
The final battle... The end 3

"This is annoying." Sora sat on a throne, the shadows were currently his clothing, his once blue hair was now black, and his pupils were like a void. he looked nothing like the past, he was like a new person.

it has been 1.5 trillion years since he had been sealed away, within that time he had fought back for control of his body, and this was the most he could do. his heart was not pure, he had many this he regretted and blamed himself for, so this at most was what he could do after so long.

he was not fully Sora, the shadows have consumed part of Sora. those who are not strong enough would be swallowed by Shadow magic, Sora was strong enough not to be swallowed. but the shadows were feeding off his negative thoughts, feelings, and so on.

He would need to leave to get over his regret, but he has sealed away. He could hold off the shadow for many years to calm down, but he would grow weaker as time passes.

Sora of course tried to escape and leave this place, but 2 main layers made it hard for him to escape. Ouranos's power over space was unmatched, Sora was unable to reach the barrier, he was close but infinitely far.

Sora had a sword that could cut through anything, but due to the changes he went through, he was unable to summon that sword, and even if nothing changed with him, there was the fact he couldn't summon anything, even his gear.

the second layer was the barrier. the barrier was strengthened by the strongest of magic, even if the primordials didn't link up with the barrier, they supported it with their magic. so much magic adding the gods which linked to the barrier, it made an almost unbreakable barrier. if a crack appeared on the barrier, it would disappear before Sora's next attack lands.

Sora's strength has also been sealed, he was now only at level 400, which was just depressing. he needed everything he had just to damage the barrier.

Sora had spent the past billions of years simply mastering everything he could while trying to deal with his regret. Erza, Irene, Mavis, Aquarius, his mother, and pretty much everyone who has ever been around. Sora knew he was not perfect... but he tried, and he changed, but that didn't mean his regret of the past had lessened much.

Sora sighed as he looked forward, although he was sealed, he could still see the outside world. He already found out he was sent to the past and was that shadow who everyone sealed. Sora and his past were not one, if Sora were to destroy everything along with his past, he would live.

going back in time and trying to kill him before he was born would not affect the current self, his resistance made sure of it.

"... Oh?" Sora's eyebrow raise as he saw the scene in front of him, within the heavenly realm, a man stood before all of the supreme gods, chains covering his body.

"He raped my wife and my daughter, even after death they were not free." Asura roared as he tried to rush at Zeus, but the chains made it so that was impossible.

"Asura, people make mistakes. Zeus was drunk, you can't blame a person for the mistakes they did when they were drunks. be the bigger person and move on." Poseidon said without care, making Asura's body shake in rage.

"My wife was pregnant, and my daughter was only 10 years old," Asura yelled with bloodshot eyes, to which all the supreme gods just shrugged.

"It's not like I killed them or anything, they took their own life. you're making this into a bigger deal than it is." Zeus said with a shrug, not bothered at all by this mess. Asura froze before looking around and seeing how most gods didn't care, and the others were too scared to do anything, he grew helpless.

"Asura... let's change the past and make you break this seal for me," Sora said with an evil smile, black blood dropped from his finger, and landed on the image of Asura. Sora went on to form a thing link, connecting himself to Asura. he could do this using the negative emotions filling Asura at the moment. there is also the fact Asura was Sora's ancestor

'Your whole life was destroyed. yet you're going to give up like this? is this all the love you had for your family? Your sweet wife, was the kindest person you have ever met. what wrong did she do for her to do this? you giving up is pretty much turning your back on them.' Sora's voice sounded weak next to Asura's ear, but it sounded like a slap to his face.

He began hating himself, why was he so weak. he looked angrily at all the gods who were supporting Zeus and acting as if this was nothing.

"Good," Sora said with a sigh of relief sensing the connection between him and Asura grow stronger. just those words were a burden to say.

'Your daughter, she was your world. she was your light, her smile... remember how she told you to stop treating her like a baby because she was a big girl? so you did just that, she hated asking for your help, I wonder if all she wanted before her death was for her daddy to save her. the one time she needed you the most, where were you?' Sora's voice sounded, holding more power than before, tears fell from Asura's eyes hearing those words.

