
The final battle... The end 4

"... you're not going to say anything?" Sora asked with a smile while looking at Lilith, Lilith have been simply floating in front of him for some time now, not saying anything and simply looking at him.

"you're human?" Lilith asked softly, upon seeing Sora she was capable of telling upon the first look that he was a human. which stunned her greatly,

"not 100%," Sora said with a smile, confusing Lilith slightly, what was 100%, what was he trying to say? seeing this, Sora laughed slightly before he waved slightly, making Lilith float towards him.

"I'm a part human and part demon, I'm from the future," Sora said with a smile, stunning Lilith for some time, but she nodded slightly in slight understanding. she could also sense the demon bloodline within Sora, but it was far weaker than the human blood.

"I want you to birth me an army. I no Adam, I will respect your wishes if you don't want to. I'm not one to force myself upon others. one day, you will not only get your revenge on the gods but even Adam if you wish." Sora said with a smile, before reaching out towards Sora.

"you willing to see me as your equal?" Lilith asked in shock, she didn't know who this person was, but she could tell that this person was not so simple.

"Of course, it gets lonely being here for so long... so you want to be my queen?" Sora asked with a smile, as he reached a palm out.

"so long as I can get my revenge, I'm willing to sell my soul to you," Lilith said softly, her love towards her children was only topped by her pride to not kneel to Adam. this is why she didn't give in to the gods, if it was to kneel to the gods, she could have done it. but she saw Adam as her equal, and no matter what she wouldn't submit to him. so she took Sora's hand, with a flame of hatred burning within her eyes.

"I'm not asking you to go so far," Sora said with a smile, stunning Lilith slightly, but she was moved by this and she nodded slightly.

"It's a bit... empty here," Lilith said softly, she might go crazy if she stays here for a long time. the only thing here was Sora's floating sword, other than that, it was dark. she didn't even know where the light was coming from.

"A simple fix," Sora said as from where they stood, a world was created, stars filled the sky, planets, water, plants, and animals. Lilith looked around her at the beautiful world, the garden was beautiful, but it held nothing compared to this place.

"A world worthy of the queen of hell," Sora said with a smile, he created this world from her heart, he pretty much made something she would see as the most beautiful place.

Lilith nodded slightly before she walked off and went to explore the world created. many things could be seen, beautiful animals, and other lifeforms. she turned back to look towards Sora and saw him simply sitting on a throne, which was bigger than the world, yet he strangely filled the whole sit.

"This is your world, enjoy it," Sora said softly, Lilith looked around for a moment before she pointed at deer like the animal in front of her. it looked like a mix between a deer and a zebra. it was a beautiful thing, and she has never seen anything like it.

"what is this?" Lilith asked softly, but Sora shook his head as if he didn't know.

"then shouldn't we explore this world and name them?" Lilith asked softly, she helped Adam name many animals, so she was slightly looking forward to naming new animals. Sora thought for a moment before nodding, it had been years with him doing nothing and slowly losing himself, this could help kill time.

So, years passed with Lilith and Sora exploring hell, naming everything they came across, with Sora taking the time to teach Lilith a few things, such as magic. before they knew it, they have named everything and had returned to the throne,

Sora sat on the throne, but before he could create a throne for Lilith, Lilith sat on his lap, and with one hand on his chest, and the other around his shoulder, she looked at the world with a slight smile. slowly, her physical body began to turn, she grew horns, and her hair slowly turned darker, releasing a faint black gas. her once naked body was covered with clothing game from that black gas,

"what are you doing?" Sora asked softly, she was absorbing the shadow magic, which is why she was transforming like this.

"sharing the burden you are going through," Lilith said softly, she could tell Sora was slowly losing himself, but with her actions, Sora had more time to be himself, and they would slowly lose themselves together.

"my?" Sora asked softly, Lilith shrugged slightly as she rested her head against his chest feeling his heart.

