
The final battle... The end 2

"... before we start, I want to ask two questions. are you from this world?" Chronos asked softly, stunning Sora who didn't expect Chronos to ask such a question. he hesitated for a moment, which made Chronos' eyes narrow as she saw the different possibilities. this was the first time she saw Sora like this.

"of course," Sora said with a smile, he didn't want to give too much information which could give away his system or something like that, so for now he would keep stuff like that to himself.

"Yes. I'm not of this world," Chronos eyes blink seeing the two Sora, her hands formed into fists while she slowly gritted her teeth, but she slowly forced herself to calm down,

"You're lying to me... so why do you want to fight me," Chronos asked softly, Sora's eyes widened for a moment, how did she find out? he hesitated on if he should tell the truth or not, but in the end, he told a part truth

"... because you're the strongest in this world," Sora said with a raised eyebrow, but seeing Chrono's reactions, his frown deepened. Chronos at the moment was seeing 4 Sora,

"Because you are the key, once I defeat you I could leave and explore other worlds... how do you know that?" Chronos looked at Sora who was telling the truth, before looking true Sora out of them all, she was giving her lies. the fact Sora has hesitated showed a part of him wanted to tell her the truth.

"Stop lying to me and just tell me the truth, how did you appear within this world? what are you doing here? what do you want to do here, and who sent you." Chronos said making Sora quiet for some time while thinking. Chronos' eyes widened slightly as all the different possibilities of Sora suddenly became one, Sora was no longer in conflict with himself.

"sigh... I can't tell you everything. I died and was reborn within this world, that's all." Sora said softly, but how could Chronos trust him now, after all, he did was lie to her.

"how do you get stronger from killing others? is someone giving you missions or something?" Chronos asked stunning Sora, for a moment, another Sora almost appeared, but it disappeared, making Chronos's truth in Sora lessen even more.

"That's true, but if you're worried about me killing you, you worried for nothing. I promise, I was even planning on taking you with me to see what's beyond this world you created." Sora said softly, Chronos looked deeply at Sora, but she couldn't tell if he was lying or telling the truth, should she trust him? of course she didn't, adding the fact she had just met Sora not too long ago, and how she had been betrayed all her life. In her eyes, Sora went out of his way to help her regain her strength, just to follow through with his plans.

Maybe her death was enough to open a portal to a new world or something like that. whatever it was, Sora was now her enemy.

"..." Sora was speechless, watching Chronos who held out her hand as a giant clock appeared behind her, the second hand came to a sudden stop, and with that time all the universe stopped, leaving just the two of them walking around

"I don't want to fight you like this," Sora said seriously, Chronos ignored him as a time sword appeared in her hands before she moved, she being the goddess of time, she was of course not bound by such limitation like speed. past, future, and current moment, her attack appeared at these points in time, making it almost impossible for Sora to block

Sora didn't want to fight her like this, but he knew that fighting her while holding back was asking for death. She was at level 500. and he was 450, So he had to go all out. but this attack was something he couldn't allow to follow through,

casting all of the shield spells he could, along with the blades, Sora punched forward toward the incoming sword, and with the clash of the two, they were both sent shooting backward, Sora pets moved and attacked Chronos,

and so, a battle went on. Chronos' time hex ability was overpowered. even when injured, she simply turned time backward, but that used up energy. Sora was no longer fighting to defeat, but fighting to have her waste all of her magical energy. but that was harder said than done, Chronos had more magical energy than her, and was far stronger than him.

Sora didn't even summon monsters due to that, he instead planned to save it until she was weakened to a good degree. Chronos pulled her future and past, meanwhile, Sora created many thought projections to deal with them, and each thought projection turned into their demon form. it was a bloody battle that took a long time... well, time was frozen.

"..." coughing up some blood, Sora looked at his missing right arm, form that cut, one could see his flesh slowly turning to dust, disappearing under the effect of time. his two legs were missing, they too were slowly turning into sand,

"You lost," Sora said softly while pointing to the hammer of thor at Chronos, Sora felt like fainting at the moment, behind him, his 4 pets have already died, but they would be reborn within him. Chronos although had light injuries, she was out of mana

"... damn you," Chronos said softly, slowly time began to flow normally, while Sora slowly walked up to her, and held out a hand towards her.

"I lied at first... but it's just too complex. I have no reason to kill you. I understand it's hard for you to trust me. I have no reason to hurt you." Sora said softly, making Chronos eyes widen slightly, she looked deeply at Sora for a moment, before she cried slightly.

