
A war to begin

I'm underestimated girl who doesn't know what, how or where to obtain something huge for my life... who knows what tomorrow might become...

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6 Chs

No Escape

Mrs Sellsman: Tinker I'm going to tell the principal because I can't afford to loose my job because of your irresponsible ways. I'm sorry i won't help you I have kids to take care of so if I get fired you won't even be able to help me.

Tinker: Ma'am to be honest with you I didn't come with the phone.. I left my phone at home with my aunty and we also share that phone with my aunty

Mrs Sellsman: So you are saying the gost put that phone in your bag.

Tinker: Ma'am i think they are some people I suspect that they know how the phone get into my bag

Mrs Sellsman:oh so you're not alone in this situation but you have your group. Tell me who are they?

Tinker: I never said I'm in their group but...

Mrs Sellsman: Tinker don't waste my time . Who are these people!

"I think it's Elisa,Tyler and Timothy

Mrs Sellsman: sorry which Timothy!

Tinker: Timothy Karen

Mrs Sellsman: you mean my son is involved in this!

I'm not incl...

Mrs Sellsman: Say no more because I know that you are lying about this so that your aunty won't know that you sleeps around to get a phone.

Tinker: Ma'am I don't know any....

Mrs Sellsman:Shut up Tinker! I don't wanna hear any words from you , I'm going to tell the principal immediately and make sure you won't lie to them that you have alliance. Tell them you were alone, Do you hear me!.

I just nodded and said my goodbye's or i will say my sad byebye because this wasn't good anyway. I was hurt that the teacher wanted me to suffer but couldn't want that to happen to her son as well. She did not even hear the side line of my story and when she hides the phone I thought she believed me that I wasn't guilty. I did not even learn anything that day because my mind was somewhere else. If my friend was around i was gonna have someone to share my sorrows with but unfortunately she was gonna come next week to school due to her family problems.

The siren ringed at 4 o'clock and I knew it was time for my punishment. If you break any rule at school they punish you with everyone watching which was embarrassing.

The prefects were told to call everyone at the assembly. Everyone at our school knew that when they call us to come at assembly at 4oclock they will be the breach of the rule and someone will be in trouble.

Some of the students were curious to know which rule was broken and some knew already.


Principal: without wasting much of your time students let us do our motto which we do after someone breaks a rule . Motto/ breach a rule!

Students: punishment is the key to breaking of a school rule!

Principal:Tinker can you come up front.

My world is over that's what i told myself in my ❤️ heart. My legs were shaking and my heart was pumping too fast but i tried to control it.All the teachers were standing with the students, The guard was holding six big sticks that i knew that they were for punishing me.

Principal:;As you already know the rules i will say it in brief. Those who get caught on the wrong side of the law will not be left without punishment plus good move, you know that?

Students and teachers: yes

Principal: This girl that is standing here, some of you know her and some of you don't but we are not here to introduce her. Tinker has breached the rule that is one if the most important rule that she breaks. She brought a phone at school.

Students: hah

Principal: We called her aunty and she said she doesn't know anything about the phone and we want to hear from the horses mouth that where did she got the phone because her aunty is also worried. You can talk girl.

"I don't know how that phone got inside my bag because I have never owned that type of the phone....

Principal: you are still lying. You are going to be punished more than we wanted to punish you.

"I'm not lying but I'm telling the Truth"

Principal:so you mean the phone have legs now!

I did not have any power to continue telling them my truth as they were not believing me. I answered a no with my head. The principal beats me with all six sticks and I couldn't even walk without falling down. They were teachers and students who had grin on their faces, few who was feeling pity for me and some that you could not see how they felt about that. A form six, light skinned guy with blue eyes was the one who helped me to go to the dorm as the school was over.

I said to thank you to the guy shyly

Guy: You can call me Jay and you are Tinker right

"yes and I don't know you are you a new comer?"

Jay: Yes, by the way i believe you that you did not bring that phone but someone put it in your bag.

(shocked)"how did you know that"?

He just say goodbye without answering my question.


My aunty arrived in the afternoon and that's when reality kicked in. When all of this happened i never put that idea of how to protect myself from my aunty. Immediately i was called in headmistress office and the first thing I noticed was my aunty with a lion's face

Headmistress: Tinker the principal made a decision that you are going to get suspended for three weeks and you will have to dig a hole the day you come back to school.

I couldn't utter any word in the office with the way my aunty was staring at me, you would think that she wanna eat me. The only thing I could do is nodding and we were told that I'm supposed to come back at school on 1st of February. The whole way my aunty was so quiet that made me more frightened.We arrived at home in the midnight.

I thought my aunty was gonna confront me when we get home but she just locked the door whilst i was still outside and didn't say anything. I tried to shout aunty's name to open the door for me but it looked like I was calling a deaf person. Our fence and gate had razor wire that I couldn't jump and beside that I couldn't go anywhere in the midnight. I started to think about my parent that I didn't know or ever think about. As it was rainy season, it started raining heavily. Luckily enough they was a shade outside but I started to shiver because i was wearing a half jersey and the temperature was low. I was not afraid of the dark but 🌃 night walkers.I couldn't even cry but I can't explain how hurt I was. A scary night walker with sparkling green eyes appeared....I didn't know when, where or what to do, my mind stopped thinking in seconds. It walked slowly to where i was. My heart started throbbing and I tried to control the fear but i was fooling myself.

The night walker was now 5inch from me and it...
