
Star Light Kingdom No More

"... I'm starting to regret coming with you guys," Drole said in a low voice while looking at the scene in front of him. Irene and the others were too frozen in shock at the scene before them, in front of them, all types of races were naked, and placed within a sealed room where they were forced to mate and impregnate each other.

they were fed drugs, forcing them to keep going until they are pregnant, after which the female who is pregnant would be taken away, and another female would be given to the male, forcing him to keep going until he faints, only to be replaced by another male.

to avoid those of the same bloodline mating together, they were branded, they were not living beings, they were nothing like cows... no, they were less than animals. at least animals had some degree of freedom

"Who are you?" a middle-aged man who was overlooking his tools at work frowned noticing a group of people watching this, this was a place where not just anyone could be brought to.

"you guys leave, I will handle all of this," Sora said softly, this was a bit too dark, he could take it, but he didn't know if the others could handle it. So, he stepped forward, ready to slaughter the humans before him. but Irene and the others stepped forward, unwilling to let Sora do this alone.

"Don't look down upon us," Irene said before she disappeared, the next moment, heads flew into the sky. with a heart filled with rage, Irene slaughtered every human here. how could humans be so cruel to their own kind? she shall slaughter all the bad eggs, and leave a future where humans can start over, as dark as that may be, she shall endure the sins of slaughtering thousands,

"their aging process was forcefully sped up, they are only a few months old, but their body puts them within the teens of their races," Sora said while looking at the lifeless body which was following the movement of mating, even though there was no woman before it.

"Can they be saved?" Irene asked in a low voice, Sora looked around before sighing,

"a few of them could, but that would be the youngest of them, the newborn. I believe that their body would have some side effects from being forced to age like this. but then again, the buyers wouldn't care about such a thing," Sora said in a low voice, Irene and the others looked couldn't bare to listen to this,

"... this is messed up," Irene said in a low voice, Sora sighed softly as he summoned the Sprite Guardian, and before him, an army size group of Sprite appeared, but they all quickly frowned upon looking around.

"find those that could be healed and heal them, those that can't, leave alone I will handle them," Sora said softly, the Sprite all nodded and flew out and began healing, while they were doing so, Sora and the others left to go see where the captured slave was at.

and so, they came to an underground room where a bunch of them were being trained, a healer was at the side as they went through the unimaginable torture, he was unguarded and ready to heal them just in case they were about to die.

"is that not the holy doctor?" Irene's face turned dark upon seeing the doctor, the doctor hearing a familiar voice turned around and was stunned upon seeing Irene, and even Sora was here stunning him.

"Holy doctor? I never really liked you, you give a bad name to the healers." Sora said calmly as he stepped forward, seeing this the doctor's face turned pale as horror filled his eyes. how could he not be, Sora the man who was willing to go to war with a kingdom, and even defeated the monster created by the gods, of course, he was scared being targeted.

"My lord, you got it all wrong. I'm only here out of pity, of course, couldn't have the..." The Holy doctor couldn't go on as Sora grabbed him by the neck, making the doctor kick around as Sora picked him up, he held on to Sora's neck for some time, but as Sora's hand slowly tightened, his neck was crushed.

"w-who are you?" the trains were horrified, how did this group get past the guards they were not that strong, only skilled at training others.

"by the looks of things, I'm a hero," Sora said with a shrug, he has been doing more good than bad, by the looks of it, he was more of a hero than the hero. Sora ignored the trainers, and from behind him, attacks flew out, hitting the guards. Sora didn't need to look back to that Iris was the old one who attacked.

"w.... who are you?" a female dark elf asked coldly while looking at Sora and his group while breathing heavily. she was currently being trained, the training was simple. the seal of them brought unimaginable pain which only increased the more they don't do as the owner ask,

although they could breed elves and other races, they still liked the outside good, they were of the highest quality after all.

"We are your savors... your mind is only injured by 30% or so, that's good," Sora said as he broke the seal on the elf, the elf was stunned seeing she was free. she quickly jumped up, and rushed toward one of the cages,

Sora didn't stop her and watched as she shattered a cell and entered, where an old eld was laying weakly on the ground.

"grandpa," She cried out, making up the old man, but it was clear he was in the blink of death, seeing this she bite her lips as tears ran down her eyes, those around her ignored her, they looked towards Sora, wanting him to free them as well.

"What happened to him?" Sora asked calmly as he walked up to her, the dark elf turned to look at Sora, she felt like she should hatefully yell at this human, and at the same time, Sora saved him, he was not like those humans. she didn't know if she should trust him, or remain on guard. he was a human after all,

"Please, save me." a goblin threw itself at Sora, tears running down its eyes, unwilling to stand and let go until Sora saves her.

"... a green goblin. don't your people go around kidnapping females and raping them to give birth?" Sora asked with a frown, some goblins couldn't give birth to a female, so they had to kidnap those of other races.

"sigh, then again we humans are not so clean. it seems like every race has its darkness... but keep your hands off me or I will kill you." Sora said calmly, the goblin's tears instantly stopped falling, and quickly got away from Sora. Sora ignored it and turned towards the elf.

"t-this is my grandfather, he was a powerful mage. they wanted to train him to become a guard, but..." The female dark elf quickly spoke, scared that Sora would get annoyed with her as well, Sora looked at her for a moment, before reaching out towards her, her eyes shrank in horror seeing this, she quickly closed her eyes, but she only felt Sora hand on her head, and the next moment she felt her mental state recovery.

