
The Past

Sora and the others arrived at a huge mansion, where the dragon disappeared and the group entered. Lucy was a bit nervous, the others wanted to come with her but Sora stopped them as this was Lucy's matter.

So, Lucy and Sora went on to see Lucy's father, Lucy first went to go get dressed in a princess dress, meanwhile, Sora went to see her father,

"I thank you... this is all the information Anna had collected." Lucy's father said softly while handing over a few pieces of information to Sora. Sat down on a guest seat, and went through the papers, it didn't take long for Lucy to arrive, and she was slightly stunned upon seeing Sora.

"I will leave your family matter alone," Sora said softly as he got up and left while calmly reading his reading, Sora quickly went through the papers and was hit with a few pieces of information which made him node slightly.

this was pretty much the question Anna had on this concept, there were many questions she held, and the only reason she bothered to look into this was because of the gods. She hated them, she believed if she could gain this magic she would not need to fear the devils, and thereby they would not need to worry about the gods,

The One Magic was her answer to gaining true peace, with the gods defeated the demons would no longer hold their hatred. she saw how the demon realm had turned out, compared to most races, the demon realm was so peaceful. at the end of the day, all conflicts pointed back toward the gods, so they simply needed to remove the gods from this. the gods didn't care about anyone but themselves,

they were unwilling to learn or admit their mistakes, even after everything they had nothing to worry about, after all, they had an infinite number of humans to pick from to be their puppets.

Within her research, her many questions came down to her theory if one can understand what magic is, then one could understand what the One Magic is. But what is magic? Anna had no clue, but Sora had an answer for this.

Sora had watched many Tv shows from his past life in his free time, using his past life knowledge, he could have a few guesses as to what the One Magic is, and it was... Belief. at least that was what Sora thought.

Magic is the physical embodiment of the spirit. When the physical spirit of an organism connects with the spiritual flow of nature, the spirit forms Magic as a product of the connection. Though Magic goes beyond reason, it is still born of reason and it takes an enormous amount of concentration and mental ability to use it. One's magical powers are also tied to one's life force.

but what was reason? Reason is in opposition to sensation, perception, feeling, and desire, as the faculty by which fundamental truths are intuitively apprehended. These fundamental truths are the causes or "reasons" of all derivative facts.

Believe it hard enough, and it shall become a truth. Magic was born from belief and went on to evolve to become beyond reason. at least that was the theory Sora was going on, but with these thoughts, Sora found that his level went from level 210 to level 220, at the same time he found that most of his magic become stronger, at least the ones he understood.

'I seem to be on the right track, Magic should have originated from the titans, I guess I should speak to them to find out... wait, the system isn't the mission you gave to kill the titans? did you by chance know I would do this?' Sora thought with a raised eyebrow. but the system didn't answer him,

This got Sora wondering if the system could see the future or something, shaking his head, Sora returned to thinking about magic. he would need time to think about the deeper meaning of magic,

'magic does follow reason... fire magic needs air to burn, fire is weakened by fire, and so on, but it's possible for a fire to be burned in outer space, which goes beyond reason. Some fire is cold and freezes others, and so on. why is this? how does magic go above reason?' Sora thought while indeed thought

'what if magic birthed reason? how was the world even birthed? I should start looking into this matter before anything else... where would I even find a titian?' Sora thought with a sigh, titans were the first beings to be born, they birthed the gods, and were soon defeated by the gods and sealed away as they couldn't be killed. but where?

Sora's attention was soon caught by Lucy who was screaming at her father, before she stepped out of the room, ripped apart. Lucy's eyes looked around at the empty mansions, indeed this pace was falling apart, but her father didn't even see her as a daughter, but as a pawn to save his wealth which was disappearing. if he cared, she would have tried to help, but the father who once loved her died along with her mother.

Sora went outside with Lucy where Natsu and the others were waiting, Sora ignored them while looking through the year's worth of work Anna made. that good backstabbing woman put her useless life to use and made this, she should smile in her grave knowing that he was using her work.

"what are you going to do now?" Erza asked softly while looking at her father, she was mixed feelings for Sora. She has seen the world through his eyes, and could understand everything about him, and seeing how much he had changed made her look up to him... but Sora didn't hide the fact he didn't like a few people around her. Lucy is the main person, and he didn't bother to hide it.

"For now, I want to spend some time with you, in a week I will be leaving to look at my businesses," Sora said softly, Erza nodded slightly, she didn't mind much. so, Sora summoned a fire dragon, and the group headed back to the guild,

after arriving, Natsu and the others were the ones left off, while Sora took Erza far away, where he went on to begin teaching her. and So, for the next 3 days, Erza and Sora took the time to have some father and daughter time, something which Erza never had.

