

"Lord Strength is unmatched... how about I reward you with my body?" Lust who was just killed yet came back to life said with heart-shaped eyes while looking at Sora, Sora calmly ignored her before looking towards the other members of the 7 sins who were hesitating on dying, but after seeing how Lust came back in better condition than before, that hesitation had disappeared.

"you have 5 seconds to a day, within that window of time if you die you come back to life. do you still not trust me?" Sora asked calmly, the 7 sins lowered their head in shame, and lust the one who was trusting in Sora enough to die for Sora. the others were loyal, but they were not that loyal.

So, with proof shown before them, they went on to die once Sora cast the spell on them, and the next moment they were reborn at 15% of their health. after which, Sora restored them to 100%, now, the demon realm was at full health.

Sora who was calmly smoking a cigarette, Sora calmly explained to Lust that he had a girlfriend, and he was not a cheater before he suddenly noticed time had frozen, not needing to look behind him, he knew the sisters of fate were looking at him.

"I know, bringing the dead back to life is going against fate. sadly for you sisters, I could care less about such things. Fate or whatever doesn't hold me, I do as I wish." Sora said calmly while looking at these two, although he couldn't see their faces, he could sense the rage they had.

everyone's fate was simple, Birth, then everything they would do in life, and the end was death. if someone goes ahead and comes back after death, they are going against fate, which is why it was forbidden. this new magic Sora had was something that even the gods didn't touch,

"those who enrage us never end well... remember this Sora, The demon lord." the sisters of fate said as they disappeared, allowing time to return to normal, Sora smoked slightly, while in deep thought,

Fate can be angry at him, but it too would have to follow some rules. it couldn't just make it so that everyone within the universe suddenly hates and wishes to fight Sora. that would be taking away what everyone is birthed with... Freedom. Fate can't take away another freedom, but it could still work around it.

"the demon lord should have more than one wife. I'm willing to share." Lust said while hugging Sora's arm, Sora almost nodded in the head in agreement, but he stopped himself.

"go and get ready for war, in one month we are going to war with the gods. this time not to kill, but to capture..." Sora said softly, Lust pouted slightly, she would have to find time to get Sora a drink, Sora couldn't hold his liquor. once drunk, she could get him to do as she wished

'let's see...' Sora fell into deep thought about his next plan, currently, he had many thought projections at work mastering the new spells, and at the spell, time mastering casting magic with their minds, currently, with his strength, he could create up to 20 thought projections, so he had more than enough training,

his main body was left with nothing to do, so after some thought, he went to find the 3 sisters, who were hiding from him. but he of course easily found him.

"Haha, well, you found us... no hard feelings for sealing you and stuff right?" Keo asked with a forced smile while looking at Sora who suddenly appeared before him. looking at the 3 of them, Sora sighed softly.

"you own more than 400 years' worth of time, so for the next 400 years, my words shall be worth more than gold to the 3 of you," Sora said calmly, the 3 looked at each other before sighing and nodding.

and so, Sora took them back to the mortal realm, where he went on to return to his bar and reopened it. he thought about going to get Erza, but he chose to meet her when he deals with the gods,

"... By the way, have you heard about The One Magic... or The Essence of Magic?" Sora asked calmly as he pulled out a book to read while throwing a look toward Keo. stunning the 3 sisters who didn't expect Sora to bring up such a question.

"Magic has been around for centuries. Every type of Magic comes from The One Magic, the source of all types of Magic. not even the gods have such magic, the closest is Odin with his rune magic, which allows him to use his knowledge of the universe as power and do almost anything he wants." Keo said softly, before looking at Sora, wanting him to say why he wanted such magic.

of course, the reason why Sora wanted such magic was that he wanted to have the strongest form of magic. he was nearing the end of the wizard101 magic. he wanted to become the strongest, and the origin of all magic sounded well... like the way to go.

"Useless," Sora said with a sneer, making a vein pop off Keo, but she said nothing and simply snorted and went to open up the shop. Sora sat at the window and began reading, but he paused when from outside the window he saw the fairy tail guild.

