
A wild card in Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

No one expects to be a demi-god, ha well I did, and when I "Regained Corporeal form" after my interdimensional acid trip, I wasn't, instead I was in a EXTREMELY familiar room with the long-nosed pimp master himself, Igor. Shit..... maybe don't go driving during a hurricane next time, dumbass. (SI-oc)

Johnathan_Banks · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Persona stuff, very cool.

............Nameless Forest(???) Time: Night Status:Alive.................[Achilles]{Arthur}"Speech"

[I think I have the answer to that.]

{Really? And what's that?}

[Alright, in this world the presence of the supernatural is extremely strong, unlike our old world which had zero supernatural aspects, I'd say that this world has about half the presence of the supernatural that the Age Of Gods had, most likely due to the weakening belief in them, because of this the ability called [Persona] has been changed in a way in which this world can manifest it's power, becoming closer to a [Transformation] than a [Summoning].]

{Okay, so your saying I can transform into my personas then? Does that mean I will have to do all the fighting? I mean, I beat the hellhound and all, but I have no idea where a monster such as that ranks on the power scale of this world, so am I fucked if I don't learn to fight?}

[No, in fact you already know the solution to that problem, you experienced it during the fight with the hellhound.]

{Okay, but what is it? The fight was mostly just me punching randomly, and the fucker exploding.}

[While that might be the case, you felt the answer on your own, "An instinct that wasn't your's" correct? That was MY instinct, and you are able to borrow it whilst you are transformed, along with a few of my abilities and equipment, however you need to be able to bear the burden of using them with your own body, which is why I only sent out about 20% of my total strength, and 15% of my instincts, even that was pushing it though as it is not only your first awakening, your new body lacks physical training.]

{Alright then, now that I know this is it time for a fucking training montage?! But before we get too hasty I would like to rest for a bit!}

[Not yet, we must first find some sort of civilization, get some food and rest got it?]

{Understood, but Achilles?} 


My expression morphed into an ugly glare, feeling the hatred bubble up inside of me, visible in my eyes, as if sensing this, the hellhounds blood and body parts scattered into golden dust, and then I spoke.

"Where. The. Fuck. is the BASTARD WHO SHATTERED MY SOUL?"

I was angry that my chances during my first life had gone to shit, and that someone was clearly responsible for it. I now remember one thing the orphanage matron taught me when I was released from it's custody, something I had forgotten when my soul was fragmented "Don't take shit from other people Xavier, especially not the assholes." And, in my book anyone who goes around fragmenting the souls of normal people is an asshole. But that is all in the past, and now I will give the fucker who did this a beatdown worse than a seven page muda, mark my fuckin words.

[I agree, but first focus on gaining strength and after that we can chase tha.. whoever that is.]

"Understood.... also can you read my thoughts?" I asked, curious as to the answer.

[Most surface level ones, as well as anything that is important to keep you safe.]

"Any examples of "Something Important To Keep me safe?"

[The current state of your body, facts and stuff that are important but you forget them because your a dumbass, and the list goes on.]

I nodded sagely pretending to care, when in reality I knew it didn't really matter, and then it hit me.

"Hold on a sec, what was that second example?? It sounded oddly specific!'

[Don't worry about it, anyways, any questions about your [Persona] abilities.]

Didn't I already say I understood, wait a minute! this the perfect opportunity to fuck with him!

"Yes actually, do I gain your number one weakness as well?"

[It depends on how much of my abilities you have at the moment, but yes.]

"Then if I shout MY WEAKNESS IS MY RIGHT HEEL!, can I expect others to ignore it and not go for it instead?"

[No you can't yell "MY WEAKNESS IS MY RIGHT HEEL!" and expect to live much longer, after all, it only takes one arrow to it, before you get fucked like I was, FUCK YOU APOLLO!]

..........Mt. Olympus Time:Always sunny near Apollo! Status:Prohpetin.....................


The sun god smirked before looking down at something only he could see.

"Did someone mention my beautiful self?"

............Nameless Forest(???) Time: Night Status:Alive.................[Achilles]{Arthur}"Speech"

"Anyway, do you come with guns? Like a combo meal?" I asked with a serious expression. 

[No, I am Achilles, not Odysseus.] 



Well I gotta get him now! I need my gacha luck to be more blessed than ever!

"One last question, if I eventually get a female persona, can I date them?" 

[No you can't, you become them when you transform.]

"Gender bending, one type of bending that the Avatar cannot master kinky, anway, your saying I can't have relationships with my future personas?? Shit, there goes my only hope of getting a girlfriend."

Future note, never transform using a female persona unless absolutely necessary. 

[If you train, you still have some hope, after all your new body is leagues above your own in terms of appearances.]

He replied to my speech, sounding like he was consoling me, bitch do I look like I need a girlfriend?

[Yes, and don't call me bitch, or else I'll do this again.]

"Do wha? ZzzZZzzz."

..................End of chapter. ............

Achilles withdrew his power from Arthur's body resulting in a TKO, wish I could fall asleep that easily. Anyways goodnight readers, or gooday, afternoon, or morning, wherever you are, I hope you have a nice pie day. 

Also, I lied, I didn't actually have a hard time writng this chapter, I just thought writing the Omake would be fun, and so I did, sorry for my severe lapse of judgement, it will never happen again








[This segment is brought to you by, Nah, I'd adapt.