'you're crying? were you the one forced to kill yourself? were you the one who was raped? look at your wife, she was pregnant and even knowing that she killed herself. all to stay loyal to you. what was going through her mind, a mother doing something like that... she chose you over the baby she was carrying. and all you can do is cry?' Sora's voice was stronger, booming within Asura's head.

Asura fell to his knees, the tears falling from his eyes slowly stopping, followed by dark energy slowly spilling from his body.

'Your wife was so sweet, so loving. she was perfect, the kindest person you have ever met. you are not much of a looker or the strongest god around. but she chose you. the day when she asked you to be hers... why her? what did she do wrong? how could you even cry before you even got to do anything?' Sora yelled, Asura gritted his teeth as the dark energy exploded from his body, shocking all of the gods who quickly jumped up.

'your daughter was only 10, yet she took her own life... man that's messed up, you had so many things you wanted to do with her. so many things you wanted to show her. she looked up to you, you were her hero. she wanted to be like you. don't tell me you would let her down. you're her fucking father.' Sora yelled, causing Asura to roar at the sky, before he shot forward, his rage fueling his strength. and with a hint of shadow magic, Asura's strength grew.

but to Sora's disappointment, Asura only managed to kill a few million gods, before he was forced out of the heavenly realm when his power grew unstable, Asura exploded, and with his explosion, a new realm was created.

The gods were of course not in good condition, they have all suffered huge injuries, and with Asura targeting Zeus out of everyone, Zeus had suffered huge injuries.

"that's karma," Hera said with a cold glare at Zeus, before she turned and walked away. not everyone supported Zeus, Asura only targeted those supporting Zeus, so many of them simply stood aside and watched.

"Well, I failed," Sora said with a shake of his head, if the gods died then the barrier would weaken and he could leave. but since they didn't, he did all that for nothing.

Sora went on to watch as demons were born, at first there was only a small amount of demons, nothing to worry about. these but as more popped up, the gods grew uneasy. there used to be millions of gods, but they dropped to a few thousand, and most of them were lesser gods,

So plans were made to birth a race that could act as a cannon folder for the gods, so humans were created within the image of god, and they were given a high growth rate. but Sora ignored them for now and paid attention to the Divine realm, where the angels lived.

Currently, in the heavenly realm, Lucifer and a group of other angels rebelled and tried to take over the divine realm. the angels were a race that stood above even the likes of the titans, birthed from the blood of the primordial during the battle with chaos, they were a race that stood for order within this world. but they could also become fallen angels, which are a group of angels that stood for chaos.

"Lucifer, what is the meaning of this?" a blonde-haired man yelled while looking at his twin brother who shockingly had white and black wings. behind him, an army of fallen angels stood, ready for war.

"Michael, you would do well to step aside. Once I absorb the power within, I will rule over this world," Lucifer said with a dark smile. the Divine realm was home to the heart of this world, the angels protected it, and in return, they were strengthened by it. but they lose that strength if they become a fallen

the angels of course couldn't allow Lucifer anywhere near the heart of this world, and at the same time, the fallen angels supported Lucifer, believing that he was capable of being this world's ruler. just look at him, he has become a perfect angel, a balance between order and chaos,

So they fought, many angels that day, but Michael and his other siblings managed to throw Lucifer into the underworld, where he has sealed away within another part away from Sora. the other fallen angels followed Lucifer,

"That was a sad defeat, so arrogant just to be defeated." Sora's mocking voice entered Lucifer and the fallen angels hear, making their faces turn dark. they quickly tried searching for who said that, but they couldn't find him.

"before you brats were even alive, I was about to destroy this world." Sora's deep voice sounded once more, stunning all of them. Sora's voice had changed greatly, it was deep, manly deep.

"How are you able to speak to us, shouldn't you be sealed away?" Lucifer asked sharply, indeed, before the angels were born, Sora had arrived, or else they would have joined in that battle.

