
Steam Battleship

Arthur divided the holy warriors into twelve teams. Each team consisted of one Gold Saint, two Silver Saints, and four Bronze Saints.

Aldebaran was a purple-haired man. He was three meters tall and had thick muscles. He had a simple and honest smile on his face, but he looked a little old. Although he was only seventeen years old, he looked like he was thirty years old.

He was not from St. Martin's country. When the merchant ship of St. Martin's country was trading outside, he sneaked onto the ship and finally came to St. Martin. Then he was adopted by Arthur!

Hearing Arthur's instructions, he smiled and nodded.

On the other hand, Leslie was a thousand-man leader of the original escort guard. He was in his thirties and had the strength of a Commander. He had a thousand subordinates. He used to be mainly responsible for the kingdom's sea and escort missions. He was accurate with marksmanship and liked to shoot cannons.

He was now the commander of the 3rd Division of the First Army!

Arthur used the military structure from his previous life to rearrange the original army.

The military was divided into squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, division, and army.

Among them, a squad had ten people, a platoon had thirty people, a company had a hundred people, a battalion had 350 people, a regiment had 1,200 people, a division had 4,000 people, and an army had about 13.000 people.

It was a ternary system, and three classes were in a row, which was deduced in turn.

The reason for the difference was that from the beginning of the company, there were special scouts, from the beginning of the battalion there were more artillery platoons, and from the beginning of the regiment there were more logistics troops, so there was a difference.

But because the total strength of the kingdom was only 10,000, the establishment of the three divisions was not complete.

"Clamp! Clamp!"

When he heard Arthur's order, Leslie took his subordinates and jogged a few steps before stopping in front of Arthur and bowing!

A normal regiment has about 1,200 people, but Leslie's regiment is basically composed of former escort crew members, with a total of more than 900 people.

Arthur's original plan was to establish a navy and let them become an official navy. Now, they were only temporarily stationed in the army. When the navy was established, they would be the foundation.

"Alright, Bruce, you take the others to clean up the port town. Shion, you take the Saints back to the palace first!" Arthur ordered.

"Yohoho! I will listen to your orders, Your Majesty!" Bruce leaned forward and bowed with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The Gold Saint of the Aries Constellation, Shion, said expressionlessly.

Shion was a handsome young man with green hair. He was calm and just. The Saints all admired him. He was the leader of the Saints.

After a while, the others left.

Arthur looked at the people in front of him and shouted, "All of you, follow the port river and run to the shipyard!"

The port river was a river that extended from the harbor pier to the shipyard. It was a man-made river road.

It was mainly used to transport the ships made by the shipyard to the dock.

Why didn't they just make it at the docks?

The reason was very simple. The docks at the port town weren't very big. There were usually merchant ships and armed merchant ships there. Once the shipyard was placed at the docks, where would the ships be built?

Moreover, most of the time, the sea currents were in a mess. Every year, there was only one month to test the ships, so it was the same no matter where they were put. In any case, they couldn't open it normally.

Soon, everyone arrived at a shipyard.

As soon as they arrived at the shipyard, they saw a black smoke floating up from afar.

The shipyard was guarded by a hundred men from Security Force.

As soon as Arthur arrived, the men saluted.

"Your Majesty!"

Arthur waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to be too polite, so he led the people in.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!"

As soon as they entered the shipyard, the busy crowd in the shipyard immediately stopped.

"There is no need to be so polite. All of you, get up and do your own things!" Arthur said.

In the shipyard, the first thing that appeared in front of Arthur was a huge monster.

It was about 70 meters long and 16 meters wide. There were 92 cannons in total. There was also a big chimney on the ship. The black smoke on the shipyard was released by it. That's right, it was a steam-powered battleship.

To be precise, it was a semi-steam-powered half-sailboat battleship. In addition to the steam power, there was also the wind sails as a support force.

In the world of One Piece, technology was very strange. There were obviously sea trains, robots, and other super technology. They could even use cola as a source of energy, but most of the marines and pirates were sailing ships.

So under Arthur's finger, the shipyard began to study the steam-powered boat. In this world, rubber, steel, and everything was already there, so it was not difficult to study the steam-powered boat.

