
Taking Lucy

So, Sora had a thought projection go to deal with everything while his main body relaxed. it was nice to have thought projection do all the work and the main body just do nothing. in the past, he couldn't do this as he was in a sealed state, but now he was free.

"Are you not going to do anything about your daughter guild?" Keo asked softly as she entered Sora's room to find him simply seating there. Sora wanted to make sure nothing went wrong, so he was going to spend a month making sure he was as strong as he could be.

"the guild hall is almost 100 years old, so their rebuilding is good. Erza lived 19 of her years without a father or mother, she is not weak." Sora said softly while calmly reading his book,

"if that spell is completed, this whole city is going to be destroyed," Keo said softly while looking outside at the huge building hall which was drawing a magic school in the air.

"a weak attack like that and be stopped with a thought... what do you want," Sora asked in annoyance as he put the book down

"make a cool entrance and stopped the bad guy, and win over the heart of everyone." She asked softly, making Sora snort slightly, before ignoring her. Sora's eyes suddenly narrowed as he sensed something in the air, looking toward the sky he saw it was raining heavily.

"that same rain... Poseidon?" Sora asked in a soft voice, this aura had a hint of Poseidon aura, making Sora's eyebrows raise slightly. was Poseidon reborn as a mortal, and a female at that? shaking his head, Sora turned his attention back to the book, but a few minutes later he sighed softly while getting up and disappeared.

"Erza? what are you doing here?" Mirajane, Gray, and a tall man who was MiraJane's bother, called Elfman, were in shock seeing Erza within the guild building of Phantom Lord. She took Jupiter Cannon, which would have not only destroyed the guild hall but went on to destroy part of the city, including Sora bar, but she managed to block it, buying the guild time to stop the guild to stop it before it could recharge.

but she was out for a few minutes as she used up all of her magical energy to block that attack, yet here she was minutes later,

"you even managed to defeat him?" Elfman said in shock while looking at the strongest member within the elemental 4 of Phantom Lord. Erza indeed proved her spot, worthy of being one of the few S-rank mages within fairy tail.

But something caused them all to freeze in horror, swallowed by a dark aura, all of them felt as if they were being swallowed by death itself. it made them all feel sick to their stomach, and slowly they all turned around to find that Phantom Lord was walking towards them with a mocking smile.

"congratulation fairy tail wizards, I never expected that you would be able to defeat my elemental 4, bring down my Jupiter cannon, and even bring my magic giant to its knee," he said with a creepy smile, stunning the group that this was the guild master of Phantom Lord

"You have been so kind to entertain me... allow me to return the favor in full." He said with a smile, making Elfman and Gray move to get ready for a fight. Mirajane was not a fighter, and Erza shouldn't even be here with her condition,

the two attacked, but with a single spell from Jose, the guild master of Phantom Lord, countless ghost-like creatures flew out, sending the both flying away. slamming into the waves heavily, and with a wave, he caused an explosion that sent everyone flying,

Erza shot forward while equipping herself with a sword, dodging Jose's attacks while attacking him, yet Jose easily dodged before he went on to counter her, grabbing her arm she sent her flying away, but Erza landed on her feet.

"Interesting. you took a hit from my Jupiter cannon yet you remain standing. I'm going enjoy this." He said with a smile, meanwhile, above them, Natsu the fire dragon slayer was fighting off against the Iron dragon slayer Gajeel of Phantom Lord.

Natsu was tried, after all, he just fought 2 of the elementals and now had to fight Gajeel, so of course, he was currently losing the battle against Gajeel. Sora had appeared in the air and was watching Natsu, who was currently eating fire to restore his magical energy

"He is not human... he is more related to the demons, yet he seems more demon than other demons... more like Asura," Sora said softly while looking at Natsu, Sora knew many things about Asura, the guy got stronger and stronger from his rage. yet Natus did the same thing, but he got stronger from other emotions,

'the powers of emotions, he uses his willpower as fuel, allowing him to become stronger. but to what degree? could it be like Asura who grew so much that he exploded to form a world?' Sora thought while watching how Natsu went on to take down Gajeel, and destroy a huge amount of the guild, Sora then his attention back toward Erza

"What an unruly Dragon your guild has," Jose said with a smile while sensing the fight which was happening, Erza who was pretty much out of energy at the moment was still standing, although barely.