"I don't know... I can't trust you." Chronos said softly, Sora smiled slightly, while looking at her.

"you scared, I understand. I will leave this world soon, I wanted you to join me... I felt like I connected with you." Sora said as the hammer disappeared, Chronos looked deeply at Sora before she nodded. Sora was the first person that she thought she could trust.

"I'm sorry I lost. I promise from now on... all you would have to form me is honesty." Sora said as he held out a pinky toward Chronos, Chronos looked at the pinky for a moment, before she wrapped her pinky around Sora's pinky.

"I will never forgive you again if you lie," Chronos said softly, Sora smiled slightly while nodding his head. he turned his attention towards his rewards. he now had shadow magic,

[Shadow magic]- Shadow Magic is an ancient form of magic, so powerful and so dangerous that one who isn't strong enough shouldn't touch upon this magic, and especially not teach it to his students.

Shadow magic is forbidden for it touches the true essence of existence. It is unstable and difficult to control. One will need to learn how to best manage Shadow Magic and harness its very powerful benefits, without losing themselves in the process of Backlash.

'I should avoid using this magic for some time... bad emotions could also lead to me being swallowed by this magic.' Sora thought but his body suddenly froze, slowly looking down, he saw Chronos had stabbed him through the heart with her sword.

Chronos' eyes were wide while looking at the sword, Sora quickly realized she was being controlled, the strings of fate has taken control of her well she was in this weakened state,

"you were fated to lose from the moment you thought you can go against fate... now I shall absorb both of your powers." Fate appeared while holding out a palm which couldn't be seen thanks to the black robe, within the robes, one would see strings that were connected to Chronos,

Chronos' eyes widened and feeling her being absorbed by fate, along with Sora being absorbed, he panicked. with the current state, Sora was in, he was helpless. gritting her teeth, Chronos pushed Sora away and shot toward fate, but she was too weak,

"It's pointless going against fate... after I take both of your powers, I will seek out your children, and study what makes them so special," Fate said softly while blocking Chronos' attack with easy,

"... so it's safe to say it's because of you Irene went through that none sense," Sora said softly, which made Fate laugh, did Sora have to guess? Sora closed her eyes for a moment before he floated up, just as a potion appeared in his palm, strings appeared, holding him in place.

"... this is all my fault. I'm sorry." Chronos said as cracks began appearing on her body, Fate who was forced on Sora, waiting for him to pull out that potion suddenly turned towards Chronos, strings quickly appeared trying to stop. but Chronos used her own life in place of her lacking magical energy,

fate movement slowly came to a stop, and with an explosion, Chronos exploded. Fate and Sora were swallowed by this, and the two were sent flying, space shattered in the spot they were sent flying through the void

"that bitch... if I can't absorb her, I will absorb her and await her rebirth," Fate yelled angrily before grabbing Sora, Sora was unable to defend himself, his potion went missing through the explosions, so right now... he was helpless

Fate grabbed Sora and began to absorb his power, Sora quickly tried and resist this. but he was helpless... no, he just got Shadow Magic. after some hesitation, Sora drew upon shadow magic.

"wait, what magic is this?" Fate yelled seeing Sora suddenly being swallowed by a shadow, the injuries from Chronos disappeared, arms and legs reappeared, and with a punch, fate slammed into the side of the void, Fate's hood was removed, revealing a stunning beauty under all of that, but her eyes were currently filled with unbound horror.

Fate shot through the void, only for her to follow by Sora who went on to crush Fate, but before he could erase her from existence, they appeared outside of the void, but upon falling out, Fate shattered, followed by Sora appearing.

Sora looked around for some time before her sharp eyes landed far away, where he sensed the blood of the gods. unable to control himself, Sora went berserker and rushed over there wanting to destroy them,

but this alerted the strongest beings within this world, the titans, and the primordial, and Sora, Sora fought all of the primordials, Titans, and the Gods. all of their magic had no effect on Sora, they could barely injure him, seeing this, the primordials knew they could win, So they fought Sora with the sole goal to seal Sora away.

So, Ouranos went on to use his own life and body and threw Sora into the underworld, the deepest levels, and went on to explode, using his own body as a seal. but the seal wouldn't hold, so the gods went on to link themselves with the seal, the primordials couldn't do this thanks to their injuries or they were unable to link with Ouranos

The gods all working together suppressed Sora and made it so that for the rest of the time, he would not be able to break the seal. it could only be broken through the slaughter of the gods, which would be almost impossible to happen.