

Drole and the others joined the battle, but their attacks were all negated by the saints, If there was only one saint then it would have been an easy play, but with so many of them, who had their own unique magic, having magic affect them was harder said than done. the group rushed to Sora's side, they of course couldn't allow Sora to fight alone.

"I will kill off all the dragons, you hold off the saints," Sora said with a slight node towards them, the group nodded as Sora shot up into the sky, his naked body shot towards a dragon, and the other saints moved to attack, Sora shockingly withstood all of their attacks, the realized to even now they were still looking down upon him. and now more people joined,

Drole and the others moved forward to block their attacks while ignoring those from the dragons, Sora can handle them, and Sora simply ignored the attacks as he landed upon a dragon.

"A dragon lizard should know its place," Sora said coldly as lightning gathered on his fist before he slammed it down upon the dragon's head, the dragon's scales shattered like an egg, as the dragon shot down, knocked out from a single blow, the others eyes widened in shock seeing this, how was Sora still so powerful,

Sora cast a few charms upon himself as he shot towards the next dragon, the dragon seeing Sora rushing towards it, quickly turned into lightning to run away,? Sora was at level 105, and although his body was not as strong as summoning capability, his body was still around level 80, and that's not adding his resistances and armor piercing, it would be higher if he had his armor on, but he was butt naked right now

Sora seeing the dragon running, Sora went on to cast Immolate, and with that s he took fire damage, and in return, the dragon left its lightning stat while it roared in pain as the illusion of flames swallowed it.

Sora took this chance to shoot toward it, but the other dragons and a few saints which couldn't be blocked by Drole, Iris, and the Sirens shot toward Sora. Sora's eyes narrowed, this was good as he could slowly find out who among them could use reflector magic.

Sora shot towards the lightning dragon, only to suddenly turn and shot towards the knocked-out dragon below, and land the killing blow upon it. seeing that they were about to rush towards him, Sora created a thought protection which went on to create an ice wall that blocked them, but the ice was quickly being twisted and turned into a weapon

"[Skeletal Dragon]" Sora cast a spell, and before everyone's eyes, the dragon under Sora began to transform, taking the form of a huge skeletal dragon, far stronger than when it was alive,

"who was Reflector magic?" Sora asked coldly as he stood on the dragon, Irene who at some point had appeared on top of the village head building, watching the battle pointed towards a middle-aged man, who Sora's eyes instantly landed on,

Reflector magic did just as the name said it did. Reflector Magic is a form of Magic that lets its user twist and distort almost anything. It can affect both material things, such as metal, and intangible entities, such as air and light.

Such Magic possesses both great offensive and defensive capabilities, by refracting air, the user is capable of generating highly-destructive flying slashes of various sizes, which possess great cutting power.

By twisting anything entering the immediate area surrounding them, the user becomes virtually immune to any attack, be it physical or magical in nature, with every incoming spell or melee assault having its trajectory moved to avoid striking the user, who can even reflect these attempts at their originators.

As overpowered as this magic might be, this Magic suffers from several drawbacks:

1, The user is capable of twisting anything aside from human bodies.

2. The user can only use their refracting powers on a single area at a time, either around themselves or elsewhere.

3. The user can momentarily twist objects with elastic properties, but these attempts will ultimately result in being ineffective in restraining or harming the opponent, with the affected material eventually returning to its normal state.

Sora had read many books and knew all types of magic, this was one such magic he learned about, so, with a step, Sora shot towards the middle-aged man on top of the dragon, who quickly stepped backward while raising his hands at the sky.

he twisted reality, trying to research it, the dragon opened its mouth and shot a blast of black poisonous gas towards the middle-aged man, who had no choice but to dodge, the dragon was too fast, and its attack was faster.

the others wanted to help, but the dragon was too strong, with a flap of its boney wings, they were sent flying backward. Sora jumped off the dragon and bunched the middle-aged man, making his eyes almost pop as he coughed a mouthful of blood. his head was almost ripped off as Sora was holding his which the fist landed,

Sora threw him into his world seeing the was knocked out, before turning towards the remaining saints, even with one summon, this was going to be an easy win for him.