"He might be unruly, but he is an extremely powerful wizard. equal to myself or even stronger." Erza said softly while breathing healthily, Jose shook his head slightly at Erza's words,

"no need to be so humble, truth be told, we would be more evenly matched if you didn't take that Jupiter cannon head-on." He said with a smile, before pointing towards her.

"Fairy tail has so many powerful wizards, what pisses me off the most is that you all choose to follow Makarov." He said before he went on to flick a finger towards Erza, that simple attack was something the current Erza was not able to hold her own against, she sent shooting backward into the wall, yet she got back and began moving around dodging Jose's attacks.

'as expected of my child, although Jose is holding back, that fact she could hold her own when everyone else is out cold.' Sora thought while looking at this, her willpower was not any less than the likes of Natsu, sadly Erza didn't have any true magic of her own.

'what magic would work best with her? She doesn't seem like the summoner, she is more of a knight. Enchantment Magic would seem like her best choice, she is well-rounded in many forms of combat, and maybe I could spend some time training her to better use my armor.' Sora thought before noticing how Erza was currently being held by Jose's magic and was currently about to start torturing her.

"It's been a while since I torture anyone... I guess I can use him to find what I will do to the gods." Sora said softly while watching, amazed at Erza will power. but he didn't move as someone else had already made the move before him. from the sky, Makarov appeared with a ray of light, destroying Jose's darkness, and at the same time healing Erza and her armor which was filled with cracks or at some parts was destroyed.

Sora watched the battle between light and dark, and the world began to shake, the weather changed, and the sea below had huge waves. this was a battle between beings nearing level 100, their battle was heaven-shaking,

'This era is filled with so many more powerful humans... if something happens, I would have to truly slaughter them all. their growth rate is just... too faster.' Sora thought while looking at the battle, of course being someone at level 210, he could destroy this whole planet, and he would not need to be trying all that hard.

this is one of the main reasons why gods needed avatars to appear within this world, they were not of this world which was already broken. if they appeared within their true form, this world would fall in upon itself.

Sora was born within this world, So he could show off his full power with almost no limitations, of course, there was a way for the gods to bypass this. if someone for example, a celestial wizard could summon them, then if the wizard is strong enough to summon them at their full power, they would be able to appear within this world at their full power.

"what spell is this?" Sora asked softly seeing Makarov cast a spell that he had never seen before, a bright scared light was created which went on to destroy anyone the caster saw as an enemy, it had a huge range of effects, covering the whole city.

'it seems like I need to improve my information network, for me not to know of such a spell...' Sora thought as he looked at the pale Jose who was shaking in his boots. it was as if there was no more blood running through him,

and So, with that, the fairy tail guild won the war. everyone was of course happy with this win, but after a few minutes, they were all downcast while looking at the destroyed guild hall.

"Don't worry about the guild Lucy, we are going to rebuild it bigger than ever." the guild members said trying to cheer Lucy up, who thought this was all her fault.

"Well, I don't want to step in on the moment, but I here searching for a Lucy Heartfilia." the area suddenly went quiet once this voice sounded, everyone looked around waiting to find who said it, and behind them all, they saw a handsome blue-haired man making his way towards him.

everyone quickly moved to shield Lucy, With Erza stepping forward with a confused look, not understanding why Sora just suddenly popped up and wanted Lucy. this instantly thought Sora wanted revenge, so she was ready to protect Lucy

"Her father asked me to bring her home," Sora said with a sigh, why do people jump to the worst conclusion, as if he was some demon lord or something... oh wait...

"I don't believe you would be helping them for no reason, it can't be money, so why are you helping him, and even rushing here from the demon realm?" Erza asked with a deep frown, this made no sense to her, Sora hated that family, so why would he rush from the demon realm?

everyone was shocked and confused at what she meant by demon realm, but Sora ignored them all and simply looked at his daughter.

"I just arrived today, he only called me like an hour ago asking for my help. as for why i'm helping there are two reasons. The first is simple. during my many reasons for living, I have learned to repay the kindness to others. years back, they help me start my business, which I scared them into doing. but they still helped out, I should be grateful, which I am." Sora said calmly while walking towards Erza.

"Lastly, he is paying with the information I want. that's my two reasons, happy?" Sora asked with a smile as he stopped before her.

"were you catching the war this whole time?" Erza asked with a raised eyebrow, to which Sora nodded,

"I got back when you went to attack their guild but fell back. I might have known you long enough, but I could tell you didn't want outside help." Sora said softly, to which Erza nodded slightly, that indeed was true. that was their guild master. but it did disappoint her slightly that he could watch as the guild her stepsister created was almost destroyed.

