
The final battle... The end 1

"First that shadow, and now you two... what a pain in the ass." a lazy voice sounded within a world of pure darkness. within the darkness, Sora and Chronos stood before a teen girl, with beautiful black hair, and deep black eyes which seemed to suck a person in. she looked younger than Chronos, around 13 or so years of age, and she was only chained up, with the shadow slowly healing her body,

"Nyx... I saw that they forced you and those other primordials to face that shadow." Sora said calmly while sizing her up. Nyx snorted slightly, before simply closing her eyes, awaiting her death.

"We didn't come to kill you. you have no bad blood against Nyx, so no reason for me to try and kill you or anything like that." Sora said calmly, years ago in the battle against chaos, not all the primordials were on one side, Nyx joined chaos, but in the end, turned against chaos, and ever since, she was sealed away by the others.

"what a pain in the ass, just kill me. these injuries hurt like hell, it has been torture living so long with such injuries." She said lazily, as the goddess of the night and darkness, she knew many things which happen in the outside world through the darkness and the night, so she knew Sora was capable of killing her.

"Naw, I want to put you to work," Sora said calmly, making Nyx frown slightly before she simply closed her eyes and went to sleep.

"I heal you, and in return, you look over my daughter," Sora said softly, making Nyx look up at him with a frown. Sora held her palm out, and before Nyx shocked eyes, her injuries began closing her, something which would have taken a billion or more years was happening in the blink of an eye,

"We have a deal?" Sora asked calmly, making Nyx hesitate for some time, but she nodded. Sora smiled slightly at this and with a flash, his sword appeared, followed by the chains holding Nyx shattering. the next moment, Nyx found herself healing at a fast speed, and in a few minutes, she was back to full health.

"You know how ruthless I can be when mad... so I will trust you will not try and enrage me," Sora said softly as he looked at her with a smile, which sent chills up her spin. she was only at level 350, Sora was far stronger than her with his armor.

"Well, I guess you might want revenge, so let's go deal with the other primordials," Sora said calmly, the strongest among the primordials was Fate. Fate simply split itself into 3 parts, but as a whole, fate held everything within existence within the palm of its hands,

Anyways, the 3 first went on to go free all of the evil primordials who were locked away by other primordial, Sora wanted to make sure all of the powerhouses were under his control, and of course, those that didn't want to follow him were killed, Sora had no time to deal with primordial which were too arrogant for their good.

after dealing with them, they moved to the primordials who stole Chrono's power, they all had levels of at least 380. Chronos gave them a huge boost in power, which was shocking but still nothing Sora couldn't handle. Sora forcefully summoned all of the primordial and went on a slaughter

The primordial of fire, the primordial of ice, and thousands of other primordials attacked Sora, the strongest at level 440. before Nyx and the other primordials Sora saved, with one move, Sora swung his sword just as the attacks which filled the world were about to hit him. Chronos eyes shrink as she watched Sora simply turn around and walk away,

'that attack transcends the concept of space and time,' Chronos thought while looking at the attacks from the primordial which were disappearing. Sora attacked late, yet his attack landed before the primordials ever lunged their attacks. in simpler terms, Sora's attack pretty much went backward in time,

"Well, I have grown just too powerful. they no longer are worth my attention." Sora said softly, Sora with his armor on before even killing a primordial strength was at 450, that alone made him strong enough to handle the strongest primordial, after killing some primordial he of course leveled up, and by the time he arrived here, his strength had exploded to such a shocking level.

"..." Sora ignored their horrified looks and simply looked at Chronos who was currently regaining her strength which was stolen from her. her level began to sky level, easily reaching 400, and kept raising until she was at level 490. Chronos looked at her palms for some time, just 10 more levels and she would have been at her full strength before she had killed herself,

"damn you're strong," Sora said softly, shocked at her strength, how the hell was he going to fight that without the use of his fear? let's ignore how she might have some overpowered resistance, and she had the power of time, she could do all types of stuff

"Haha, I'm still not at full power, but i'm still not your match." She said with a shake of her head, Sora's strength was too much even for her,

"no, I will not be using my armor, you know where to get me when you have regained your full strength. I need to go deal with these groups." Sora said while looking at the small group of primordials being freed

Chronos nodded slightly and watched as Sora disappeared with them. She stood there for some time before a confused look appeared on her face. Was Sora her friend? did she have a real friend or what?

"you know he is not of this world, he is of another world altogether." a deep genderless voice sounded behind Chronos, to which shrugged as she turned to look behind her, where she saw a hooded person standing before her.

"Fate... what do you want?" She asked calmly, she was of course displeased with fate, in a way, she was fated to go through everything... but in a way, she was fated to regain her strength. she couldn't understand fate at times.

