
Sora Rage

with 3 new members to the team, the 3 new members went on to introduce themselves to the others. the leader of the 3 was named Koe she was leveled 100, she was a stunning beauty with long blonde hair, she had the best voice among the 3.

at level 95 was Uta, she was a stunning beauty with long brown hair. among the 3, she was the most skilled at singing,

at level 90, was Kashi, who was also a stunning beauty with pink hair, among the 3, she was most skilled at creating new songs. with the 3 coming together, they could best show their ability, they were nothing without each other, and they were triplets and had been close since birth.

they were able to lose their fishtails and gain human legs with transformation magic, at which point they joined them on the boat and their journey continued, no one was sleepy after all of that, as the 3 ladies' mouths wouldn't stop running as they could finally talk to other people other than themselves

the group didn't mind, these 3 had inside stories about the gods, which they were all interested in. even stories that humans didn't know were told. through them, they learned about the rivalry between Zeus and Odin, a rivalry that had been going on since the fall of the Titans.

At one point, Odin was the supreme ruler of this world, but his potion of the supreme ruler was shaken after his daughter tried to overthrow her. this led to Zeus who was suppressed to get a footing,

Odin unlike Zeus wasn't almost a god, instead, he was mortal like many others. He only became a god due to his magic, Titan slayer magic which he throw to the side as he gained the power of the runes.

Unlike Zeus, Odin was a greedy and restless good. Odin would jump at many chances to gain unlimited wisdom, but that didn't mean they were not the same. they were both lustful, greedy, and ruthless.

millions of years ago, Odin tricked Zeus into eating his first love, who was pregnant with Zeus's child. out of rage, Zeus had Odin's first child killed, and this cycle has been going on for many years, although the two were unknown rivals, they were to come together to do their godly duties.

for example, the fall of the titans opened the doorway for new powers to try and take over, one of these powers were, well, the underworld. it turned out that the underworld was not simply a place where the dead good, It was a seal,

it sealed away the most powerful being, a being who wishes to destroy all of creation and reshape it within his own image. this being makes the demons look like child's play. in the past, there was only this one to worry about, but when Azure fell and the gods created humans things didn't go as planned.

the first human was Adam, and everyone knows him. he was the first human created, but after him was not Eva, but Lilith. She was someone who believed to be equal to Adam, so when the gods told her to obey him, she went against their wishes.

enraged, Lilith was punished by having her children die, her mouth sealed shut, and turning into a monster that shall never see the light of day.

the gods expected her to kneel at which point, but she turned towards the person sealed in hell, who welcomed her. and so, the curse placed upon him was broken, and she became the mother of a scary race known as devils.

She became a story that little people knew of, a warning to never enrage the gods, or challenge them. of course, her giving birth to the devils was hidden from the humans, and that was the god's biggest shame. instead, she was turned into a monster that went around stealing babies, while crying to the gods to forgive her.

"The gods might be a bunch of dicks at times, but they hold an important role. they pushed back the underworld after the fall of the titans and formed a powerful seal known as the 7 levels of hell, this seal had a few weaknesses, but so long as they live, the devils can never step foot into this world..." Uta said softly as she looked towards the sun which was raising,

"... how powerful are the devils?" Irene asked suddenly, Uta and her sister's eyebrows raised for a moment, before they fell into deep thought before shook their heads

"We don't know. all we know is that magic has no effect on them, they are Anti magic, complete immunity to any form of magic, and that's just the devils. the one sealed away is even scarier, said to have birthed magic." Uta said making everyone's eyes widen in shock,

"he is also why this realm in pieces cracked," Koe said confusing the group, seeing the looks of confusion, Keo thought for a moment before explaining. there were a total of 9 realms, The heavenly realm is where the Gods lived, The celestial realm is where the celestial spirits lived, and this realm was called the mortal realm. there were 4 other realms, the underworld was just one of them,

every world was endless, but the mortal realm was endless in another sense of the world. in the past, was a universe, endless. but it was shattered into an endless amount of fragments that acted like a mirror. these became mirror worlds or parallel worlds,

the gods, celestial spirits, and other beings can't physically appear within these words due to the state it's in. so they either have to be summoned within an avatar form, for example, the celestial spirits can't die due to the fact you are not truly killing its true self, but if you destroy the key, you would be killing any chances of it coming back to this world.