"what would you do if I choose to stand in your way from taking Lucy?" Erza asked softly, Sora shrugged slightly.

"Can you stop me? but fighting isn't my thing, not unless I have to. So, I'm here to ask you nicely... but I'm sure she would come on her own will." Sora said as he looked over at Erza, where Lucy was lowering her head, and slowly walking towards Sora. she didn't want to bring more trouble to this world, that's even more so, the likes of the demon lord.

"You know damn while why she is coming with you. father or not, I will not allow anyone to mess with fairy tail." Erza said as she stopped Lucy while looking at Sora with sharp eyes. her words caused the world to seemly freeze, everyone looked at her and back at Sora in shock, and as they looked they realized that Sora and Erza did look slightly alike, this only shocked them even more.

"you are all acting as if this is a bigger deal than it is. if you are so worried about her then come. I'm only bringing her there, if she wants to return that has nothing to do with me. plus, like it or not, just leaving family behind without so much as good is wrong. blood types don't matter, but a person should never forget where they came from. take this chance to go home and say goodbye and leave the past behind you." Sora said calmly while looking at Lucy who was stunned at Sora's words. Erza went quiet at this as Sora had a point

"Plus, the reason your father ignored you growing up was that he was about to lose everything. a family that stood for hundreds of years to fall at his hand... Haha, karma." Sora said with a mocking smile, stunning Lucy, but she was enraged with Sora taking pleasure in her family's downfall.

"Don't be angry at me, your father was stressed out enough knowing he was bringing the family down after the death of his wife. without her, he was not the same man he was. her death hit you, but it hit him countless times harder, enough for him to make stupid choices leading to the slow downfall of his family... he was losing everything, first his wife, then wealth, then his daughter, who knows what could happen next." Sora said with a shake of his head, causing Lucy to just stand there, not knowing what to say.

She never knew this, her father never showed it... no, she never searched for it, she didn't know what to time all of the sudden. but after some thought, she shook her head, which didn't allow him to attack her guild as he did.

"I will come with you, but only to end this once and for all," Lucy said while looking coldly at Sora, but it instantly disappeared when Sora narrowed her eyes slightly, she forgot who she was standing before for a moment,

"See, I didn't force her, or scare her," Sora said with innocent eyes as he looked at Erza, Erza's eyes narrowed slightly, but she just snorted. Sora tried to guilt her into going, but it failed, in the end, lucy just wanted to go to end things.

She wasn't angry or anything towards Sora, she was impressed that he didn't seek violence first, and instead used his words. he didn't explode or anything, and handled everything with a cool head, the only mistake he made was that mocking look he couldn't help himself from showing.

"then are you coming?" Sora asked with bright eyes with Erza, Erza nodded slightly, of course, she was going. who knew if Sora might just snap and kill Lucy?

"Good, then I take the time to teach you some spells, and better use my armor," Sora said with right eyes, confusing Erza

"What do you mean by better use my armor?" Erza asked, she had been using the armor perfectly, she mastered all of them, something which even Sora couldn't say he had done. yet Sora was telling her she was not using them correctly

"Well, I can explain on the way," Sora said with a smile, but Gray, Natsu, and the flying blue cat wanted to tag along. Sora had no trouble with this, and with a simple thought, a huge fire dragon was summoned,

"You regained your magic?" Erza asked in shock while looking at the huge dragon which landed behind Sora while looking coldly upon everyone here.

"of course, no seal can hold me for long," Sora said with a smile, and using his Telekinesis, he took hold of everyone and flew them on top of the dragon, which flew up into the sky.

"I wanted to take...." Sora wanted to say something but he was cut off by Natsu who ran over to the nose of the dragon

"Hey, Have you seen a Fire breathing dragon called Igneel?" Natsu yelled, making the dragon annoyed, Sora looked at Natsu for a moment before shaking his head.

"Igneel... I seem to have heard that name," Sora said softly, there were many dragon kings under the demon's control, and there was a few dragon kings which were fighting on the behalf of humans,

"Really?" Natsu's eyes widened, Igneel was alive 400 years ago, and Sora nodded slightly at his words.

"back then, he might have been a dragon king who was fighting for the humans. when I ordered the other dragon kings to slaughter all humans, millions of humans died, and thousands of dragons died in that war. yet oddly, little demons fell, in a way, we won. maybe Igneel lived," Sora said softly, stunning Natsu at what he just heard

"How could you speak about killing millions so simply," Erza asked with a deep frown, Sora sighed softly at her words, this was the problem with Irene's blood running through her head... so righteous and stuff, and would have to remove that sense of justice out of her.

