

The sun was setting in the west.

There was no navy in the port town, or in other words, there was no navy in the entire capital of St. Martin. There was no other way. Every year, there was only one month of the calm sea period. How could they have the time to train the navy?

Every year, when they went out to sea to sell goods and buy supplies, the original guards would sail and escort them.

Originally, there were a thousand guard teams stationed in the port town, but because of the military reorganization, they were all pulled to the training ground near the capital city to train!

Moreover, since it was not the Passing Month yet, Arthur didn't care about the defense of the port town. Therefore, apart from the ten men from Security Force, there were no other troops in the port town!

When Arthur received the news and rushed over with the Saints, the place was already messed up with broken eaves and walls, and there were fireworks everywhere.

"Go and find if there are any survivors!" Seeing this scene, Arthur was furious and ordered coldly.

"Yes!" the Saints nodded in unison, turning into dozens of streaks of light as they rushed into the town.

Arthur strolled into the dilapidated town, his expression becoming increasingly gloomy.

Soon, Suikyo carried an old man whose body had been cut in half from his stomach and walked over.

The old man's body was dripping with blood, and his stomach had caved in. It was obvious that his intestines had already flowed out.

As Suikyo walked, he fed him a cup that had been turned into a Cloth. This was the ability of his Cloth, holy water. The water in the cup could heal people's injuries and physical strength.

"Your Majesty, this is a survivor I found. He is dying, and the holy water can't heal him!" Suikyo said in a deep voice. Suikyo was the Silver Saint closest to the Gold Saint, and his strength was also at the Rear Admiral level.

"Old man, tell me, who is it?" Arthur looked at the dying old man in front of him and asked with a sorrowful expression.

"Your Majesty, I have finally met you..." Eddie, who was on the verge of death, forced himself to endure the pain and spoke word by word, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, we are taking revenge. The one who killed us is... Blood Axe... Pirates... From the sea... The town...."

"Don't worry, old man. Those who offend me and St. Martin will definitely be killed!" Arthur said in a deep voice.

"Then... that... That's good" As he spoke, Eddie seemed to have received a great reward. He smiled and slowly closed his eyes. His breathing gradually stopped. In the end, his head tilted. His entire body seemed to have lost its support and completely softened.

"Check his household register and give him a proper burial!"

"Yes!" Suikyo nodded.

Arthur continued to walk. Along the way, besides the smoking broken eaves and broken walls, there were more broken limbs and corpses.

After a while, all the Saints came back.

When they came back, they all shook their heads, indicating that they had not found any survivors.

This time, Arthur's expression became even more gloomy.

In the end, Shaina came back with a little girl around eight or nine years old.

"Your Majesty! I found this in the water tank of a family!" Shaina put down the little girl in her arms.

As soon as she came down, the little girl timidly hid behind Shaina. Only then did Arthur see the little girl's appearance clearly.

She had long black hair and was only wearing a tattered skirt. She was barefoot and her entire body was dirty. Her large eyes looked pitifully at Arthur. In an instant, Arthur's heart softened.

Arthur squatted down and forced a smile. He said gently, "Little girl, what is your name?"

The little girl still looked at him pitifully and did not answer.

"Sigh..." Arthur sighed. He thought that the little girl was frightened and did not dare to speak. He did not make things difficult for her. He changed his tone and said, "Forget it, send her to the palace. Let her be a maid there in the future!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Shaina said respectfully.

Then, she left with the little girl.

"Clomp! Clomp! Clomp!"

After a while, a slight tremor came from the ground. The sound of footsteps came from afar. It was the First Army army that had heard the news.

"Roar! Roar!" A middle-aged man with an explosive head and a long saber in his hand shouted. It was Bruce from the First Army.


In an instant, tens of thousands of soldiers stopped. Every one of these soldiers was wearing a green military uniform with a saber on their waist and a rifle on their back. They stood straight and majestically!

"Yohoho! Your Majesty, the First Army has gathered!" Bruce said with a smile.

Arthur looked at him coldly.


Bruce swallowed his saliva and smiled awkwardly. He immediately became serious.

Arthur did not argue with him. He knew that Bruce had this kind of personality. Moreover, if he counted, Bruce was still his uncle!

His grandfather Shigekuni's mother was from Bruce's family. She was the aunt of Bruce's father. In other words, Bruce was also his distant cousin.

At this time, some officials who came with them quickly came forward and bowed respectfully. "Your Majesty!"

"Yes!" Looking at these officials, Arthur nodded and ordered, "Go and count the casualties and losses of the port town."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The officials nodded and immediately went into the town to calculate.

After two hours, the statistics came out.

"Your Majesty, there were originally 800 and 33 residents in the port town. When the pirates attacked, around 600 escaped. The number of deaths was more than 100. The mayor, the town officials, and the security forces all died!"

"There are no injured victims, those pirates are extremely cruel, all of them are dead!"

"Also, those pirates not only robbed things but also set fire. Among them, the ships that were originally parked at the port were all set on fire. Two of the three kingdom's exclusive armed merchant ships were burned, and only one disappeared. It should have been robbed by the pirates!"

"In addition, the houses are seriously damaged, all of them were burned, and the houses above the 7th floor in the town can not be used!"

"The direct economic loss is about 13 million St. Martin coins!"

St. Martin coins were the exclusive currency issued by St. Martin's Royal Bank, and the proportion with Berry was about one to ten, which meant that the loss this time was 1.3 million Berries.

Arthur nodded. The loss of property was secondary. What he was most afraid of was the casualties of the people. This time, only more than a hundred died, which was considered good luck.

Moreover, he could see that the pirates were very anxious!

After the incident, the mayor immediately contacted the official in charge of requesting help with the Den Den Mushi, and then the official informed Arthur.

It took less than half an hour for Arthur to receive the news and bring people here, and the pirates ran away in just half an hour. This was not a normal plunder at all!

Normal plundering was divided into two types. One was through extorting and racketeering. It was similar to what Arlong did to Nami's village. Every once in a while, they would collect goods and money from the villagers.

The second type was the destruction type of looting. It was a one-time murder, arson, rape, and looting. It was a complete destruction type of looting.

And what about them?

They only killed people, set fires, and robbed some gold. They also killed people who tried to stop, resist, or block them. Even if the other townspeople ran away, they did not chase them.

As for how they came in, Arthur probably understood a bit.

This place was St. Martin's only port. If one understood the sea current, even if it was not the Passing Month, it was possible to drive in with enough speed and precise movements.

However, it was not easy to drive out from inside. Because there was not enough distance for acceleration, the sea current and dark reefs were harder to pass. No matter how good the technology was, it was impossible to get out unscathed.

But if they calculate the strength of the kingdom, even if they were to stay and meet the kingdom's army, it might not be as dangerous as going out to sea.

What made them so anxious?

There was only one possibility, and that was there was something dangerous chasing them.

Was it the Marines? Or the pirates?

Arthur was not sure, but he knew that these pirates must be going to Blood Port Town next.

Because the ship they robbed did not have any firepower, and there were no arms in the port town. No matter what danger they encountered, they would go to Blood Port Town first.

Blood Port Town was a town jointly established by a mafia and a few pirates. All kinds of arms and smuggled goods were sold there, so the people of the Blood Axe Pirates would have to replenish the arms there.

In addition to the supply of arms in that place, the other ports were at least a week away from here.

"Aldebaran, take two Silver Saint subordinates and four Bronze Saints to go with me later!" Arthur ordered the Saint of Taurus, Aldebaran, and then shouted to the First Army, "Leslie, take your subordinates and step out!"

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