Sora's eyes narrowed slightly while looking at the guild. the fairy tail guild was destroyed and filled with Iron rods, someone attacked it. but who dared to destroy something his daughter poured her heart and soul into creating?

wanting to know what happened, Sora went on to get a newspaper and went on to read it. It turned out that the Phantom Lord guild was the guild that acted, Sora rage calmed down upon hearing this.

Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail were rival guilds, and the two both had dragon slayers. it would be nice to see which guild could come out on top. Phantom Lord only attacked when no one was at the guild, a cowardly act. In Sora's eyes, only a coward can attack a person from the back and still act pridefully and better.

"boss, I thought you would be gone for longer, but it has barely been a few days." a middle-aged man said with a smile as gave Sora a newspaper.

"something came up, tell me what happened when I was away," Sora said calmly, and the middle-aged man went on to do just that.

Just now, the fairy tail was attacking them due to Phantom Lord attacking their own, Sora listen to the information before nodding and returning home. but on the way, he noticed someone who was walking on the street with groceries in her hands.

"It's you..." Lucky said in shock, not expecting to find Sora here out of no place, Sora frowned slightly. Lucy Heartfilia was hateful, he didn't want Erza to know he was where yet here she went and found him.

'Should I just kill her?' Sora thought as killing intent flashed in his eyes, this scared Lucky who quickly stepped back. but Sora shook his head in the end, he was taking out his anger for Anna upon a kid. he was going to be 420 soon, he should act his age.

"You didn't see me," Sora said calmly before he looked at the rain which was heading this way, Lucky was stunned by Sora's words, but before she could say anything, she noticed it was raining. but how could it rain when the sun was there out?

She looked toward Sora to see if he did this, but he was gone, and currently, a blood-haired woman was making her way toward him. this woman was one of the 4 strongest mages within Phantom Lord, but she was not alone as a crazy man came out of the ground when she was about to walk past Lucky.

Sora watched this from the rooftop before he simply turned and walked away. She was going to be defeated if they fought, but he had no reason to help her. So, as he returned to the bar he pulled out a crystal ball and began to order his man to get all the information on the one magic they could find.

as for why he got so interested in it. when the tree of life was speaking to him, it took him only a few magic was able to overcome the devil, and The One Magic was one of them. So, he wanted to know more about such a thing.

So, he returned to the bar and went upstairs to where his room was, as he sat before the window to read his book, he noticed a crystal ball was glowing, so he went on to answer the call, and with a flash of light, a man appeared before the orb.

"you are the new head of the Heartfilia household of this generation, right? what do you want with calling me?" Sora asked calmly while looking at Lucky father,

"My daughter ran away from home... I need help finding her, I understand I'm belittling your status by asking you for such a small matter. but I'm willing to pay with information on the one magic, information personally gotten by Anna." Lucky father said softly, Making Sora's eyes narrow.

"Sure, I shall accept the offer," Sora said with a smile, Lucky father bowed slightly at this, before ending the call. Sora then made a few calls to a few rich people,

"Destroy the Heartfilia," Sora said calmly, the bastard dared to have spies within his people, good, then the whole family name shall disappear within this generation,

"Boss, you need not have to worry, for the past few years, they have been having many debts, with how things they are going they would not last a few more years." a beautiful woman said with a smile,

"push it within 4 months, secretly buy out everything they have. destroy them completely, they been standing for far too long." Sora said calmly to which the woman nodded before closing and ending the call.

Sora got some new information and found that Phantom Lord was asked by Lucky father to find her and bring her home. Sora also found out that Lucky father at first wanted to ask him to help, but changed his mind to Phantom Lord after seeing he had disappeared.

Lucky father using Sora's information network could tell that Phantom Lord might not be enough to handle this task, and Sora the best person he could ask was Sora. He needed Lucky to save his dying business, using Lucky as a pawn, he could marry her off and everything would be good, so he needed this runaway daughter of his to return as soon as possible.