"Elves are one of the few races I look at as the perfect race. pure, and beautiful. unlike humans..." Sora said softly before he turned towards the old elf, and also healed him after breaking the seal on him. the old man weak eyes suddenly found that life has returned to his being, and he quickly stood up.

"t-thank you." the old man said with a slight bow, Sora nodded slightly at them, the reason he chose to help them first was simple. to get to the fairy forest, he would need to get through the elf forest, so it was best to get this old man, who was an S-rank mage to consider him as a friend.

"no need to thank me, it's my shame that my race is like this," Sora said calmly as he pulled out a dagger and gave it to the old man.

"I'm about to go slaughter a huge amount of people within this kingdom, upstairs there are a few slaves who are waiting for you. join them, and they shall bring you to safety, I will work on getting you all back home later. those daggers can break the seals." Sora said as the dagger glowered slightly before Sora cut a seal on a slave next to him. this action destroyed the seal, stunning the scared slave who thought Sora wanted to kill it.

"Well, can I seal freeing the slaves to you?" Sora asked calmly, to which the old man nodded seriously, Sora nodded before he left. he first found the higher-ups who were within a few rooms, and through them, he found out everything he needed to know, and with that done, he teleported into the sky,

"where the fucking King? I Sora have come, if you are not here within the next 30 seconds, you alone with this kingdom shall disappear." Sora's voice boomed across the city, stunning everyone, and the next moment all of the nobles along with the king's face turned pale. how could they not be scared, Sora was here.

within 20 seconds, the King had rushed to Sora, with an army ready for battle, as scared as they could be, they of course didn't fully believe that Sora did all the stuff that was done, part of it has to be due to his backing, someone was helping Sora from the shadows or something.

"did you come here with an army?" Sora's eyebrow raised while looking at the king who was on top of a star dragon,

"do you know your action right now could start a war? you just broke..." the king who was speaking instantly shot his mouth as Sora cast the spell, [Efreet]. a lamp appeared in the sky before everyone, and from that Lamp red burning hot smoke came out, before it took the form of a giant genie holding a huge sword.

the genie had no lower body, as its lower body was not formed, just a list that came from the lamp, the genie appearing caused the air to turn hot, making everyone fill unease.

"There are a few things about me, 1, I do the fuck I want. 2, your kingdom disgusts me, and I still wonder if I should destroy it or not." Sora said coldly, the king's eyes turned hold, if it was a war Sora want, then war is what he shall get, he wanted to know if Sora can take on all of them.

"I will like to see if the rumors are true." the king said as he pulled out a sword, Sora smiled coldly before he pointed forward, and Efreet shot forward with his long sword. Efreet had a unique ability, with every bow he lands, the target would have a -90% charm on them, meaning their next attack would be 90% less powerful,

Sora knew that Efreet alone couldn't take on an army, being a single attack type, he would get overwhelmed, so he went on to casts [Snow Angel] while everyone's attention was on Efreet, and from the sky, it suddenly began snowing. something which caught everyone's attention, they looked at the sky and saw a horse with wings flying towards them. on the horseback, a being who had clothing completely covering their body was riding it while holding a diamond-shaped item in one hand

Efreet and Snow Angel were both 8-pip spells, of course, Sora had mastered these 8 Pip spells, Snow Angel's arrival had an areal effect, his appearance brought snow, which would freeze those around him, but the real damage came from that diamond-shaped item he had. he uses it to channel his power and attack his enemy

those hit by his attack will not be that injured, but as time goes by they would suffer from the power of cold, it's like poison, as time goes by you would suffer damage until the effect disappears or you die.

"Efreet deals with the stronger ones, Snow Angel gives them a snow and cold death," Sora said calmly, and so the two, Ice and Fire moved to work together, the army was strong, but they were outpowered, they were cold thanks to the snow Angel, and its attack only made them colder and slower.

meanwhile, Efreet was dealing with those with levels at level 60 and up, and although he was having a hard time dealing with the pure numbers, Snow Angel from time to time would send attacks over to land a helping hand, this is not forgetting Sora who would heal the two if they suffer any injures.

did they want to ignore them and attack Sora? Sora turns out to be an S-rank Mage, and with a staff in hand, he crushed the heads of those who came after him, the dragons tried to attack Sora, but Sora simply cast [Immolate].

by dealing 250 fire damage to himself, he could deal 600 damage to a target, of course with Sora's resistance toward the fire, the damage he took was less than 250, and the damage the dragons took, well, adding his enchantment, stats, and blades, and crit, that was 5,000+ of damage, of course, part of that was resisted by the dragons, but it left them with deep injures.

this attack couldn't be dodged, once cast and the target is within range, they could only wait to suffer the attack. so, like this many dragons fell, and the king watched on in horror, he knew Sora was holding back, where were the giants, where were the armies that he could summon? just these few were enough?

of course, Sora was far stronger than back then, so why did he need to waste this Mana by summoning a bunch of dragons?

"enough, we surrender." the King yelled, unable to watch as his man suffered like this, watching them feel to death was just torture in its own right. yet strangely the citizens were not affected by the snow,

"Sadly, you're too late for such things. today, Star Light Kingdom shall be no more. for the sins your kingdom has committed, let them be washed away by the suffering of the noble's painful deaths, starting with you." Sora said coldly,