

"what about the tribe?" The tribe leader who was about to pass down his position asked with a deep frown, Drole just shrugged, traveling the world sounded much more fun than simply being a tribe leader.

"don't worry, I believe we would be gone for like 5 years, plus it would be a nice way for him to learn more about the world. all positives, and little negatives" Irene said with a smile, 5 years to them was not that long to the giants who had life spans of 10 times that of humans. so, to them 5 years were like a few months to the giants, they wouldn't even notice such a small amount of time.

"5 years?" Drole eyebrow raised, was that not a short amount of time? that was like him going with them to take a nap. the longer the lifespan, it usually comes with slower growth, this giant could be considered a young adult, as he was 200 years old.

"a short amount of time, but we will be doing a bunch of stuff, going to different realms and so on, and if we need more time to see everything then we would simply increase the time. at most, we would be gone for a few more extra years." Irene said with a smile, Drole eyebrow raised but he nodded slightly, before looking towards the tribe leader.

"I guess someone else can challenge me, but you would have to fight for the chance of being the tribe leader upon returning." The giant said calmly, Drole smiled as he nodded, and Irene's body shrank, returning to her normal size.

Waving towards Drole, Irene brought Drole to Sora and the others and began to introduce herself, Drole eyes landed on Sora out of everyone else, and he could tell he was different from the others.

"That was a nice match, too bad it was a tie," Sora said with a smile, making Drole's eyebrow raise, did he not give up on Irene, Irene also pouted, a win was a win.

"Irene used up a huge amount of her Mana when she enchanted the ground and turned it into a huge and powerful magnet, so if you had turned back to normal and attacked her, she would have had no choice but to admit defeat," Iris said softly, Drole eyes widened for a moment, but he shrugged.

"I still lost." He said with a sigh, he was not the type to worry too much about the past, he lost and that was all to it. so, with their new teammate chosen, they went on to spend a few days at the village, with Drole showing them around.

after seeing everything the tribe had to offer, the group set off toward the Star Light Kingdom, normally Irene would go around causing trouble, after all, she was a princess, and she couldn't act like that. but it's not like she was going around showing others her identity, she and the others had to hide it.

"you are still tall," Irene said while looking at Drole who was human size, struggling to get used to the change of size. Drole was standing at 7'10 feet tall, but that was a huge difference. but he was still the tallest person here, while Sora came in second place at 6'2.

"yeah I guess... the human tribes are unique," Drole said softly while looking around at the starlight city, he noticed that many of the human's eyes were aimed towards him. even within the giants he was considered unique, there were giants were 4 arms, and some with 3 or even 4 eyes, it was rare for a giant to have 4 arms and 4 eyes,

the starlight kingdom was one of the few kingdoms which allowed other races to enter its cities, looking around, Sora could see a few goblins, trolls, and other races walking around the streets, Don't get it twitched, none human races were not allowed to stay within the kingdom without a human watching over them.

non-humans found alone would be treated like trespassers, they could be locked up. the starlight kingdom along with the nearby kingdom is well known for having slaves of other races, using Subordination magic, humans could enslave other races.

"Hey, you're not from this city are you?" a middle-aged woman wearing delicate makeup asked with a smile as he walked up to Sora, her arrival caused the group to stop while looking at her, wanting to know what she wanted.

"yes, it's my first time here, how can you tell?" Sora said with a slight nod, the middle-aged woman smiled as he simply explained, those who knew their city didn't walk around while looking at every small detail around them.

"what do you think about getting a slave that would do anything for you? we have slaves of all kinds, beautiful tamale elves, or male elves for the ladies." She asked making Sora and the other eyebrow raise slightly, seeing this, the woman's smile grew.

"Sure, let's see," Sora said softly, Drole frowned slightly, but before he could do anything, Irene stopped him. although confused, he followed them to a store that was selling slaves. looking around, they saw all types of slaves, trolls, giant children, elves, fairies, and so on.

they were all in cages with their hands and legs chained up, they had a slave seal, which was the magic used to force them to follow orders which were given to them. most of them were young, children too young teens, all of them were of course in good quality, they needed to keep them in good quality so their buys can keep coming for more,

"their eyes seem lifeless," Sora said calmly, the middle-aged woman smiled slightly as she explained,

"When we train them, the side effect is breaking their sprite... if you want one that is lively, we have some that haven't been trained yet, they are much cheaper, and from what I hear, they are more fun to play with." She said with a wink, making Irene and the others fill disgusted,

"What is the youngest one you have?" Sora asked calmly, the middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, this one was into some weird stuff, but that's good. usually, the younger models didn't last long and would die, making them come to buy more. some complain that they have been playing with something that already died without even knowing it.

"the youngest we have on hand is 12 months, more are being bred every day for your enjoyment. you could even pick two of them to breed to give birth to your perfect model." She said with a smile, Drole couldn't hold it in any longer, and with a step, he flashed before the woman and sent a bunch towards her, but Sora caught his fist, stunning Drole

"Let Sora handle this," Irene said coldly, it was then that the middle-aged woman realized that Anna, Irene, and Iris's looks were off.

"[Subdue]" Sora said calmly, the middle-aged woman who had a scared look froze for a moment before her eyes went blank as she fell to her knees before Sora.

"I don't know if I should be offended that you think I would lower my standers to such a low level," Sora asked with a smile, Drole was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand what was happening, but Iris explain, leaving him stunned. Iris went on to open the cages, looking at these slaves, she saw herself all those years ago.