Sora looked at the clock on the wall for a moment, before sighing, he will go and deal with this later, for now, he shall simply mind his own business. But a few hours later, Sora sensed the ground shaking, looking outside, Sora saw a huge guild hall with huge legs walking on through the sea and heading towards fairy tail.

slowly from the guild hall, a huge cannon grew out aimed towards fairy tail, Sora eyes narrowed slightly as he sensed the energy being channeled. if that thing fired, forget the fairy tail guild, but even many buildings along the way shall be destroyed, including his bar.

But sensing closely, Erza was there. and she was rushing forward to deal with the attack, sensing that Sora no longer bothered with the matter and put aside his book. he should start looking into seeing which pet he should equip, he could have 1 pet per 100 levels, meaning, he could have 2 pets with his current levels.

Most of the pets he had were ready to be hatched, he just never took them out of the system so that they could hatch... by most, Sora meant all of them. So, one by one, he took out all the 50 eggs he had and watched as they hatched one by one.

{sensing the host has gained a pet... the host can now begin pet training. as the host can guest by name, pet training allows the host to train his pet. by doing so, a pet could become extremely powerful within a short amount of time. the limit to this would be the pet being 15 levels below the host.

Pets unlike within the game can learn many spells, the limit depends on the grade of the pet, and each pet rarity is split into 6 grades. Common, Uncommon, Rare, Ultra Rare, and Epic. and yes, the system only listed 5 out of the 6.

starting from Common, a pet would at most be able to learn the simper spells, and only one. their levels would also be capped at 50

Uncommon pets can easily learn better spells, and 2 spells at that. their levels are capped at level 100.

Rare pets can learn up to 5 spells, they are much stronger and more talented than common and Uncommon pets. they could learn pretty much any spell within the game and their level cap is 200

Ultra Rare pets can learn 10 spells, they are far stronger and more talented than rare pets, and they could learn any spell, with a level cap at level 500.

Epic pets can learn up to 25 spells, they are far stronger and more talented than Ultra rare pets, and they could learn forms of magic, with a level cap of 1,000.

Pets would give the host greater stats, although nothing compared to gears. but the boost they could bring can be increased through Jewels, which the host would have to craft armor for them in order equip to them.

the host can't gain pets above rare from anywhere other than breeding. if the host wishes to have stronger pets, he would need to breed rare pets together to birth more powerful pets. note that the hatching time for an egg will always be 1 year, but the host can speed this up through other means. the host should start looking into potion crafting.

Lastly, pets are linked to the host and can't die. so long as the host lives, a pet can't be fully killed. their soul body, mind, and so on can be destroyed, but they would be reborn within the host within at most 1 year, which could be sped up.}

Sora sighed softly at the huge amount of information, why didn't the system tell him this 400 years ago? he could have had an army of pets by now. looking at the pets in front of him, 5 were rare, 10 were uncommon and the rest were common.

before Sora could breed them, he needed to age them, and by aging them, it meant leveling them up, depending on their rarity would depend on what age they were at with each age. for a common pets, they were babies once they were hatched meaning at level 1.

level 5- they are teens

level 10- they are adults

level 25- they become Ancient, pretty much old

level 40- they already reached the peak of age, instead, those who could reach this level among their reality type are considered rare. Epic

level 45- the same thing went for this level. before they reach the end of their pet lifespan, pets that could reach this level are far rarer. Mega

level 50- pets that could reach this level are in some ways rarer than other rarer types of pets. it's like reaching the absolute peak of what your race could do, one out of millions or even billions. Ultra

the higher rank pers followed similar partners of age and grading, but they all failed under different levels. of course, Sora didn't need to level his pets up, as they grow up, their levels would grow alongside them until they reach Ancient.

but there was a drawback to this, being that they would not be as strong as others of the same levels and they would be weaker. The fact he could train his pets meant that all of his pets could reach level 50, after which breeding them would increase the chances of a stronger higher ranked pet.

Put Sora needed to improve his training skills, and for this, he had a thought projection yet the baby pets away and starts leveling them up. So, after some thinking, he thought going to the celestial realm would be the perfect place, in fact, he should send all his thought projections to the celestial realm and have them train there.

of course, he had to send one to his girlfriend. but she should be mad that he up and left last time after they haven't meant for so long... he should get her some food, food was not only the way to a male's heart but also a female heart.