"I was in control years ago, so I was defeated. now that I'm in control, I can use my magic, this barrier is hard to block, but I can talk to pretty much anyone within the underworld." Sora said with a smile, making Lucifer narrow his eyes slightly.

"What do you want? or are you so bored you want to mock me?" Lucifer asked coldly, to which Sora laughed slightly.

"I am bored. and By the looks of things, I can only get out with outside help, so how about we work together? Since I'm in control, I have no interest in destroying stuff. I simply want to leave and go handle my matter. it's not like I arrived here filled with hatred for fun. I have matters of my own to deal with." Sora said calmly, making Lucifer fall into deep thought.

"Why should I even think of trusting you?" Lucifer asked calmly,

"I have none. that's up to you. a risk you need to take." Sora said with a slight smile, Lucifer's eyes narrowed for a moment before he smiled.

"Alright, I will work with you. what do you want?" Lucifer asked with a smile, making Sora's smile grow,

"Firstly, how about you give me a body? fill one of those angels with deep hatred, it would allow me to form a link to them, and take over their body." Sora said with a smile, Lucifer's eyes narrowed for a moment, and all of the fallen angels shook slightly upon hearing this.

"Once I have a body that isn't sealed away, I can get to work. and try and help you all set me free." Sora said followed by Lucifer looking at the angel wanting to see who was loyal enough to offer themselves up.

"If it means helping sir Lucifer... then I will helply offer up my life." A fallen angel who had lost his wings and one arm stepped forward. Lucifer looked at this person before nodding slightly...

"Why should I obey you? are we not equals?" A black-haired human yelled angrily. she was currently naked, but the concept of shame for the human race didn't exist, they were pretty much pure.

"Lilith, that is what the gods ordered. I want more children." a blonde-haired man said with a frown, making Lilith's face darken.

"Adam I refuse. I will not give birth to any more children. you try giving birth to a hundred children and we can speak" She said angrily, making Adam's frown deepen. Lilith was was created with the sole goal to give birth to children, they did it once, and she already got pregnant and gave birth to 100 children in one go.

"... Lilith, you being unreasonable," Adam said through gritted teeth, trying to go years without having any pleasure and seeing something you could sleep with, but she would let you.

"How am I being unreasonable? try shooting holding a hundred kids for 9 months, and giving birth to them within 2 weeks. I burden, the pain, none of it is worth it. you get pleasure from that thing, but all I feel is pain." She said angrily, making Adam's face darkened for a moment before he turned and walked away.

the following day, Lilith was kicked out of the garden and cursed by the gods. she and her children left, but every day from that moment, Lilith watched as her children died one by one. she was no longer ever to give birth as well. giving birth to them was a pain, but she was still a mother. she felt a huge connection to them all, and seeing as they all died one by one, she broke down.

"returned to Adam, and your children would stop dying." Athena appeared before Lilith, who was barring another one of her children. this was her last child,

"... I curse you and the rest of the gods. for every child you take from me, I swear upon my life to make you all suffer one day." Lilith said hatefully, making Athena frown,

'but how would you do that without power?' A deep voice sounded in Lilith's mind, making her look around to find where that voice came from.

'you want to get revenge. I help you get it. together, we can take down the gods, and I can help you bring back all your children.' Lilith watched as her shadow came to life, and held out a hand toward her.

"Really?" Lilith's eyes brightened hearing this, and the shadow nodded slightly,

'follow me, and I shall give you all the power you want. your children are waiting.' Sora's voice sounded within her head once more, moving Lilith who took the shadow's hands. Athena wanted to stop this, but her avatar exploded, and somehow her main body suffered injuries, causing her to cough up blood.

Lilith was sucked into the shadow and found herself in the underworld, before Lucifer. Lilith looked around and saw she appeared out of someone else shadow. she watched as the person whose shadow she came from slowly began dying, but before he could die, that man exploded, forming a portal that sucked Lilith in...