
The final battle... The end 5


The underworld realm shook followed by the sounds of glass cracking spreading all over the universe, the universe shook as the darkness spread out from the underworld, and all shadows within the universe seemed to come to life, causing all life forms to shake in horror.

A man stepped out from the underworld, and next to his side was a beautiful woman who transcended all beauty. behind the two, was an angel with 12 wings, 6 of which were beautiful white wings, and the others were pure darkness. next to him were 5 other angels, and 6 devils.

behind them, it was an army of devils and fallen angels, their number seemly endless and boundless. Sora who stood in front of such huge numbers smiled slightly while looking in front of him, but as he examined his smile slowly dropped.

"You shocked? We had an endless amount of time to train, along with the knowledge of the past to draw upon. you will not win." Irene said softly while looking intensely at Sora, behind her stood and truly infinite number of people, many being different possibilities of themselves,

standing out above them all was the fact that the weakest person in front of Sora was at level 300, and the strongest were at level 500. they all had some degree of one magic, making them extremely troublesome as they could some degree bypass the devil's resistance

"Haha, at least this would not be boring... my children, go and have your fun," Sora said, and with a roar, the many devils shot forward with joy filling their eyes, so many souls were laying before them, how could they not be happy?

Irene stepped forward with staff in her hands, but before she could swing forward towards an I'm coming devil, she quickly moved to block a shadow claw that tried to take hold of her head. her eyes narrowed slightly while looking at Sora who had attacked her, no time to think the two disappeared appearing within the sky.

"it seems like this might by the end of our chapter... a hell of a ride. thank you for being with Erza when I couldn't." Irene said as she shot backward, dodging Sora's attacks. seeing as he couldn't hit her, Sora stopped running after her.

"Are you trying to speak with Sora? Sorry, but he is gone. only the shadows remain... like how it was always. in the beginning, there were only the shadows, and in the end, there would only be the shadows." Sora said with a cold smile,

"The Sora I know wouldn't... well, you're not him. Sora is many with many flaws, no talent, and is a true pain in the ass. but he is a hard-working man, a man who tries to be the best person he could be... A can I never stopped loving." She said softly, stunning Sora slightly.

Sora opened his mouth for a moment, but he didn't know what to say. He felt his head as if he was suffering from a headache. Irene was speechless it was that easy, but Sora was strong, he should be fighting back hard.

"I'm sorry... I let the gods so easily control me, using you more trouble than needed... You tried your best to reach me, so I will try my best. Please, come back." Irene said softly, the shadows around Sora went chaotic, and for a moment the battles which were taking back not too far away froze to see this scene.

Chronos who was watching these eyes suddenly widened in horror, why was she only seeing one of Sora's personalities? he was cool-headed and wasn't have second thoughts, she opened her mouth to yell, but Lilith flashed before her with a cold smile, stabbing her head through Chronos chest,

at the same time, the one who had neared Sora froze as Sora pulled out her beating heart. with a mocking smile, he looked at Irene who had a disbelieving look.

"Now, with your death, how much energy would be used up for you to come back to life?" Sora asked mocking, it had been years since Sora died... one shouldn't call him Sora, but More Like Shadow Sora. Sora had his pride and wouldn't do something so shameless, but he didn't care.

"... how rude of me, stealing your heart like this," Sora said softly while looking at the light within Irene's eyes slowly dying, but the next moment, he frowned as he slowly looked down at his chest. where was his heart?

looking at his hand, he saw a heart that gave off the shadows beating within his hands, but did he not just take Irene,'s heart?

"Iris..." Sora said as his once-normal teeth turned sharp, turning to the side, he saw Iris looking at him with a serious look.

"You not Sora..." She said coldly, to which Sora sneered, before flashing dodging Irene who tried to catch him. With a thought, Sora's shadow came to life, turning into some type of horn master that stood fall, overlooking the universe.

"Haha, You want to play with illusions, then fine... I will Play." Sora said as reality began to transform, horrifying everyone as what was once real turned into an illusion. Iris held her hands out, trying to overpower Sora's illusion, but she was not a match, her different possibilities set forward, trying to help her out, but they could only slow down Sora.