the gods were also like this, they needed avatars or something of the kind to enter this world due to their powers. but this is where demons broke this roar, their physical body could appear within this world without problem, and they would be reflected across the endless number of parallel worlds,

the gods themselves didn't know why, but this was a growing pain in the ass, which was easily fixed by having heroes across the endless number of worlds picked to fight the demons. some of course failed, and others win, but at the end of the day, the mortal realm was the god's first line of defense,

'I wonder if there is another Sora out there?' Sora thought while laying back on the boat ground, processing this new information,

{there is only one system, there are parallel Sora, but there is only one Sora who died and was reborn with a system.} the system said making Sora node slightly, but would this not draw attention to him? shrugging, his eyes turned to the side as he watched Irene suddenly get up while pulling out a crystal ball from her bag,

Setting away, Irene went to sit alone as she looked at the blowing crystal ball, before answering who was calling her, and she was stunned to find it was her father.

"where have you been in the past 8 months?" He asked with a deep frown, for 8 months now, he had been trying to call her, only for it to be blocked by something. but this confused Irene, shouldn't there be no contact during the time she was away?

"I was within the elves' forest, they had a barrier that blocked the outside world off... is something wrong?" Irene asked with a deep frown,

"sigh... I believe Sora is with you?" She asked seriously, to which Irene nodded in confusion,

"a little over 8 months ago, his kingdom was destroyed, and most of the citizens were either killed or taken in as slaves. it happened within a day, it was only a few days later news hit us. many kingdoms joined together to destroy it," He said in a deep voice, Irene's eyes widened upon hearing this.

"... I will leave you telling him that information." He said with a shake of his head, as his image disappeared, leaving Irene frozen on the spot. how was she to tell him this? but then again, she was the best person to tell him this.

Shaking her head, she cleared her mind and fell into deep thought. She knew how powerful Sora's kingdom was, even without Sora it was almost impossible for them to fall within a day, which meant someone betrayed them. as for who, she couldn't say. but it had to be someone with high potions, even then the enemy would need to know where to hit, along with all their weaknesses.

She could easily come to the conclusion of how to deal with Sora, space lock was the best way to deal with a summoner. that would instantly make that kingdom's power drop by more than 50%, but even so, it would not be enough for the kingdom to fall within a day.

after some time, she went to inform Sora of this news, after she enchanted the space so he don't teleport there out of the blue. once Sora heard the news, unmatched rage and killing intent shot out from his body, but above all, panic

he quickly tried to contact Brandon and his other summons but indeed, something was blocking him from talking to them. enraged, he tried to teleport, but space was locked, forcing him to turn towards Irene who hugged him

"you have a team, whoever they are, they knew where to hit, they know your weaknesses, so you can't go at it alone, I will not let you," Irene said softly, Sora hesitated for a moment, before in the end, he nodded, so Irene went to inform the others, who were on high alert after feeling Sora killing intent. they of course agree to follow Sora,

"I sense him trying to contact you... call the others, once he arrives, we would have magic that is out of this world." a one-eyed man said with a cold smile while looking at Brandon, who had his stomach cut open and his organs to be seen to the world, Branch flesh was cut off, allowing them to perfectly study him, but Brandon was the only one within the best conditions, the others were in stats which would make one want to throw up.

with the one-eyed man's words falling, the news was sent to all of the saints to gather, above everything, they dared not underestimate Sora. his actions so far left them all stunned, and in amazement, and now he was bringing himself to their doorsteps for them to study.

"... they should be around here," Sora said coldly while looking around, he tried to teleport to Brandon and the others, but something was stopping him from doing so, so he could only teleport to the closest place he have been, nearest to them and fly towards them.

"... someone locked the space," Irene said softly while looking towards the sky, all of them frowned for a moment, but Sora didn't care. heading forward toward the village ahead, his eyes turned cold to the scene, this was one of the villages under his kingdom, yet people here were turned into slaves,

Sora looked at them, but he didn't act to save them, he headed towards the center of the village, where he sensed Brandon and the others. the others followed while frowning, this village didn't smell good, it made shit smell good.

the smell only got stronger as they neared the center, where the village head house stood, the doors opened on their own, and Sora simply entered although Irene and the others tried to stop him,

"stay there," Sora said coldly, but Irene ended up following him after telling the others to be on high alert, so, she followed Sora, and the two headed downstairs, where they saw a dungeon that held all of Sora's minions, and even his siblings.