"... you guys don't need to step in, I can handle them all," Sora said coldly as a suit appeared on him, the group of saints and dragons looked at each other for a moment, what went wrong? they had everything planned out, they just didn't expect that those around Sora would be so powerful as well,

Iris was the most annoying with her illusions, and you have those 3 women whose singing could affect their minds, then Drole who was the protective shield, and lastly, that elf, who icy arrow and can shoot from miles away and even follow a target.

the middle-aged man was the main reason they could handle Sora, his magic was the most overpowered out of all of them... but that didn't mean they were not overpowered in their own sense, they wanted to get their hands on this new magic Sora seemed to have, and it was already too late to run,

among them, the 1,000 thought Saints shot toward Sora, and with a thought, 1,000 thought protections filled the air, the others also shot forward towards Sora. some used to take over magic, turning into dragons, magical beasts, or even demons, others used shadow magic, bringing the shadows to overwhelm the light, and so on and so on,

countless magic shots toward Sora, and Sora simply pulled out a golden card, [Dimension Shift], he waited for the last moment before using the spell, and so, Sora switched with all of them, leaving all of them caught off guard as they were hit with their own attacks,

"you destroyed my kingdom, slaughter my people, enslaved my people, and torture my people, and you 7 all betrayed me? for what?" Sora asked as he turned to look toward Sarah and the others who were captured by Irene, Sora shook his head. he never felt so betrayed in his life,

'humans...' Sora thought as he threw a look toward Iris, would she betray him as well? why would they even betray him? how could someone even betray someone who saved them from such a fate they were in? He saved them from hell, healed them, and did all that for them, but look at what they did.

Skeletal Dragon went on to make sure all of them were knocked out, Sora would make sure they fully regret their actions, even if they die, in their next life, if they still don't fear him, he would have not done a good job at making them pay.

after throwing them all into his world, the space magic among them who was holding up the barrier seemed to have entered, leading to the space lock to disappear. Sora flashed before the 7 females, who were horrified, he wanted to kill them on the spot. but there might be a chance they were forced, so the world locks them up for now.

So, he threw them into his home, before he went back into the basement, gritting his teeth slightly while looking at his face, and minions within such a fate, the rage he suppressed only grew back... taking a deep breath, he summoned the Sprite Guardian,

the sprites all appeared joyfully, but they were horrified to find where Sora summoned them, Sora sighed softly. it hurt him slightly, those cute and pure little things had to keep seeing this stuff, but he alone couldn't heal all of them.

So, the group got to work, healing everyone here, with Sora's current level, he could now even heal the most damaged of minds, although that would take time. some time passed, and all of them had returned to full health, at least physically, their mind, on the other hand, was not doing so well,

"... I-I can't do this, just let me leave," Brandon said softly, he was only an aspect of the true Brandon. he was like the avatar, Sora had summoned. the torture he had been through was just messed up, to be studied like a lab rate for months, tortured for information he couldn't give even if he wanted to, he had no will to go on.

{host, let the minions go, you can always resummon them, they would be new minions without the memories of what happened.} the system said to which Sora nodded slightly,

"My apologies, I brought you all into this world and left you to suffer," Sora said softly, Brandon looked up at Sora before shaking his head. he grew up with Sora and knew Sora for the longest, Sora was his student.

"This was not your fault, you left everything within our hands, yet we failed you," Brandon said with a sigh as he began to turn into dots of lights Sora let him go, and he did the same to the others, yet only one of them resisted his actions,

"... I wish to stay," Malistaire said calmly, stunning Sora for a moment, but upon closer look, his mind wasn't that damaged from the torture, with a sight node, he allowed him to stay, before turning his attention towards his sisters, and brothers.

"..." taking them down, he teleported them to his main house, where they could rest and wait for him to come and heal them, Sora went on to free Malistaire before asking him about his grandfather,

His grandfather during that battle fled with his grandma, At that moment after realizing they would lose, he only had time to save one person, so he took his grandmother and ran, but while running he suffered many injuries. being a demon, he could have put up a good fight, but he would have to show the world that he was a demon, something which he couldn't do. everyone could die, but the world must not know Sora's secret, at that point, it would not be hard to guess Sora was the Demon Lord,

"wha..." Irene wanted to say something, but before she could say anything, Sora disappeared with Malistaire, she was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say, so she simply returned with the group and worked on freeing the slave.

a few hours later within the demon realm, Sora was coldly looking at a demon who was shaking in his boots while looking at Sora. the demon looked towards the humans and dragons locked up, awaiting their fate which shall be worse than death.

"You have nothing to fear, I have brought 600 goats, your job is simple. put liquid salt on these human's legs while allowing these goats to lick as much as they want. you feed off the blood, so you can grow stronger from simply being here." Sora said calmly, stunning and confusing the demon,

"but that is just the first day worth, on the second day..." and so, Sora went through everything he wanted the demon to make sure of, the demon was horrified while hearing the fate Sora had for them, but he nodded, afraid that Sora would have him join these humans.

"when they are near death or something like that, call me. when they can't feel the pain, call me. I'll make sure all 300 of them never forget this pain even after death." Sora said coldly as he threw a cold look toward the 300 prisoners, the saints within had horrified looks.

"This was my cousin doing, we are not even on good terms." a man yelled towards Sora, just because they were related, they had to suffer?