"..." Sora's face suddenly turned dark as he looked at Irene who was strengthening Iris's Illusion and weakening his illusion, at the same time, Mavis stepped forward supporting her mother's illusion with her illusion.

"..." Mavis looked at Sora with a complicated look, this was her father. how lucky was she, she wanted a family, and look at what her wishes brought her.

The sky turned white, and countless angels appeared, supporting Iris in the creation of her illusion. An illusion of a giant light wolf appeared in the sky, the wolf and the shadow clashed, and of course, the shadow suffered and was of course transformed into Sora.

"This is the white wolf, the hunter of shadows," Iris yelled making Sora's face twisted in rage, if he didn't kill Iris he was good as killing no one. Sora went on to cast a shadow spell, and before everyone shocked eyes, all light disappeared as it suddenly became night.

3 blow bugs, the size of a human appeared, flying around and looking at everyone around. Sora pointed at the sky, and the glow bugs instantly fused, causing electricity to fill their surroundings, horror took over everyone as they watched the lightning charge up and shot at the sky, turning every angel it hit into ashes,

Iris gritted her teeth, and with her already holding onto this powerful illusion, she was unable to rewrite reality to bring them back, with their death the illusion of the light woof grew weaker, allowing Sora's shadow to win.

But even if the angels died, they came back to life the next instant at their respawn point and joined the battle to support the illusion of the wolf, which at this point was slowly retreating, drawing the devils into the battle, and slaughtering many of them.

"Thats my children." Lilith roared in rage, pushing Chronos who she was fighting away, she shot up into the sky, her shadow turning into a huge shadow monster that supported Sora's shadow, the glow bug continued to shoot off lightning, killing anyone and anything the lightning hit, but it was pointless as they were just going to come back to life the next moment.

Sora smiled coldly looking at Irene's darkened face, with each death on their side, the less power they would have. sooner or later, they would run out of magical energy and no one would be able to come back to life,

Sora flashed, and he shot toward Irene. Irene quickly tried to block, but it turned out Sora was not coming after her. at the last moment, he turned, shooting toward Iris. Iris's eyes widened seeing this, but Mavis moved acting as her shield, stunning her.

"So... this is all my so-called daughter has to offer? how weak." Sora said grabbing Mavis by her neck, the sound of a person's bonds cracking was heard, making Iris's eyes turn blood red seeing her daughter struggling in pain, unable to even scream from the pain.

"What? unable to watch the thing you abounded?" Sora asked with a mocking laugh, before moving the hand holding Mavis, using her as a shield to take Irene's attack, Irene was able to hold back just in time, but Mavis's weak body couldn't take that attack, her bones shattered from the attack.

"Let go of my mother." An enraged roar sounded, Sora looked up and saw an old man with a staff in hand shooting toward Sora. at the same time, his other possibilities who were fighting the fallen angels or devils followed,

Mavis's mind went blank hearing an old man calling her mother, looking at the old man, tears ran down her eyes as she remembered the child she had to abound,

"Haha, iris. it runs in your blood to abound children. first your parents, then you, and now your daughter." Sora laughed mockingly, making August, Mavis's son slow down slightly upon hearing this.

"Grandson, what's the point of fighting so hard for someone you never loved you? look at this, she thought you have died all these years. Instead of killing her, you willing to get angry with her?" Sora asked with a smile, Mavis wanted to speak, but she couldn't speak, and she didn't have to. the look in her eyes was something August had always wanted to see.

"... What?" Sora's face went blank seeing his shadow magic suddenly being canceled, August's eyes turned hold as appeared before Sora, punching Sora when he was caught off guard. Sora shot backward but he quickly caught himself, and look at August who was looking at his mother.

"to hit your own grandpa... let's see, you can copy my magic and cancel it out. how long will it take you before you join the shadow?" Sora asked with a mocking smile, making everyone's hearts drop as they looked toward August, who had a calm look,

"Haha, Grandson. come and join your grandpa." Sora laughed as shadows exploded off his body, the next moment, August screamed in horror as the shadows tried to swallow him. he tried to cancel the magic as he copied it, but he could only copy and not cancel.