"You treat me with respect, and not some tool. you care for my thoughts and feeling, you listen to me, and you're not a dick. you're many levels above me, yet you look at me as if we are equal. for that... I will give my all to you." She said softly, Sora was quiet for a moment while looking at her.

he treated her with respect because he admire her personality, as weak as she was, she was capable of standing strong and not knee for someone who she saw was not worthy of it. not even fearing the gods themselves, and at the end of the day, she was kind and caring, although headstrong at times, it was not too much.

and most importantly, she had the ability to give birth to hundreds of children, that ability alone was why Sora set his eyes upon her. The gods made her to spit out countless children, something which Sora was not going to let walk away.

"... Then become my wife. I was never married. I don't mind if you're my first." Sora said softly, stunning Lilith, who nodded slightly. and so the two shared a kiss, which slowly led to something else, unable to control themselves, their clothing was removed and moans soon followed.

Lilith had never made such sounds before, to think sex came with so much pleasure. the two went at it for days, until they rested. with nothing much to do within hell, they would have sex whenever,

it took time for Lilith to get pregnant, although she held 100 children within her, she was not too big, instead, her stomach grew as if she was holding 1 child. months passed, and Lilith gave birth, over the time of 2 weeks, she gave birth to 100 children, her screams of pain would have filled the whole world, but Sora sealed her sense of pain, allowing her to give birth without the pain.

but after doing so, she went on to need some time to rest, leaving Sora to look after all 100 children. Sora didn't mind, and he went on to look after them. this was his first time raising his children, so he was slightly happy.

the children of course were not normal, the children were born without skin, so they were blood red, making them look as if they were devils or something like that. some had long tails, horns, and others had eyes ranging from 1 to 7.

Sora of course knew why this was sure, the Shadow plus him being part demon allowed the children he gave birth to with Lilith to be more demonic-like. although the children had to skin, their blood became their skin

they were all born with a natural knowledge of shadow magic, which made them all powerful in their own right. Lilith on the other hand took 4 months before she could walk around, but she had yet to recover.

Lilith was not bothered by the children's appearance, she had no concept of beauty or something like that. all she knew was that the children she gave birth to didn't look a lot like the children she first gave birth to, but a mother's love transcends beauty.

time passed, Sora's children went on to grow up and soon start their own families. of course, they married their brothers and sisters, and others were freaks and fell in love with animals, Sora had no words for them.

incest was not a problem for them, there would be no genetic problems with the children these children would give birth to. Soon, Sora had grandchildren, then great-grandchildren, and so on,

after hundred years, Lilith's fear of birth had disappeared and she was looking forward to new children, so she gave birth to new children, which she deeply regretted once it was time for her to give birth.

although Sora was happy with having children he could take care of... he didn't see them the same way as he would see Erza or Mavis. they held a deeper spot within this heart than these devils... you ask why? because they had no soul.

Lilith avoided the subject, but this was how she was made. she could give birth to so many children, but at the cost of them having no soul. she had a soul, and she and Adam had a soul, but her children would have none.

Sora had no idea how to create souls and stuff, so he was helpless in this matter. so the love he would ever have for his children was going to be limited.

so, trillions of years passed. more and more, Sora lost himself to the shadows. but with Lilith's help, he was able to put up a fight for a bit long, but that was not going to last forever. soon she and Sora were lost to the power of the shadows, and with their fall, Sora of course had to make the Fallen angels join him, along with Ouranus...

within the Future, Chronos took a deep breath while looking into the past, she had a complex look seeing everything that happened with Sora, but she understood what she needed to do. she was recently reborn, and her being reborn didn't take time, as the god of time it only needed an instant.

So the next instant after she died, she was reborn, and instantly began searching for Sora, only to find him in the past and to see everything that happened after.

"the seal would be broken soon." She said with an uneasy look while looking towards Hell, Sora had lost himself long ago, and it was nearing the time when the seal would be broken. She took a deep breath before waving her hands, and cutting off her right palm,

her blood shot out, but it didn't hit the ground, and instead formed a magic circle in the air in front of her. she closed her eyes as she connected to every powerhouse across the river of time,

"I summon you all, the world needs all of you. Sora... I mean the devil race will soon break free. I alone am not enough. mostly you. thank you." Chronos said softly while looking at the first person to accept her summons. a red hair woman holding a staff in her hands, she stepped out of the magic circle while looking around.

