
Absolute Stealing

Alexander Hartman was an avid Marvel fan. He knew all of the Marvel knowledge from the comic version to the MCU version. He always amazed by the classic hero portrayed by Captain America and a supervillain like Thanos. Even though he was an avid Marvel fan, he never thought or also want to transmigrate there! As an avid Marvel fan himself, Alexander knew how dangerous was the Marvel Universe. Various villains lurked in the dark plotting to destroy the world every day. Just an ordinary superhero fight would ruin at least a city district with much civilian death. Not just that, the fact that various Cosmic Entities existed already too much for him to handle. Alexander never felt so much despair. Luckily, it seems Goddess of Luck shined her light upon him. He transmigrated into 1943 where World War 2 was ongoing.

Hartman · Others
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35 Chs

Guerrilla Warfare

Just when Alexander and his platoon made his way to the forefront of the convoy, someone beside Alexander suddenly fell into the ground. The platoon stop for a moment.

"GET DOWN!!!" Alexander shouted as he could sense there were at least ten people hide in the jungle beside them. He quickly rolled into under the truck while his cold sweat oozed out.

Alas, not all people in the platoon had the same reflexes as Alexander. 8 more people fell into the ground with some gruesome sight. Alexander nearly puked as he could see someone head burst open by the bullet. But he quickly adjusted and took the M1 Garand from his back.

Alexander aimed at one of the trees and pressed the trigger. After the first bullet made its way out of the muzzle, he aimed at another tree and shot again. His platoon who still survived immediately launched their counter-attack.

After all of the enemies in the forest was down, Alexander reloaded his M1 Garand while slowly crawling into the bush.

"Follow me!" Alexander shouted to his platoon, who still survived. Unfortunately, Lieutenant Harold didn't make it as he died within the first wave. The platoon immediately followed Alexander into the bush.

Alexander adjusted his breath as a while ago, he shot five people into their deaths. This was his first kill directly by his hand, so he was still pretty shaken. The rest of the platoon didn't do better either as they were just a recruit.

But time didn't wait for them to adjust as another bullet hit a tree beside them. Alexander quickly spotted a group of German soldiers from the depth of the forest.

"Take a cover behind the tree!" Alexander shouted as he replaced the M1 Garand in his hand with the Thompson. He quickly ran into a cover while shooting the enemy.

Alexander peeped the enemy and shot occasionally. But as the fight was going, the more German soldier came from the forest. He realized he would never win if keep going on like this as he would eventually be outnumbered.

The situation around was much worse, all of the truck already blown out and there were only 13 people left in the platoon. Alexander took out a [Carbon Steel Knife] and a [Colt M1911A1] from the card space. If he keeps exchanged fire with them, he would never win as they were too much!

Alexander bit his teeth and ran into the nearest German soldier. His speed simply too fast for the enemy to react. He stabbed the soldier vital part while shot his pistol into his companion.

Before other people could react, Alexander already ran into another German soldier and repeated the process earlier.

"Erschieß ihn! Erschieß ihn! (Shoot him! Shoot him!)" A German soldier shouted while he shot his rifle into Alexander. The bullet missed as Alexander used the soldier he just killed as a shield.

The German soldier who shot Alexander immediately panicked as none of his bullets managed to hit him. Before he could reload his rifle, a bullet pierced his temple.

Alexander threw the body and stabbed another German soldier near him. All the enemy immediately focused their fire into him, but he quickly jumped into a tree. He jumped into the nearest soldier and kept repeating the process like earlier.

Before long, Alexander already killed at least 50 people used the same technique. The German Soldier here quickly retreated into the depth of the forest as fast as they could after witnessed a man alone massacred their companion.

Alexander adjusted his breath as he rubbed his face that stained with blood. All the German Soldier around him had already pretty much retreated. But he knew this wasn't over as there was still many of them. He sighed as none of in his platoon managed to survive.

Alexander took all the M1 Garand bullet on his platoon soldier corpse used his cheat. He already realized that Thompson was not that useful for a long-range firefight, so M1 Garand was his choice.

Alexander took a moment for reloading all of his weapon and rest before he headed into another firefight. He didn't go far as it was just over 100 m from him. He hid behind a tree and aimed his M1 Garand and shot all of 8 bullets inside of it.

Not too far away, 8 German Soldier sudden fell into the ground. The Allied soldier that exchanged fire with them confused, but they didn't care as long it was the enemy. As no enemy fired and disturbed him, Alexander keep fired at the enemy interrupted.

Before long, all the German soldier in this side retreat as there was a godly sniper here massacred their companion. Alexander approached the survived Allied soldier while showed them his Allied uniform as they aimed their rifle at him.

"Was that you earlier ?" A middle-aged man with a bird symbol on his military uniform asked.

"Yes, it was me." Alexander nodded as he held the M1 Garand tightly.

The middle-aged man sighed into relief and said, "It's good to see there was a soldier like you, Private..?" He asked when he saw Alexander uniform.

"Alexander Hartman, and we didn't have time to chit chat here. There were still many enemies, and how far away we are from the Eagle base ?" Alexander said seriously.

"We are still about 10 km away from the Eagle base, and our reinforcement is coming. And oh yeah, I'm Colonel Herman." Herman didn't mind Alexander rude attitude as he was indeed true.

"So we just need to hold here until the reinforcement was coming ?" Alexander asked quickly.

"Yes, I already sent an SOS 10 minutes ago. They should arrive within 30 minutes at the latest. You just need to protect me, and I would convey your merit to the base when we returned." Herman quickly said.

Alexander snorted as he could feel this Colonel Herman was up to no good. But it was normal as everyone fears death, so he just nodded and surveyed his surrounding.

Alexander pupil enlarged as he could saw at least 1,000 German Soldier suddenly come out from the forest not too far away from his position. He quickly issued a hand signal to the Colonel and the rest to follow him.

They quickly followed Alexander into the forest. Alexander held the M1 Garand while watching over the enemies movement. If the enemies noticed them, no doubt, they would turn into a hornet nest quickly. Luckily, it seems the German Army didn't notice their presence.

Colonel Herman and his private guard already hid into the bush and held their breath. Alexander then spotted someone different within the German Army. He knew it was the commander.

Alexander hesitated for a minute before he took the [Carbon Steel Knife] and held it tightly. He knew that sooner or later, his position would be exposed as they checked every corner of the road.

To distract them, no doubt their commander death would be enough. Since using the rifle would expose his position, Alexander decided to use the knife instead.

By Alexander vision, he and the commander distance were roughly 300 m apart. He also wanted to know if he could throw a knife that far accurately with his new Super Soldier Physique.

Colonel Herman noticed something was wrong when he saw Alexander suspicious movement. Then he realized this madman actually want to throw a knife to the German Soldier group.

"Private Hartman! What are you doing? Cease in this instant before they noticed us, do you want all of us died ?" Herman whispered as he throws a rock to Alexander.

Alexander ignored Herman whisper as he was focusing his sight at the commander. After he was taking a deep breath and already focused, he threw the knife with all of his strength! The knife traveled just like a bullet and sliced its way through the air.

This was my bonus for my lovely reader for you all realized the TOP 50!!!! :D :D :D

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