There were more than 90 cannons mounted on it. In the One Piece world, it was not comparable to the creation of black technology, but it is also second to none.

Think of the Going Merry, there was only one cannon mounted on it. Even the Marine's ordinary battleships only had a third of the cannons of this steam-powered battleship, so a maximum of 30.

Although in anime, artillery was mostly just a foil and did not hurt people at all, in reality, powerful firepower could often decide everything.

Moreover, although there were many strong people in this world who were not afraid of artillery, but there were more ordinary people. warships were used to deal with those who were afraid of artillery.

"David, how is it?" Arthur walked to the side of the boat and asked an old man with glasses.

David was the main person in charge of the shipyard. He was also an excellent shipbuilder.

"Your Majesty, this kingdom's Conqueror has been completely recovered. We just need to test it out!" David pushed up his glasses and said.

Arthur shook his head and said, "It's too late. But since it's done, let's go test it out!"

"Your Majesty, the Passing Month is still a month away. If we go out to sea at this time, it might cause damage to this warship!" David said with a frown.

"Don't worry, it's okay. I have a way!" Arthur waved his hand and said.

David had no choice but to nod, but he still begged, "Your Majesty, I hope we can go test sailing together!"

Arthur thought for a moment and nodded. "Alright, you can also bring a few boatmen up with you. On the way, you can teach these soldiers how to operate this ship!"

This was the first time this ship was going out to sea. It would be best to bring a few boatmen. If there were any small problems, it would be easy to deal with them.

"Alright, Your Majesty. I will ask them to put the Conqueror into the river path and officially start the trial!" David said and called all the boatmen together.

After a while, the Conqueror was ready.


The Conqueror was completely in the water.

"Leslie, take your men and board the ship!" Looking at the boat going into the water, Arthur turned around and ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Leslie was a little excited. As an escort of the kingdom all year round, no one knew better than him what this behemoth in front of him was.

In his opinion, as long as this ship could move, even if it was a little slower, it was still an overlord in the sea. In a place like West Blue where the mafia and pirates ran rampant, this was simply a ship full of deterrence!

"Wait, you and Aldebaran, come over here. I have something to tell you!"

Hearing this, the two of them quickly approached Arthur.

After instructing some things that had to be done in Blood Port Town, Arthur waved his hand.

"Alright, all of you get on the boat!"


A burst of black smoke emerged from the Conqueror, and the massive ship slowly started.

She slowly drove out of the shipyard, followed the river, and soon arrived at the port.

"Wait, why are there so many ship wreckage at the port? If it's like this, the Conqueror can't get through!" David said nervously.

"Haha, look at me!" Aldebaran laughed heartily and stood at the bow of the ship.

"Gold Saint Cloth!"

Immediately, Aldebaran turned into a shining Gold Saint.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he hugged his arms and roared.

"Giant Horn!"

A huge shock wave flashed.


Soon after, the 1,000-meter road in front of them was pushed up along with the seawater. After a while, the seawater returned.

"The road has been cleared!" Aldebaran said proudly with his arms crossed.

Both David and Leslie widened their eyes in disbelief.

The soldiers standing on the deck were also stunned when they saw this.

It was only after a long while that they came back to their senses.

"So... so strong!" Leslie stuttered. He had Commander-level strength and knew a little bit about Armament Haki. Usually, other than the commander of the First Army, no one was his match. Therefore, he had always been very confident.

However, the strength of Aldebaran instantly made him realize that there were so many strong people in the kingdom!

Thinking about the eleven people who were standing with Aruba and carrying golden boxes, he was a little discouraged.

However, Aldebaran did not care what he was thinking. Instead, he said to David, "If we rush out at an extremely fast speed, wouldn't the ship be fine?"

"Yeah!" David came back to his senses and nodded.

When Aldebaran heard this, he jumped off the ship.

Standing behind the ship, he leaned forward and held the ship with both hands.


Aruba roared and pushed with all his strength.

Instantly, the Conqueror shot out like an arrow leaving the bow.


Aruba exerted force on his feet and instantly jumped back onto the ship.

The Conqueror, emitting black smoke, headed towards the sea.

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