
Abandoned Gremory Travels Multiverse

Dylan, a typical 20-year-old teenage boy, meets an untimely demise under a truck only to be reborn in the fantastical world of High School DxD as the son of Sirzechs Lucifer. However, unlike his demonic counterparts, Dylan possesses no innate demonic energy. As he navigates this new existence, will he defy expectations, grow in strength, and ascend to the pinnacle of supernatural powers in this alternate realm

zaaazzzzz · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter : 13 Emma New Life

The echoing cadence of Emma's hurried footsteps reverberated through the corridors of Gremory Castle. Her countenance mirrored a blend of joy and concern as she meticulously searched through rooms, a task that concluded with a triumphant pause before a particular door.

The abrupt intrusion caught the attention of Sirzechs, who, upon turning, inquired with a mix of curiosity and worry, "Emma, what's the matter?" Emma, still catching her breath, responded, "Maou-sama, I've found the Young Master."

Sirzechs, exhaling a sigh, gently admonished, "Emma, I appreciate your dedication to him, but you must also tend to your well-being." Undeterred, Emma attempted to elaborate, only to be interrupted by a stern Sirzechs. "Emma, Mother is pregnant, and it's imperative to avoid unnecessary stress. Focus on your duties as a maid, and leave the rest to us. Take a few days off for yourself."

Despite Emma's efforts to express herself, Sirzechs firmly insisted, "Now, go and rest. We'll handle what needs to be done." With that, Emma was ushered away, leaving Sirzechs to ponder. In solitude, he mused, "Father was right; Emma's mental state is fragile. It's best for her to stay away from Mother." Taking action, Sirzechs instructed someone to keep Emma at a distance from her mother's room.

In the hushed corridor, Emma wandered aimlessly, her steps echoing a sense of uncertainty. "Lady Grayfia, she will definitely hear me," Emma muttered determinedly, her gaze scanning the expansive halls. Urgency propelled her forward, seeking Lady Grafiya, who was conspicuously absent from her quarters. A passing maid provided a lead—Grafiya with Venelana in her room.

Emma hastened toward Venelana's chambers, anticipation racing with each step. Just before reaching the door, two imposing guards intercepted her. "Miss Emma, Master Zeoticus wishes to speak with you," one of them declared, leaving Emma with no choice but to comply.

The guards escorted her to Zeoticus's chamber, where, upon entry, Emma found him with his back turned. "Didn't I warn you not to speak of your young master?" Zeoticus's stern voice echoed in the room. "You disregarded my words."

"My lord, this concerns the young master. I've found him," Emma pleaded, a tinge of desperation in her voice.

"It seems you still don't grasp, Emma. Guards," Zeoticus commanded, and two knights entered, stoic and imposing.

"You are no longer welcome in Gremory Castle. You're dismissed from your duties. Never return," Zeoticus declared coldly, sealing Emma's fate with an unwavering resolution. Shock and disbelief etched across Emma's face.

"But, my lord, I've served the Gremory since childhood. How can you cast me out?" Emma protested, her world unraveling.

"I considered it before, given your association with Venelana, but tolerance has its limits. Guards, escort her out, and ensure she never sets foot here again," Zeoticus ordered with finality.

The guards, like emotionless sentinels, forcibly escorted Emma out, heedless to her futile struggles. At the castle entrance, she lingered, casting one last glance through the gaps, reminiscing about the days she honed her skills as a maid under Lady Grayfia's guidance.

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room, Azazel sat with Baraqiel, a middle-aged, gruff figure boasting a black beard and a robust physique. "Whose baby is that?" Baraqiel inquired.

"It's a long story, but did you bring the milk?" Azazel asked.

"Yes, I got some from the ladies roaming the streets with small babies," Baraqiel replied, placing a 12-inch bottle filled with milk on the table. "Now, tell me your tale; I have plenty of time."

As Azazel recounted the events, Baraqiel questioned, "That's kind of sad, but why are you compelling the girl to marry you?"

"I'm not forcing her," Azazel calmly retorted.

"You are; it's a form of blackmail," Baraqiel insisted. Azazel, unfazed, responded, "Don't worry; I won't force her. I will win her heart with pure devotion. Besides, I desire a family, much like yours."

"Well then, you focus on family planning; I need to buy groceries before heading home," Baraqiel said, teleporting away.