"You're saying that you would never slaughter hundreds or even thousands?" Sora asked calmly, to which Erza only answered with her eyes, Sora shook his head slightly.

"in life, there are impossible questions. for your guild are you willing to kill? if yes, then how many lives? if not, then would your wrath die knowing you could have saved her guild but were too scared to take a life?" Sora asked calmly, leaving Erza quiet but before she could answer Sora beat her to hit.

"let's say I placed a curse on everyone within the guild that would take their lives within 24 hours, you have that time to kill as many lives as equal to the people within the guild, or else they would die painful deaths. you can't break the curse, because i'm just so powerful, and you can't ask for help because who is stronger than me... what would you do?" Sora asked calmly, leaving Erza quiet for a moment,

"That's a messed up question," Natsu said angrily, to which Sora nodded slightly,

"There is no right answer. a person can say their friends would not be able to live knowing that they lived because others had to die, and so on... for you humans, you never suffered under the gods. the gods see you as nothing more than pawns, and you have no choice but to be pawns. they can do anything to you, and you can't do a thing. what a sad fate you humans have." Sora said with a shake of his head, before looking towards Erza who was seeking the answer to Sora's question.

"... I would enjoy the time I have with them. although the answer might change if it truly happens." She softly. She tried putting herself in that situation in her mind, but she found that she would waste most of her time trying to break the curse. if it was unbreakable, she would have wasted a huge amount of her time, but what if it could be broken, then she would have missed out on the last few minutes with her friends.

but would she ignore the thought of killing others to save them? she told herself that she wouldn't... but she was not sure. right now she was telling herself, no, but she was sure that she might do it.

"... Can I see a drop of blood of the gods?" Erza asked after taking a deep breath, she wanted to see what it was that drove demons to such length, otherwise, she wouldn't have a matter to say about anything. she didn't know how it felt to find one family raped, she didn't know the hatred Asura felt, but as the daughter of the hero and demon lord. she wanted to see both parties.

She lived all her life around humans, she saw the good and the bad, and in her eyes, the humans were so much more than Sora thought they were. meanwhile, she knew nothing about the part of her that was a demon,

"no," Sora said without hesitation, stunning Erza, and the others who wanted to stop Erza.

"I'm only 25% demon, the hatred I feel is lessened to a degree where I can hold myself back from fighting the gods without a care for my well-being. you're like 17%, what you will feel is going to be infinitely weaker, but it would drive you to seek revenge. something I want you to stay away from." Sora said calmly, stunning Erza for a moment, but she shook her head.

"what you say might be true for others, but hatred would never blind me," Erza said softly, Sora looked at her for a moment, before pulling out a box.

"A person says they are strong enough to handle this and that, it when they are meant with the trial that they find out how weak they are... are you saying that you are willing to throw everything away to seek a battle with beings you have never seen before? put your relationship at risk, and so on." Sora asked softly, causing Erza to freeze for a moment before looking towards Gray, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy who was the flying cat.

"... I don't want to risk it," Erza said softly, Sora nodded slightly before putting the box away, she just sat there for some time, lost in her thoughts. the gods are what split Irene and Sora up, if she was not careful, the same thing might have just happened to her. She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts by a palm that landed on her shoulder.

"as the daughter of the hero and demon king, that doesn't mean you have any great task. you only have one task and that seems to be with your family. you will not be the great being who unites both races, you will only be Erza of fairy tail. that's all, and I will make sure of that." Sora said softly, leaving Erza stunned for a moment, but she nodded slightly with a slight smile.

This father of hers was not so bad...

meanwhile, far away, Ankhseram let out a deep breath while looking at Sora, it seemed like he had time to make the pill. the pill of course is the pill that would be given to Irene, the pill would have 3 abilities.

the first was of course to heal her. the second was would be to increase her strength, and the third was to make her mental state worse.

with these 3 effects, Sora could change all he wants, but in the end, he shall fall at the hands of Irene, and the two shall kill each other. and this time, for the first time in history, the gods would need to reflect and find a way to stop something like this from happening again,

Of course, they were not in the wrong, the only mistake they made was to allow such things to happen... and So, the first step towards the destruction of this world was taken with the pill... no, there were many steps taken, these were just one in thousands. a person can tell themselves they changed, but they just need a good push for everything to disappear.