August has sealed away, only to be set free when he is on the side of Sora, and so the war continues. Sora was pretty much a walking powerhouse, he had the most people on him, or at least that was what it looked at.

after weeks of a none stop battle, Sora was low on magic energy, but seeing as most of the devils were alive, but many more of their enemies were nowhere to be seen, he smiled slightly. only about 10 trillion demons were remaining, a small number compared to the once seemly endless number of devils, but this was also good.

"Are you not going to give up already?" Sora asked with a mocking smile, Irene's face was pale, low on magical energy, the same was for the others... but slowly, Irene began to smile,

"Why would we give up when you are all that remains?" Irene asked, confusing Sora for a moment. but upon looking around, his face turned dark seeing all of the devils were never devils, at some point they were the primordial and the others who under Iris's illusion had taken on such from... Sora covered his mouth slightly, speechless about all of this.

"Iris... you have no idea how much I regret ever meeting you," Sora said softly, which was a huge blow to Iris,

"That's not Sora," Anna said softly, Iris nodded slightly, she knew that. but it still hurt coming from Sora, the fact that Sora might think that way hurt as well,

"Let's see... all you look as good as new. the fighting didn't affect your magical energy, you all seem to have an endless amount. I can also guess that everyone who should have died is alive right?" Sora asked calmly,

"yes, from the very start, you were wasting your energy away, fighting a battle wouldn't win," Irene said softly,

"Haha... So, where is Lilith?" Sora asked with a smile, which made everyone fill uneasy for some reason, but they didn't know why.

"dead like the rest. you are all alone." Chronos said with a deep frown, Sora went quiet for some time before he nodded to himself

"thats good, Lilith was the only thing keeping my form using the full power of Shadow Magic, Now say goodbye to Sora." Sora laughed madly, everyone froze for a moment upon hearing Sora's words, before Sora's face which was the only thing not covered by the shadow was swallowed

the shadow on Sora's body shook slightly, but they all hardened, turning into armor. a potion appeared within Sora's hands, everyone seeing this quickly moved, but a barrier blocked them all from getting near, buying Sora time to crush the position and absorb.

"Since when did Sora use position while in combat?" Irene said in shock, even when losing or the fight was not in his favor, Sora had always fought her without a position. the reason for this was unknown, but this pretty much conform that Sora was gone

A demonic voice sounded from within the barrier, Sora's body began to grow, and the barrier shattered and Sora just kept growing, reaching a point they all looked like nothing more but a bunch of ants.

"He found it..." Mavis said softly as Sora looked towards where they respawned, and before they could move, it shattered, making all of their heart drop. the shadow laughed in pleasure looking at their faces, before reaching down to grab Iris.

"... Irene, take care of Mavis for me," Iris said softly, stunning Irene who quickly turned to look at her, but it was too late as Iris shot towards the incoming hand before she used the One magic to send herself into the shadow mind.

"... I will go find him as well. I sure he would love to see me." Anna said with a bitter smile, before she shot up, joining Iris.

"... well, it's clear we can't win. might as well try and fight him from the inside." the 3 sisters said with a sigh before they shot up joining the two.

"you know, this is all your fault," Julia said coldly at Irene, before following the sisters.

"Mother go ahead, I will make sure he doesn't destroy the world," Erza said softly, Irene looked at Erza with a grateful look, before she shot forward, joining them.

"Natsu... Surtur Mode." Zeref called out, Natsu and his other possibility who were looking at the huge shadow suddenly froze. their flash began burning off, and with a pained cry, they all transformed into a huge fire monster, which stood equal to the shadow.

"the DNA I used when creating Natus was a part of Asure and the Primordla Surtur... Natsu flames have the power to end the world. another reason he is called E.N.D. land him your support and have his force be the enemy, buy the others time." Zeref said yelled to everyone, to which they all nodded and began giving their support