"at least allow my baby to leave," a mom said with tears in her eyes, but Sora ignored them as he disappeared, meanwhile, the demon looked towards the goats, it was time for them to enjoy their male of the day,

"so, why did the two of you betray me?" Sora asked calmly while looking at Sarah and the others, before anything he wanted to know why. through the others, he already found out these 7 were the masterminds of it all,

"... out of jealousy. Iris always acts like she is better than us... why did you choose her? you showed zero interest in anyone, but that little..." Sarah was set flying with a kick from Sora, but she got back up, wanting to spill her rage out, but she was kicked to the ground once more as Sora's leg landed on her face.

"I chose? when did I say I choose anyone? I left to explore the world, Irene being the group leader, unlike Iris you 7 spent your time working to prove my kingdom, you became important pillars I could take anywhere. your position was far higher than Iris, yet you're fucking telling me, I should have put more trust in Iris than you 7?" Sora asked in a chilling voice, shocking the 7

"That day, I went out of my way to save you and the others. but to think I was saving a bunch of snakes... no, I guess 99% of humans are like this, you could so easily throw away everything, and for what? what did you hope to gain after betraying me?" Sora asked coldly,

"... but that doesn't matter, I will undo what I did that day, I will have you return to that suffering, but in the hands of demons." Sora's chilling voice sounded, horrifying to the ladies...

"where we you?" Iris asked as she jumped forward, hugging Sora who suddenly appeared, Sora up and disappeared, they were of course worried, but here Sora was, in top condition.

"I just needed to blow off some steam," Sora said while looking at Iris, after a moment he patted the little loli's head. he was unsure if she would betray him as well, would the group here also betray him? Sora's faith in humanity was at rock bottom, he even second-guessed throw around him, but he would see things through,

"..." Irene looked at Sora for a moment, she could guess he was second-guessing everyone. she would do the same thing in his shoes... yet he was not second-guessing her, which moved her,

Just as the others were about to speak, they all froze as a strange aura came from the sky, storm clouds gathered blocking out the sun. Julia, Tsuki, and the Siren's eyes shrink, this was the aura of a god.

before their eyes, a strange aura of death covered Sora, a curse. Irene's eyes shrink slightly, but before the curse could be placed, Sora blocked it with a barrier. this caused the crows to shake, followed by the dark clouds taking the form of a god.

"You for your skins of slaughtering thousands, you shall be cursed to walk this world for all of eternity, with the Contradictory Curse," the god said coldly, Sora's eyes turned cold,

"go ahead and try me, if you dare," Sora said coldly, as he Requip into a new set of armor. the god's eyes turned cold, this mortal dared to challenge him? first, he kills the god's pet, and now he dares to stand up to the gods?

"mortal, you have enraged this god, Ankhseram." the god said coldly, only for him to be answered with a middle finger, enraged, Ankhseram attacked Sora. Sora pushed Iris away and shot towards the sky. Seeing this, Irene panicked, and she quickly shot up. Ankhseram would not dare to harm her. how could Sora challenge the gods like this? she knew Sora might still be in a bad mood... but still, these were the gods,

she shot up after Sora while enchanting herself to move as fast as she could, seeing this, Sora summon his mount, the raven to get Irene away, how could she foolishly rush into this battle,

Ankhseram who was about to stop in his attack seeing Irene was going to get away, snorted slightly seeing Sora was helping him. Irene was chosen to be the hero even before birth by the god council, which were gods such as Odin, Zeus, Hades, and the other big shots, he dared not touch a finger on her, he also dared not show hints of who Irene was. Irene didn't tell others she was the hero because the gods forbid her from doing so,

Ankherarn and Sora clashed, and to Ankheram's shock, he was overwhelmed by Sora, which should be impossible with his resistance to all forms of attacks, not even the dragons had higher resistance than him

"Don't worry, I will see you within the heavenly realm," Sora said as his sword flashed, killing Ankhseram, and before he teleported as he sensed where Ankhseram's main body, Irene who was blocked by the raven froze seeing this,

the world around her turned gray and lifeless... no, it really did turn gray and lifeless, looking around, she saw she was surrounded once more by the 3 ladies in black robes,

"what side would you pick, love or the safety of the world?" one of them asked, making Irene's heart drop to rock bottom, this was the choice she had to make? but on second thought, if she sides with Sora, the gods would have to take a setback, it's not like Sora was the demon lord or something, it's not like he had an uncontrollable rage towards the gods which would not stop at anything.

everything looked good, a simple choice, she of course couldn't allow the gods to die, ro else the devil's world be set loose. but she couldn't allow Sora, to die. Sora was only overwhelmed by the loss of so many people, and the condition he found them in, so he was reckless.

throwing away all other thoughts which would make her choice harder, Sora turned her head towards the bird, she had to use this thing to somehow sense Sora, and teleport to him. it had Sora aura and was leaked to Sora, and with her Enchantment, although it would be hard, she should be able to do it after using up a huge amount of Mana