"what spell is Subdue?" Irene asked in confusion,

"It's a spell that put others under my control for a limited amount of time," Sora said calmly before he held his palm to the sky and cast [Mega Cast], with this spell cast, everyone felt their mind calm down, allowing those slaves who were watching this in confusion to relax.

"what's your name?" Sora asked calmly as he walked over to a little elf girl, the little girl hugged someone who seemed to be her elder sister and the elder sister went on to hug the little girl back while looking unease at Sora.

"no need to be unease about me," Sora said as he pointed forward, and the seal around her neck shattered, releasing her from being forced to do as her owner wants. She was stunned seeing this, she was finally free, but what about her little sister?

"c-can you free my sister as well," she asked softly, her mind still calm, so she could think clearly, Sora was most likely helping them. but that didn't mean she would blindly believe him. Sora smiled slightly, as he broke the seal on her little sister, before pulling out a small dagger,

the two seeing this got scared, but Sora placed the dagger on the ground, and moved it slightly toward them, seeing this she realized that Sora wanted her to take the dagger.

"I saved you first because your eyes are not lifeless like the others. you are strong, this dagger can break the spells of the others. while I go save the others slave, do you mind helping free the slaves here for me? I think they would trust you more than me." Sora said while looking within the cage, where everyone was far away from him,

"y-yes." the elf nodded as she took the dagger, Sora smiled slightly at her words before he went on to show her how to use it to break the seals. after watching her free someone, Sora went on to cast the spell,

"[Seraph]" Sora cast a spell, making the others feel unease, but when they saw an angel holding a sword appearing, they were stunned.

"she would be your guardian angel, so don't worry about anything," Sora said as Seraph's face changed upon seeing she was within a slave house, seeing the bunch of children she was enraged and her sword was ready to cut down whoever owned this place. but Sora's words made her calm down, she shall protect these poor children.

Sora seeing everything was in good hands got ready to leave, deep down he was slightly happy, he had been looking for a reason to slaughter people so he could level up... although he was disgusted by what he has seen here, what was most important was that he could level up.

"Lily..." the little elf girl yelled towards Sora, seeing he was about to leave, Sora was confused as he turned to look at her.

"... m-my name. you asked," She said shyly, Sora smiled slightly as he nodded at her,

"My name is Sora... Let's go deal with the others, lead the way." Sora said with a smile, before turning towards the middle-aged woman, who quickly got up and lead the way, first Sora wanted to see where they felt the goods which were not up to quality,

so they headed underground, and they were instantly hit with a smell that made all of them hold their breath. as they arrived down where they saw a bunch of slaves where were being toyed around with a bunch of males and females,

"well, there goes another blow to my faith in humanity..." Sora said softly, the females and males who were enjoying themselves with the females threw looks over to see who came. but seeing the middle-aged woman, they guessed this new group of people wanted to come and enjoy themselves with the failed goods, so they ignored them and returned to their fun.

"Kill." Irene's voice was ice cold, no one had anything to reject about that, Anna pulled out a sky and opened the Gate of the Golden Bull Key. and with a loud moo, a humanoid bull shot out holding an axe,

Iris created the illusion of swords that shot out toward those females and males, while Julia, Drole, Sora, and Irene simply looked on. a few of them managed to dodge the incoming attacks, but much more fell under the attacks

"What is the meaning of this." a woman who was enjoying herself with a male elf yelled angrily as she quickly put on her clothing. but the earth under her came to life, running through her lower body and up to her head, killing her.

"... are all humans like this?" Drole who was filled with a cold killing intent asked as he killed the remaining humans,

"Of course not, whenever light hits something, there is a shadow created. humans have their good, but within the shadows, there is some darkness hiding from the light." Irene said while looking at the slaves.

Drole gritted his teeth while looking at the slaves, there were mostly elves here, some had their body parts broken, and some males had their dicks broken due to how many times they were forced to go at it, they were both mentally and physically broken.

"Some of them can't be helped, it's better to kill them," Sora said softly while looking around in pity, but his words caught everyone off guard, they never expected some things to come out of Sora's mouth.

"some here were born and raised to be nothing more than sex slaves. their minds are too broken... no, their minds were never developed in the first place, they are dead inside, even I can't save them, just when Drole was about to grab Sora's shirt, enraged by his words, Irene bit him to it as she grabbed his shirt.

"You're telling us to just give up on them? you tell us to just kill them and not even try and help them?" Irene said angrily, Sora sighed softly as he moved her hands off him.

"do what you want, but I will not stand here and help you torture them, Death is scary, but it could also be the best reward a person can have. call me when you choose to release them from this curl fate." Sora said as he had the woman he subdue take him toward where the other slaves were at.

"... Sora is right," Julia said weakly as she followed after Sora, Sora was right, death is scary for many people, but they just don't know that life is countless times scary. Iris lowered her head as she followed after Sora, too trusting Sora's words

"... Damit," Irene yelled angrily as she punched the wall next to her, if even Sora couldn't heal them, it was almost impossible for them. She looked towards Anna and Drole, but it was clear the two didn't know what to do themselves.

"do it," Irene said as she walked away, passing Sora who was waiting outside the room for her to make the choice, Sora sighed as he went on to hold a palm out into the room, and summoned [Wrath]. and before everyone's eyes, everyone saw the grim ripper appear,

With its appearance, the lifeforce of everyone here was sucked out of them, absorbed by wrath, and a half was given to Sora. with that everyone died peacefully, but with their death, Irene and the others had a boundless killing intent,