it thoroughly, it at least made him understand the surface knowledge of it. Not just Science knowledge, Alexander felt that his thinking speed at least tripled than before. Everything processed more quickly and many memories that were lost back resurfaced.

Alexander could vividly remember the scene when he was eating ice cream when he was ten years old with two familiar middle-aged people. He quickly knew the memories inside his head was not his original memories. It was this previous body owner memories!

Countless memories poured into Alexander memories. Fortunately, it only went for 5 minutes before it stopped. He grinned as finally, he didn't have to fear that someone could discover his 'imposter' identity.

"Are you already ok, brother? We must go to the hospital now, in case there was a problem inside you." Helen asked worriedly as she caressed Alexander head gently.

"No need to go to the hospital, I'm already alright now. It was my fault for greedily absorbed Mana to open a bigger portal just now. So this could be our lesson for not too greedy. Remember this, Helen. If you felt uncomfortable when you cast magic, then don't do it!" What else could Alexander say?

Helen timidly nodded. Then after a while, she finally remembered that her brother's face was resting directly on her chest! Her entire face went red, but she didn't want to disturb her brother. Luckily her brother didn't notice her red face, and actually, it didn't seem bad at all...

Alexander didn't notice that his head was resting on Helen's chest as he too focused into the memories inside his head. After sorting out his mind, Alexander slowly got up from Helen embrace.

"Let's continue our training, how big was your portal already, Helen ?" Alexander asked as he must trained Helen as much as he could. This maybe would be their last meeting before World War 2 was over. Or actually, he already had a better idea.

What if he and Helen could master the teleportation portal? Didn't it mean that they could meet whenever they want? The more Alexander thinks about it, the more he felt it was feasible.

So Alexander decided to trained bot himself and Helen so they could master the portal before he left for the battlefield. After he left, Helen would have to learn it by herself with her limited knowledge. So the faster Helen could master it, the more he felt more assured.