As Baraqiel faded into the distance, Azazel returned to the room where Dylan lay sound asleep. "He is still sleeping," Azazel remarked, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. A subtle magic circle materialized in the room, and Emma emerged, her countenance marked by silent sorrow as she settled on the bed, her gaze fixed upon Dylan.

Azazel, discerning the unspoken emotions, exited the room briefly only to return with a baby bottle filled with milk. "Here is the food for the baby," Azazel offered, his face adorned with a cheerful smile. Emma met his gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "What should I do? I do not want Young Master to grow without a family," she confessed, her eyes conveying her deep concern.

"It's simple—just become his mother, and I will be his father," Azazel suggested with casual ease.

Emma's attention returned to Dylan. "You mentioned you could give Young Master a sacred gear. Was that true?" she inquired, her eyes seeking confirmation from Azazel.

"Why would I lie? It's like an artificial sacred gear. Plus, I have a hunch that keeping this kid around might lead to something amazing, even if it's just a feeling so I will train him myself," Azazel explained with a touch of conviction.

"Can you help me settle in the human world and give some time to think about our deal?" Emma requested, seeking assurance.

Azazel, caught between surprise and excitement, stammered, "Wait, you're gonna accept the deal?"

"I will only accept if you prove useful for my Young Master, and I witness the results with my own eyes," Emma declared with unwavering determination.

"Don't worry about anything. Here, take this," Azazel handed her cards and papers. As Emma perused the documents, her eyes lingered on the words "Emma Gray, spouse of Azazel." The term "spouse" prompted her to cast a questioning glance at Azazel.

"Don't look at me that way. It was necessary. It's your identification document for settling here, and adding my name was just for smoothing the paperwork," Azazel clarified.

"It's not a problem. Can you at least tell me where we are?" Emma inquired. Azazel revealed their location—a hotel room in Sendai, a city in Japan.

The trio departed the hotel room following Azazel's suggestion to relocate to a recently acquired house, a secret purchase he had made just before Emma's arrival. As Emma approached the residence, she found herself surrounded by lush greenery and a serene neighborhood. Though not grand in size, the house exuded a welcoming warmth.

Upon entering, a verdant garden with vibrant flowers greeted them. The spacious hall seamlessly connected to an adjoining kitchen and three bedrooms, creating an inviting atmosphere. An upper floor revealed two more bedrooms along with a well-appointed washroom, offering Emma ample space.

Azazel, taking the lead, reassured them, "You can explore the place; I'll be back in a few hours." With those words, he strolled towards the sliding glass door, allowing the morning sun's rays to cast a gentle glow on the surroundings.

Emma spent the passing time organizing the kitchen and settling into the house. Azazel returned, laden with the essentials for a home, briefly disappearing again for further errands. Meanwhile, Dylan, recently awakened, sat in a stroller, sipping milk from a baby bottle.

"I can't continue like this; I need to find some work. I can't trust that peculiar fallen angel," Emma declared, her attention shifting to the oven. "I could start a cake delivery service," she exclaimed, rushing into the room with a flurry of pamphlets. She summoned a peculiar snowball with bunny ears which transformed into a human girl of 5 feet with short white hair with a slightly pink bunny ears above her head and wore a white top, pink mini skirt.

"Spread these across the neighborhood and in densely populated areas," Emma instructed the girl, who nodded and promptly left the house. Dylan marveled at Emma's business acumen, observing the intricately designed cake pamphlets.

"Liridian, are you hearing me?" Dylan communicated in his infantile thoughts, and Liridian materialized in front of him.

"You're awake, kid. I was just about to call you in. Come inside, Almenia," Liridian responded.

"Not now. Emma is here. Can't you see?" Dylan retorted.

"Don't worry; I'll project a hologram of you so she won't notice. If she happens to pick you up, I'll eject you out Almenia instantly," Liridian assured. As Dylan prepared to go inside, he questioned, "Wait, how do I go inside, Almenia?"

"Just focus on your left hand; you'll feel a sensation. Hold onto it, and you'll be inside," Liridian explained. Closing his eyes and concentrating, Dylan felt a glowing sphere, caught it, and upon reopening his eyes, found himself in front of the large metallic door adorned with intricate patterns and designs.

To be continued....


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