"Sora, you took your time. I kept 8 months trying to understand how these people from another world use their magic, but I got nowhere. I find it weird that your siblings seem normal, Do you mind explaining?" a one-eyed man asked with a gentle smile while looking at Sora, who was looking at Sakura who was slowly lifting her head to look at him.

She opened her mouth to try and speak, but she had screamed so much that she couldn't even make a sword. Something within Sora's head seemed to snap while looking at this, Sean his eldest sister, the one he promised to save was also in this condition, Sam didn't even have the power to look up,

meanwhile the minions, their body parts were cut off, and their organs were studied, while kept alive with magic. their tongues, eyeballs, and body parts were removed, and all needed to be studied,

"Who was it that betrayed me?" Sora asked in a chilling voice while he turned towards the one-eyed man, the man showed a huge smile as he called over his loyal assistance, and so, Sarah and the others walked in, with cold smiles while looking at Sora.

Sora's chilling glair landed on them, making their smiles freeze for a moment, only for it to return with a cold sneer,

"my chance you don't think an ant like yourself is enough to handle me, bring out the others," Sora said coldly as he turned towards the one-eyed man, who sneered disdainfully at Sora's words, what good was a summer without the capability to summon anything?

"such arrogant words for a little brat." the one-eyed Man said as he stood up, he was at level 89, a powerhouse even amongst Saints, he had nothing to fear from Sora. who couldn't summon a thing, but as he stood up, in palm could be seen growing before his eye.


Sora grabbed his face, and slammed heavily into the wall, causing the whole mansion to shake madly, as he fell in upon himself. Irene quickly moved to save Sora's siblings, and the minions, she was only here for support,

the one-eyed man's pained scream sounded, as Sora ripped out his tongue, only for Sora's eyes to dig into his one eye, and hold him up by it,

"Congratulations, you have enraged me. the suffering you shall go through will make the god's punishments look like child's play. your 9 generations, child, teen, or old, they shall join you in your suffering. the devil, demons, or gods, you will be calling me none of that. for to you, I shall become the living embodiment of evil." Sora's cold chilling voice entered the one-eyed man's ear, making his body shake in fear,

threw him into his house using the system, the system and him were one, Sora can enter and leave even if the space around him was locked. the only way to force him not to leave is by locking him in this space,


a beam shot from the sky, hitting Sora right in the chest and sending him stumbling backward, but that was all it did. with a flash, Sora shot out of the building, to find himself surrounded by 19 saints, and over 12 dragons who were all looking at him seriously

"He defeated the one-eye saint. don't look down upon him." a bold man said seriously, he sensed what happened within, and before any of them could act, Sora had already acted. with a flash, Sora shot toward the bold man, but before he could reach him, the armor he was wearing suddenly twisted around him,

taking this chance, Sora was slammed upon from the back, shooting him to the ground with all kinds of attacks. slowly getting out of the ground, Sora looked at his arm which was cut off but the swordsman saint among the 19 people there,

he might be at level 105, but he was facing over 30 enemies, which with high-level magic, the swordsman among them magic allows him to cut almost anything, one of them had the power to turn his equipment against them, and he didn't know what the others could do, At the end of the day, his magic was mostly based around summoning, with that gone, he would have a harder time in combat,

'reflect magic, swords magic, that's a lightning dragon...' Sora's cold eyes landed on all of them while his arm flowed up, and reacted to his arm. healing spell, the arm was good as new, Sora quickly flashed, removing his armor, and stood there butt naked while also dodging the attack which wanted to top him from healing his arm.

[Frenzy] Sora's body exploded with an aura that made those around him feel as if they were going mad, Frenzy was a spell that increased a person's power by 40%, but the damage they take shall be increased by 30%.

Just as Sora was about to rush forward, the ground shocked as a spear shot into the saints, the air was covered with an icy chill as arrows shot forward, and illusions of giant dragons appeared in the sky, roaring as they shot toward the 12 dragons, and the song of 3 beauties sounded,