
Blood Port Town

The next day, dawn broke.

Blood Port Town.

Blood Port Town was located on a relatively small island. There were no resources, but the geographical conditions were good. It was a natural harbor. Although it was not on West Blue's main routes, it was only not far from the main route.

After rushing through the night, they finally arrived at Blood Port Town's harbor.

Early in the morning, there were many people here. People came and went, but everyone was either equipped with swords or guns. There was a trace of hostility on their faces. It was obvious that they were not good people.

Blood Axe Jake and his second in command, Bailey, got off the ship first, and then their underlings followed. All of them were scarred and tired.

"Hey, isn't that Blood Axe Jake? How did it become like this!" As soon as they got off the ship, a two-meter-tall strong man wearing colorful clothes and holding a hammer came forward and sneered.

Jake just looked up at him and didn't speak. This strong man was his old enemy, the captain of the Iron Hammer Pirates, Raiden. His strength was similar to his, but the bounty was less than two million. If it was in normal times, he would definitely be angry.

But now, he had to quickly replenish his arms, replenish his supplies, and continue to run. He had no time to pay attention to him at all.

Seeing that Jake didn't reply, Raiden became even more excited. "Hahaha, Jake, you're not on your period, right? You're behaving like a woman. Come, like a man, pick up your axe and play with me!"

The underlings behind him also began to jeer.

"Big woman!"

"Big woman!"

"Big woman!"


At this time, Jake, who was already in a bad mood, suddenly became a little angry and ordered Bailey who was behind him, "Bailey, you go and handle things. I will deal with him!"

Bailey nodded and did not speak. He left with half of his subordinates.


Bailey had only taken two steps when Jake suddenly pulled out his two axes and turned around to slash at Raiden. However, Raiden seemed to have expected this. He picked up the hammer and blocked Jake's axe.

"Hehe. I knew you would sneak attack me!" Raiden chuckled.

Jake's face was gloomy. He did not say anything and only picked up his axe.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After slashing for a while, they were all firmly blocked by Raiden's big hammer, but the ground around them had already been affected by the battle, and more than ten meters long cracks appeared.

And their underlings also retreated to the side, watching the battle between the two of them.

"Boss, kill him!"

"Boss, smash that bastard to death!"

"Kill him!"

"Chop him to death!"


The two of them fought fiercely, and the underlings shouted even more fiercely.

Not long later, more than half of the people on the dock were attracted to him.

"Hammer him, hammer him!"

"Blood Axe, chop him to death, chop that bastard Raiden to death!"

"Raiden, hammer that bastard Blood Axe to death!"


The pirates who stayed at the port looked at the two people who were fighting fiercely, they surrounded them and cheered them on.

The two fought for a while.


In the end, both of them were panting, but there was still no winner.

"Today, I'll let you off!" Raiden was the first to make a move. If he didn't know, he would have thought that he had won and let Jake off.

"Hehe!" Jake laughed contemptuously, but he did not return the anger.

"Are you two done fighting? Please pay the money!" A young man wearing a black suit and a crown walked out from the crowd and said to the two with a smile.

Blood Port Town was built by a mafia and several pirate groups. Naturally, there were rules in it. Otherwise, how could people come here to sell things?

Fighting and conflicts among

The Mafia and the pirates were all very common, so they were not prohibited in Blood Port Town, but no death was allowed, and no robbery was allowed. Moreover, the loss caused by this was naturally paid by the loser.

For two people to draw like this, they needed to pay half of the money each.

"Here!" Raiden did not refuse and threw out a stack of Berries.

His 18 million bounty was a very high reward in East Blue, but in West Blue, it could only be regarded as the middle or lower level. The several pirates and mafia who built Blood Port Town were much stronger than him.

Jake did not speak, he just threw out a handful of gold. He did not have any berries on him now. Mainly because their ship sank before, and their property was almost gone, only a box of gold was rescued

Moreover, there were no berries in the port town at all, it was all St. Martin coins, what was the use of these St. Martin coins?

So at that time, he only took some gold jewelry and left in a hurry.

The young man in a suit accepted their money with satisfaction and turned to leave.

Jake and Raiden looked at each other and left as well.

The main characters had left.

So the crowd also dispersed.


However, at this time, a loud bang appeared at the port, followed by the sound of gunfire.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A crazy explosion sounded at the port.

Not far from Blood Port Town, a huge warship turned sideways and fired bullets at Blood Port Town.

It was the Conqueror!

With steam power, even if Blood Axe pirates ran for a few hours, they still caught up with them.


"F*ck, run!"

"That bastard did it!"



In an instant, the entire port became chaotic. Everyone began to run around, most of them running into the town.

On the warship.

Leslie held the binoculars and looked excitedly at the port in the distance.

"This firepower is too fierce!" Leslie was full of praise.

The port in front of him, along with the ships on the port, had been blown up to smoke. The sky was filled with fireworks, and he could not clearly see what was going on at the port.

However, this sky full of fireworks could also explain everything.

David looked at the port in front of him with interest, took out a pen and notebook, and recorded something on it.

Aldebaran yawned out of boredom. Although it looked like the firepower was very fierce, it was nothing to him.

If he used his full strength, he would be able to deal even more damage than this.

"It's about time. The port is almost in ruins. There's no point in continuing the bombardment!" Aldebaran yawned and said to Leslie.

"Alright!" Leslie was still unsatisfied, but he still ordered to stop the bombardment.

After a while, the smoke at the port was almost gone.

In front of them, there were no longer any ports or ships. It was almost completely in ruins. Only the buildings in the middle of the town were safe and sound.

More than 30 ships on the dock had all sunk in the first round of cannon barrage.

The people on board were the first to discover this ship. However, there were no signs on the ship. They also did not know what the ship was. Moreover, thanks to Blood Axe and Iron Hammer, the attention was pretty much attracted to their fight.

Therefore, they did not react immediately. When they reacted, they were already knocked down by the powerful firepower of Conqueror.

"Leave the rest to us. Watch the dock and don't let anyone escape!" Aldebaran patted his chest and jumped onto the shore without waiting for Leslie to reply.

The silver and bronze Saints behind him also moved.

Leslie smiled helplessly and ordered all the cannons of Conqueror to face the dock. Then, he asked his subordinates to stand on the boat and aim their guns at the dock, waiting for him.

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