"I'm simply here to tell you the truth... the truth about the one you call Sora. at the end of the day, Sora is not someone of this world. I have reason to believe that there might be something else behind this world you created. if that's true, then is it wrong to question why he is here?" Fate asked making Chronos frown slightly, her eyes flashed as she remembered Sora passed up to this moment

"he grows from killing... so, he wants to kill me to grow stronger?" Chrono's world shattered, she almost wanted to cry, why were her creation such dicks to her?

"most likely, I also believe his skilling holds a deeper meaning as if it's a mission. so he might be taking missions from something or someone. who knows what they plan to do with our world? I suppressed your power out of freak your world destroy it, I kept the limit of power to a set level of power, and recently I have been thinking that was a mistake. I believe that shadow which appeared had something to do with this young man, like him, they both caused the fate I have written to go... into a mess." Fate said softly while looking at Chronos who was heartbroken.

"So far, I made sure the two of you met and made sure you regain almost your full strength. I will do whatever you see next, the thing about everyone killing you, put that blame on me, it was my doing," Fate said softly, making Chronos grit her teeth for some time before she slowly forced a smile.

"Since he wants a fight, I will give him a fight and kill him... and if this is your doing." She said with a sharp killing intent while looking at Fate,

"I have stopped stringing the web of fate, you can see everything I have strung is up to this point," Fate said softly, Chronos looked at fate, and seeing he wasn't lying, she disappeared, heading off to regain her full strength.

"Chronos is extremely powerful. although I can have no gear, it said nothing about pets," Sora said softly while looking at the new and best pets he currently had. currently, Sora was at level 450, meaning he could at most have up to 4 pets, equipped.

he had the Nightmare Dragon and Ultra rare dragon type pet currently at level 290, its max level was 500.

He had the Frostbite, an ultra-rare snow ball spirit type pet, it was currently at level 290, and its max level was at 500

He had the Forest Lord, an ultra-rare forest yeti-type pet, it was currently at level 290, and its max level was 500.

He had the Burning World Dragon, an ultra-rare dragon-type pet, its current level was at level 290, and its max level was 500

the last ultra-rare type of pet he had was the Storm Cloud, a cloud-type spirit that was currently at level 290, its max level was at 500.

for now, Sora had to pick 4 pets out of the 5 he currently had, and equal them all with the special type of jewels made especially for pets. Sora looked at all of them and began to build a team best suited for him,

Sora had a thought projection that trained them and had been breeding the pets he had to get rarer pets, but now that Sora had leveled up, to level 450 these pets needed to be trained up to that level while he looked at the jewels to give them,

it would take a few days for them to reach that level under the effect that time is sped up, which was enough time for Sora to do his research and see if he can create his jewels which had a better and stronger effect.

and so, time went by. and Sora indeed found that he could create better jewels than those bought from the system. but to build jewels with the best possible effect, he needed rare resources, which he set off to find, or simply created. some he even used his blood to strengthen them

A pet at most had 1 jewel slot, and if the jewel is too powerful, the pet would not be able to handle the power. So, Sora had to maximize the effect of the jewels, while keeping it at 450 or below, which was something hard to do as Sora wanted to make it as overpowered as he could.

a week after leaving Chronos to deal with his stuff, Sora had finished everything and was currently standing before the pets he had chosen to follow him. they were the Nightmare Dragon, Frostbite, Forest Lord, and Burning World Dragon.

all were currently at level 435, at most could be 15 levels below Sora, but this was still good. adding the jewels they had plus their already strong, they were more at level 465, which was with was impressive.

"Chronos is the god of time, I will be the heavy hitter and the tank. you guys only worry about landing support in the best way you see fit." Sora said softly while seeing a purple-black dragon, it was Nightmare dragon. it was huge, Sora looked like an ant when sitting on the dragon

"But it's best you be the tank? shouldn't I be the tank?" the Forest lord asked with a frown, without his armor, Sora's body was not that impressive anymore. Sure his natural resistance improved after absorbing the blood titans, but this was a primordial

"Don't worry... I'm a person of every school, Ice is a tank, Storm is the heavy hitter, Plus the other school, I have nothing to worry about... plus, I can turn into my demon form, although now that I look at it, I should have spent time to master than form." Sora said softly, making everyone's lips twitch at his words,

"I don't take this seriously because I know we can win. have trust in your master. Chronos is pretty color... I wonder if she would be willing to follow me to other worlds." Sora said softly

"but are you not to kill her?" Nightmare dragon asked, to which Sora shook his head slightly,

"Simply defeat her, I never needed to kill anyone, defeating them is enough," Sora said softly, indeed that was true. winning was all that mattered to get XP, but he got more XP from killing than defeating, so Sora never bother to defeat others and let them walk away... they are better off dead

"I guess after this battle I should try and see Erza, I kind of just ignored her for the past week. isn't father-like." Sora said with a soft laugh while looking at Chronos who was slowly appearing up ahead.