

Ice statues filled the streets, dragons, and humans, and the look of horror on their faces could seen upon their faces. meanwhile, the crowds of citizens who were coming out of their hiding spots within the now to look at the statues had compacted looks.

Sora before leaving had told the whole city what has been going on, of course, most of them didn't really care about having slaves and stuff, but they were forced to look at their actions today. today, Sora stole all of the kingdom's wealth for himself, to day, Sora slaughtered all of the nobles, and today the royal family disappeared from the face of the world.

today, the Star Light Kingdom was no more, it was nothing... some were enraged, they were just some other races. they were just slaves, Sora was a human, yet he was going around fighting for other races? was this not him betraying his own race?

but others thought the kingdom got what it needed. many were against slavery, and not everyone went around causing pain to others without feeling guilt or something of the kind. news of today's event spread and was heard all over each kingdom, causing uproars within the many kingdoms

"... Sir Sora, I have been wanting to ask you a question." the old elf who Sora freed, asked while turning back to look at Sora. currently, Sora and the others were on top of a huge Scorpion capable of carrying at most 3 people. of course, the Scorpion shell was hard, but they had pillars which they were sitting on

"Sure, ask away," Sora said with a smile, this old man was powerful, being an S-rank elf mage, he must have a somewhat high ranking within the elf kingdoms.

"I sense within you a great darkness that wishes to swallow everything within this world, but a great lifeforce which draws me towards you. but you also have a flame within you wishing to burn all things, a cold chill which wishes to turn the world to ice, and many more..." he said in a soft voice while looking deeply at Sora,

"Those are my talents, Death, Life, Fire, Ice, Storm, and many others. you have sharp senses to sense them... but shouldn't you see me as some evil beast with my death talent?" Sora asked with a smile, the old elf shook his head after a moment of thought.

"they are balanced, one side doesn't overshadow the other. all of those all 7 of them are existing as one within you... I wish to bring you back to the elf kingdom, if the elders know of your existence, they would welcome you with open arms." The elf said in a soft voice, Sora could tell that the elf was hiding something from him, but he still nodded in the end.

He turned behind him to look at the countless Scorpion which was carrying former slave, He and the others were going to take them back home, but thinking for a moment, he should just fly them away, him doing this was a bit... slow.

"Have you guys ever seen a dragon?" Sora asked with a smile, most of them here were all children, so they all looked at Sora in confusion, wondering what he meant. but the next moment, Sora went on to summon 10 fire dragons, which stood fall and might before them,

"I think flying on the back of a dragon would be cool... what do you think?" Sora asked while looking at the scared children, but the slightly grown kids' eyes brightened at this, who didn't dream of riding a dragon? so, they all went on to climb onto the dragon,

15-person dragon, even then, Sora had to summon a few more dragons due to the number of slaves, and once everyone was on a dragon, they flew off, with Sora flying behind them all making Sora they don't end up falling.

it took some time, but each race was returned to its own zones, and races were on high alert, but they calmed down, upon seeing that those members from their villages/tribes have been returned, although they didn't like humans much, they still thanked Sora, calling a true hero. the former past heroes never bothered to help or stand on the behalf of the other races, so to them, Sora was a true hero

Irene couldn't help but smile hearing them all calling Sora Hero, she felt the same way about Sora, a true hero. in total, they took a few days to get all the races back to their homes, Sora had to rest each time, he didn't have anything like an endless amount of MP, so once he reached 50% on MP, or anywhere nearing that, he had to land and rest.

"Well, it's time for the elves..." Sora said with a smile the elf help up the most numbers here, there should have been more, thousands of in fact. but they had to be put down as they couldn't be saved, those saved were only a small 130 elves,

the elves' eyes brightened hearing they were next, with the speed of the dragons, it took a few minutes before they saw a huge forest appearing before them. the forest was lively, filled with countless animals, and unique magical animals born within.

the dragons didn't fly over the forest but landed outside, the elf slowly got off the forest before waiting, Sora had the dragons return while he stood on high alert. time passed, and after a few minutes, from the forest, a blonde-haired man slowly stepped out while looking at the countless elves and the human... and seemly a giant who has been shrunk to human size, he held a bow in his hands, ready for battle

"... Fon is that you?" the blonde-haired man asked with narrowed eyes, the old man who was next to Sora's eyes widened seeing the blonde-haired man, and he smiled as he stepped forward happy to see an old face,

the other former slave elves seeing their own kind rushed forward, but when they all got away from Sora who was watching them leave with a smile, the sound of something flying through the arrow entered his ears. with narrowed eyes, Sora formed a barrier, just in time to blow the arrows.

the blonde-haired elf stepped forward with his bow, ready to fire, but Fon and the others quickly yelled out for him to stop, with some even running over to help their saver. the blonde-haired elf was confused for a moment, but things quickly clicked. these were not enemies.

"stand down," He called out to the forest, before turning towards Fon, wanting him he explains, and explain did the old man do, and so the craziest story of Sora saving them was told, Sora destroying a whole kingdom on his own after slaughtering many dragons from their enemy kingdom. some a thing was laughable,

But when so many elves backed up the story, he couldn't simply ignore it, although he didn't believe it. looking towards Sora, he was about to speak when he sensed the stage powers within Sora, seeing the change within his eyes, Fon spoke into his eyes, making the blonde-haired man's eyes shrink for a moment before he nodded slightly,

"heroes, you have saved many from our race... give me a moment, as I go and report this to the elders." the elf said before quickly disappearing not giving Sora and the others a chance to speak, Sora and the others looked at each other, not knowing that to say. this was the first race that attacked them,

It didn't take long for them to wait, as within a few minutes, a bunch of elves appeared from the forest, all with unique color armor. Irene and the other's eyes widened slightly as they saw the old elves behind the army, it was the highest type of elves, the sun elf, moon elf, and star elf,

the army of elves made a clear path for them to walk up to Sora and the others, the 3 elves stepped forward, and their eyes rested upon Sora while ignoring the others. the 3 elves were the highest-ranking elves within the elf race, they were also among the strongest, and wisest of the elves.

