

When it came to West Blue, it had to be said that it was West Blue's specialty.

That was the Mafia.

The Mafia was spread all over West Blue. There were countless big and small Mafia families. Even for the members of the Mafia itself, it was hard to say how many Mafia there were because every day new mafias were assembled, and old ones were also wiped out.

In West Blue, there were even more Mafia than pirates.

Unlike the pirates, most of the mafia had a stable place of activity. To a certain extent, they still maintained the security of the place, so the Marine would not deliberately target them.

The Chris family was a mafia based in Blood Port Town. It could also be said that Blood Port Town was established by them. They made a living by selling firearms and smuggling various items. Together with the three pirate groups, they had become the tyrants of this area. The small Marine base did not dare to provoke them at all.

Of course, they also did not dare to provoke the Marine casually.

Today was the account-sharing meeting between the Chris family and the three pirate groups. This meeting was held every three months. The head of the Chris family and the three pirate groups were all sitting on the high tower in the town.

The four of them chatted as they drank, while their subordinates checked the accounts in another room.

"Wisp, I heard that you robbed a few cargo ships from the Felt Kingdom last time. What do you think? Do you have any good goods for me to take care of?" A middle-aged man with two hideous scars on his face smoked a cigar and said with a grin.

"Blackheart, don't try to take advantage of me all day. I have already taken care of those goods!" Said a skinny, skeleton-like man with a revolver in his hand.

Chris, the head of the Chris Family, didn't pay any attention to the two of them. Instead, he looked at the red-haired, burly youth who had been very cold since the beginning and poured him a glass of red wine.

"Eden, how was it? I heard that you saved up a sum of money and wanted to buy the devil fruit. Did you buy it already?" Chris asked.

Eden picked up the red wine, shook it, and took a sip. "I bought it, but I haven't eaten it yet!"

"Why aren't you eating it?" Chris was puzzled.

"I'm not sure what kind of fruit that fruit is. If I can obtain a useless ability after eating it, then not only will I waste so much Berries, but I will also have a weakness!" Eden explained.

"If you are afraid of obtaining a useless ability, then don't eat it. Give it to me, I am not afraid!" Blackheart, who was at the side, hurriedly said after hearing their conversation.

Everyone rolled their eyes at him.

At this moment.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of explosions came from the direction of the pier.

The few of them hurriedly walked towards the window.

They saw that the dock outside the window was filled with fireworks, and they were completely unable to see what was going on.

"F*ck." Chris' eyes were about to crack. Building this dock was his painstaking effort.

He quickly walked over to the table, picked up the Den Den Mushi, and dialed it out. "Gather in the town!"

Blackheart, Wisp, and Eden were also burning with anxiety. This dock was a huge source of income for them. If it were attacked, it could be said that they would lose a huge amount of money!

The three of them quickly took out their Den Den Mushi and informed their subordinates to gather in the town.

The three of them weren't placed together with the others, but were placed separately in a special port behind Blood Port Town.

Not long after, the three big pirate groups and the people of the Chris Family were all gathered in the town, adding up to more than two thousand people.

The four people angrily walked out of the building and walked to the front of the underlings.

Among them, Blackheart was holding a big knife, Wisp was holding a gun, Eden was wearing knuckles on his fists, and Chris didn't bring anything.

"Run, run!"


"Hurry up and go!"

At this time, the people who were lucky enough not to be hit on the pier included Blood Axe Jake.

All of them frantically escaped and ran past the assembled mafia and pirates. Of course, Jake thought that Marine had caught up.

But the four of them did not care about them, but waited for the real murderer who destroyed the dock to appear.

With such a large firepower, there must be a lot of people.

"Clamp! Clamp! Clamp!"

The sound of footsteps could be heard. Unlike the other people who were running for their lives, the footsteps were steady and unhurried.

Right now, the person in front of them was a big man who was three meters tall and wore golden armor.

Normally, if someone dared to wear such arrogant clothes in front of them, they would definitely strip him naked.

However, it was different now. The sound of gunfire at the dock stopped and a person appeared in front of them.

"It's the enemy!"

They instantly came to a conclusion.

"Who are you?" Chris was not in a hurry to act. His face was solemn as he shouted.

"I am from St. Martin Kingdom, the personal guard of the king, member of the Saints Legion and one of the 12 Golden Saints: Taurus Aldebaran!" Aldebaran said his name forthrightly.

"St. Martin Kingdom?" This familiar name made Chris a little confused. Wasn't St. Martin Kingdom a small kingdom not far away?

But then he reacted. Now was not the time to think about that. He asked angrily, "Did you guys blast the dock?"

"That's right!" Aldebaran was a straightforward person.

"Why?" Chris suppressed his anger and asked.

"Because a bastard committed a crime in our kingdom. He killed more than a hundred of our citizens and ran into your port!" Aldebaran explained.

At this point, Chris could no longer hold it in and roared angrily, "You want to flatten our port after someone ran into your port? Moreover, that round of cannon fire just now killed more than a hundred people, right?"

"No, it was the king's order to take down Blood Port Town!" Aldebaran grinned and then looked at him in surprise, "It's not our kingdom's people, what does it have to do with me!"

"What are you talking about?"

"And, taking down the Blood Port Town?"

"Do you really think Blood Port Town is easy to bully?"

"Moreover, although they are not people from your kingdom, aren't they still people?"

Chris immediately felt like he was about to explode.

However, Blackheart was a step faster than him, and he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Bastard!" Blackheart cursed in rage. In an instant, he moved dozens of meters and arrived in front of Aldebaran.


He had just arrived in front of Aldebaran and was about to slash down when he was punched in the stomach by Aldebaran.


Blackheart was instantly sent flying and crashed through the crowd. He crashed through several buildings before stopping.

However, there was already a large bloody hole in his chest. It was obvious that he wouldn't be able to live.

The lackeys who were sent flying by him were also lying on the ground and wailing. It was obvious that their injuries were not light.


Chris swallowed his saliva and broke out in a cold sweat.

Off to the side, Wisp and Eden were also rejoicing. They had also wanted to go up earlier, but they had been a step too slow.

It had to be known that among them, Blackheart was the weakest, but he wasn't too far off!

It was at this moment that a terrified voice rang out from behind them.


"Those horrible guys are here!"

"Don't block the way. Get lost!"


The crowd that had run past them immediately ran back.

Behind them were the other six Saints.

This was Aldebaran's order.

Before getting off the ship, Aldebaran had instructed them to clean up the port from the back and then surround them.

These people were running wildly.


In an instant, another person was sent flying, taking away dozens of people and smashing five or six houses.



"There's something even more terrifying up ahead!"

"Be careful!"


The running crowd immediately braked.

There were originally two thousand people in the town, plus the people who were running for their lives, almost four thousand people.

In this way, with just seven people, St. Martin was able to control the entire town.

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