"What is the demon realm like?" Erza asked softly while looking at the stick which held the fish they caught,

"Why ask? I can take you there right now. As the Demon Lord, you are the demon princess... you are actually the princess of 3 empires, and although 2 of them were destroyed." Sora said stunning Erza for a moment, and after a moment she nodded as she wanted to see the demon realm, and So after finishing their food they disappeared and arrived within the demon realm,

and So, Erza was shocked by the scene within the demon realm, be it the fairies which she fell in love with, or the perfect elves, or the other weird races which disappeared from the mortal realm, she was shocked as all of them showed her the deepest respect as if she was their god.

"what's this?" Erza who was looking around suddenly noticed that her hair looked different, its color had changed,

"you have the same hair color as your mother, I enchanted the light that hits your hair to show black. if they find out who your mother is... well, my position as demon lord would be in danger." Sora said with a smile, the demon lord slept with the hero, if news of this got out, the backlash behind it all would force Sora to step down,

"They hate her that much?" Erza asked in slight disappointment, to which Sora nodded slightly,

"Everyone here has united under one common enemy, which is the gods. humans only came into existence to stop the demons. how would you feel if your worst enemy is dating your leader? you would wonder if he is going all out when facing your enemy. if emotions are blinding the leader, then they are not suited for the role. at times feels can be a powerful weapon, that is if you can use them right." Sora said softly, leaving Erza, she had nothing to say to this.

The more she learns about the gods and demons, the more she realized how messy water is... so she would do what Aquarius did, and stepping out of this mess was the best choice one should do,

Erza spent some time within the demon realm before she returned to the mortal realm where she returned to her guild. the guild members already knew she was with her father, so none of them were worried, they got to know more about Sora in the past few days thanks to Natsu and the others.

well, after all of this, Sora returned to this bar, where he went on to look at a few things before leaving, he went to his bar where he went to look at his space-time ship before he got to work on the ship,

"what are you planning on doing with this new spaceship?" Keo and her sisters asked while watching Sora who was enchanting the armored ship. She never bothered this time, but now he was back at it,

"to see the past..." Sora said as the ship which was huge a moment ago turned into a small ringed ship. the ship could only hold one person, around the ring was a huge egg-shaped ball, which opened up revealing a chair one could shit upon. on that chair, one had enough room to move around even when closed.

Sora went on to sit on the chair, and with a thought, a screen appeared before him, where he went on to tap a few things. the next moment, from the chair back, a golden orb flew out, this was the battery of this ship, Sora went on to look at the egg for some time before he enchanted the air, and slowly a tv was formed,

Sora implanted the battery into the tv and went on to tap a few things onto a hologram of a keyboard, and slowly images of the past appeared before the tv. and so, the past was revealed before Sora,

the 3 sisters stepped forward as they watched as an explosion took place, giving birth to time, space, chaos, the sky, and so on. the universe was birthed, and from that explosion, these things were birthed, and they went on to gain wills of their own.

The primordial deities were birthed, such beings were extremely powerful, after countless years of them simply existing, the group began their battle. and as they fought, they found out about their abilities, what they were, and what magic was.

Sora smiled slightly while watching this, the reason was not birthed yet, but here these primordials were going around casting magic capable of destroying stars with ease. but the magic they used was based on who they were, Uranus was the Universe, there by his magic was all based around space magic,

Chaos was the void, there by his magic was all based around turning things back to nothing. turning all of creation back to the state before creation.

Chaos birthed many children to try and help her in this battle, but in the end, they too turned on chaos, enraging chaos, but he was forced out of the universe. Uranus being the strongest among them went on to become their ruler, but he was a tyrant.

the Primordial went on to have many children which birthed many of today's races, but Uranus was son taken down by his son Cronus. Uranus gave birth to the titans alongside Gaia, but they were the ones which took him down. Cronus went on to lead the titans into the golden age,

but the titans were no match for the Primordial, Cronus had to use underhanded methods just to take down his father. but he too would be defeated by his son Zeus, with the help of his bother, but he couldn't die so he and the other titans who went against Zeus were sealed away. Zeus had gained part of his grandfather's power leading to him having such a huge explosion in power, but he couldn't absorb his grandfather completely as he ran away, but this allowed Zeus to become the god of the sky, and go on to become the next ruler of the universe

Sora went on to speed things up to about a few hundred of billion years ago, to the point where the devil appeared. and so, Sora watched as a shadow appeared from a rip in space, and upon sensing the gods, it exploded in rage and tried to kill them.

the gods of course moved to stop him, but they were not strong enough, the other primordials were forced to appear and fight this being, and Zeus and the others could only watch in shock, the battle was so destructive that the one endless amount of realms which filled the universe was destroyed leaving only a small 8 realms,

Uranus who had disappeared for many years appeared and using his own body, he seal this shadow down in hell, and the gods went on to strengthen that seal as they linked themselves to it. the gods were then tasked to safeguard the seal, and Hades took up the role, taking this time to just keep to himself, as he was not a fan of being around other people.

the primordials were badly injured from that battle, but it was hard to kill them, they were the embodiment of a part of this universe, and it was harder said than done to kill them. but even after so many years, none of them had recovered even a little.