Sun Elf was a beautiful elf whose hair seemed to glow like the sun, he had a warm aura about him, which made others feel warm.

the Moon elf was a cold white-haired elf beauty, her looks made her look as if the goods personally stepped forward to craft her beauty. yet strangely, clouds covered her from above, not allowing the sky to see her,

the star elf was a king young with star-like eyes, like the stars in the sky, he had this aloof and distant aura about him. unlike the other two elves, his looks although considered handsome, it was not too over the top like a most elf. but he was the strongest among the 2.

the 3 elves looked at Sora for some time, before looking back at each other, before they nodded slightly and bowed slightly, a scene which shocked everyone there.

"We heard of your deeds and were greatly moved. we welcome you all, we shall throw a beauty to welcome you all here." the Sun Elf said with a warm smile, Sora's eyebrow raised slightly, why were their eyes so locked onto him? but he nodded slightly, he wanted to know what they were up to,

Irene and the others also noticed the strangeness of these elves, but they didn't say anything and accepted the elf. so they entered and went on to head into the forest, the elf's houses were built within the trees, and out of all other races, they and the fairies were best skilled at life magic, which was magic best known for healing.

this was magic that humans found a hard time learning, at most, they would be able to use this magic in a form of having plants grow faster or something of the kind.

Sora and the others were amazed at the beautiful forest, magical animals could be seen all over the place, and even animals that humans have killed into existence could be found there, the elves and the others had prideful looks seeing humans and the giants, unlike the humans who went around slaughtering everything and only seeing that killing a whole race off wasn't a good idea, Elf valued other life. sure they hunt others, but at the same time, they knew that they couldn't go overboard with such things.

anyways, Sora and the others were brought to a huge and majestic palace, this palace couldn't be seen from the outside world as there was a barrier blocking the outside world from seeing this self city, so although this palace was huge, none could see it if they didn't enter the city.

Sora and the others were given room to rest in, along with an elf that showed them around the city, showing them things that humans could never imagine seeing...

"is that an elf?" Iris asked while looking at a small dot of light flying over a strange but beautiful flower, the elf who was showing them around looked over before smiling.

"yes... the outside world still thinks that the elf and fairies are not on good terms? but that was thousands of years ago. we fairies and elves now exist within the same city as one." the elf said with a smile before calling over the fairy, the fairy flew over in confusing

"fairies have tails?" Iris asked in confusion, why did this beautiful cute glowing fairy look nothing like that which Sora summons? this fairy before them had beautiful pink hair, the perfect sizes to sit upon a person's finger, and had a tail which the tip was shaped like a leaf

"of course, fairies have tails." the cute fairy said while looking at the strange elves before it with a small pout, but it quickly realized these were not elves but humans, and this scared it. growing up, I was told of how evil the humans were, going around capturing her kind and forcing them to cry to collect their tears

the fairy quickly hide behind the elf, almost about to cry as it thought about the cruel fate awaiting it. Sora seeing this sighed, these humans were making it hard for him to explore this world.

holding out a palm, Sora summoned a fairy, this sight stunned the fairy as the fairy went on to fly around Sora before sitting on his shoulder. but the fairy noticed that there was another fairy hiding, flying over, the fairy saw the scared fairy and tried to calm it down.

"I can summon fairies, but the fairies I summon are from another world. but even though they are from another world, they are pure and kind like the fairies from this world." Sora said with a smile, although still scared the fairy was not as scared as before as the fairy wanted it to play with her. so the two flew off, to play, while Sora and the others returned to looking around the place,

time passed and it was stun night time, by now, everyone within the city knew of Sora and his group, and when the parity was held, many were invented and many came wanting to see Sora for themselves, and they were not disappointed as they all warmed up to Sora, confusing Sora even more, but he kept the confusion to himself and simply waited to see what they were up too. but he quickly got tired of the place and went to the balcony where he stood to overlook the beautiful very

"... it's a beautiful view," Irene said softly as he walked up and stood next to Sora, she had on a beautiful red dress, Sora looked over to Irene and saw she was passing him a glass of wine. stunned for a moment, he took the wine

"I hate alcohol, but with the thing we been through in the past few days, a drink is needed," Irene said as she drink her wine glass. Sora nodded slightly, this world was darker than he thought it was. he too needed a drink.

"... why did you reject them?" Irene asked softly, some of the elves tried to get Sora to marry their daughter, yet Sora rejected them all, saying he was married. but she knew clearly that Sora was single.

"..." Sora didn't say anything and simply drink the wine in his glass, Irene rested her head on the balcony railings, while looking at Sora.

"Me and you... it's impossible... a fisherman who only has eyes for one fish would miss out on the beauty of many fishes he passes by." Irene said in a soft voice before she smiled slightly while her attention landed on the necklace,

but when Sora placed the glass in his hands on a table next to him and looked her dead in the eyes, she couldn't help but take a step backward

"There are many fishes in the sea, but what can I do when the one that caught my eye stands out amongst the others? today, it's impossible. but I don't plan on being king for long. once I'm done with the throne, I shall marry you." Sora said seriously, stunning Irene.

She opened her mouth for a moment, but she couldn't say anything and simply looked into Sora's eyes. the two eyes locked for a few seconds, but to them, the world seemed to have stopped. no words needed to be said, as they stepped forward, and their lips met.