"I guess I'm just fated to keep fighting him, well, this time it seems like I'm not going to be fighting the Sora I know," Irene said with a helpless sigh while looking at her injuries flowing backward, disappearing. one moment she was fighting Sora to the death, and the next moment everything went dark only to hear a call.

"... Mother?" a voice sounded from behind Irene making her freeze slightly, turning around, she saw a woman slowly stepping out of the magic circle. it was none other than Erza... but not at this point in time, a possible future Erza,

"..." Irene looked at Erza's show as folly grown, in her mid-20s, just as she was about to speak, a little loli walked out of the portal, stunning her even more as that was none other than Iris, but it didn't stop there as more and more people walked out.

Julia, Tsuki, Drole, the 3 sisters, Mavis, and soon, the demons race, the gods, the titans, and the primordials. they were all taken from moments in the past before their death. tears could be heard, while sounds of people being happy could be heard. among them, Asura stood before his daughter and wife, Chronos went all out summoning, anyone with a level above 100 was summoned.

"There is no time to talk... the seal will break soon, and the world as you know it is in danger. the past and future are all in danger, your homes, your families, and your goals. if you lose, everything is gone." Chronos said with a pale face, summoning so many powerful people was no easy task, she would soon die

"what should we know before they arrive?" Irene asked seriously, Chronos shook her head slightly, she knew nothing about the devils, much more Sora's true strength.

"Irene, you are the only one who has ever been capable of fighting Sora and pulling off a draw. so this life, I will give you my power, and knowledge. I will put my trust in you." Chronos said as she disappeared, turning into dots that entered Irene, empowering her to a new state of power.

Irene's eyes glowed as knowledge of the past and the past filled her mind, she watched everything that had happened, and things that could happen. such a huge amount of knowledge was too much for a normal human, but she transformed into a dragon, which further transformed into a primordial dragon.

"... he would be free in one hour, take this time to make a plan or something," Chronos said as she reappeared, leaving one speechless for a moment at how overpowered her rebirth capability was,

"Chronos let's work together, using the power of the universe, we can form a respawn point. every time any of us die, respawned... at the same time, we can summon more of ourselves from an infinite point in time. you alone it's impossible, but with all of us, it's possible." Irene said softly,

When everyone was summoned, they gained a sense of what Chronos summoned them for, so they knew how serious the matter was. So, with the risk of everything disappearing, they would of course world together. as for the demons and gods, their hatred was suppressed by Chronos, so even the worst of enemies are going to work together.

"We are also weak, let's form a timeless zone where we can train and master everything needed to fight. we should maximize time to the fullest." Irene said seriously, to which Chronos nodded serouly.

"have all the time in the world, and in the end, this world would be no more," Sora said with an evil smile, well, he was no longer Sora. his whole body was swallowed with the shadows, leaving only his face revealed, but even that was extremely pale as if he was someone who haven't seen the light in a longest. his eyes were pure back, with no pupils to be found.

Behind him, countless amount of devils stood, looking at the screen in front of them which showed the outside world. they were all ready for the barrier to break, which would mean they could have fun.

"Husband, don't get too cocky. cockiness is simply one blinding themselves." Lilith said softly as she walked up to stairs to Sora's throne, and sat on his lap.

"We are finally free, so let's not go at this blindly." She said softly, if Sora had pupils to roll he would have rolled them. how could they lose to a bunch of trash? they could barely defeat one of his weakest great-grandchildren 400 years ago, and even then, it only died because he was trash.

"you worry too much, the only reason that trash died was that he was stupid," Sora said making Lilith frown slightly.

"don't talk about my grandchild like that." She said unhappily, Sora laughed slightly at her words, even now she had a deep love for her children, no matter how far they were from being her child.

"our children can finally get the taste of a soul... I can't wait for them to have fun." Lilith said softly, too completely swallowed by the shadows. but form starts to now, what pushed her was her children, and revenge against the gods. and now, her beloved children would go out a play, just the thought of that made her happy.

"they can eat all the souls they want... they should leave this world empty of the light," Sora said evilly, Lilith's eyes brightened before she gave Sora a gentle kiss. what a good husband and father this man was.